I knew it, I knew it!  : )   I am SO SUPER DUPER EXCITED to announce we are having a baby boy!  
We have been incredibly lucky with Miss. Olivia and the perfect balance to our family will include a little handsome son!  
In just a few hours, we've been teaching Olivia "BOY" and she spews it out as "boo", which is perfectly fine by me!   We went for our 3D/4D experience last night and "boy" was that fun!  Not only was it obvious what we were having, but we got to see him squirming around, holding on to the umbilical cord, crossing his little legs and perfect little toes, OH,  and like a decent little guy, covering his boy parts!  : ) 
Both Rob and I were just beaming with pride as we walked out and did I mention EXCITED!!!!!!
I guess the only negative to this 3D experience was that I had the hardest time falling asleep after seeing how much of an impact my movements really do make on our growing little buddy.  A simple switch from side to side, a cough or laugh totally threw him off and he had to wiggle and cuddle back into his comfy spot - kinda like he was hugging me!  He was pretty low-key and so very sweet I just hate to know I disturb him.   On another note.... I had been contemplating whether I've been feeling him moving around and that was confirmed too!  Each time I saw him moving on the screen, I felt him!  So now, I can be sure of what I thought I was feeling!  SO AMAZING... I smile just thinking and anticipating movements from him!   
I feel so incredibly lucky having a sweet little girl and handsome little boy on the way but more importantly a husband that truly loves all of us!  May 25th can't come soon enough!


We'll let me just start off by saying I am incredibly thankful for family, friends and solid foods!   Wednesday night we celebrated with my family (Flanary-style).  We shared an amazing evening with all my wonderful nieces, nephew, brother, step brother and sister, brother in law and parents!    We ate like kings and cherished the time we were able to spend together.  It has been a few years since we were all in the very same great room and it was incredibly heart-warming to see our family all together again.  
In addition to the Holiday, we celebrated my mom's birthday!  I won't disclose her age ; )  but she is lovelier than ever and I am more thankful for her each year.  Happy Birthday MOM!

Thursday we rested, lounged, napped, lounged and finally packed up the mini to visit grandma Theisen.  We didn't get up North until about 6 and it was incredibly nice seeing Rob's family (aunt Karen/uncle Tom, cousin's Terri/Todd, Eric/Lynn and Rob's brother Kevin and his adorable kids)!   We spent some time at the Miller's place visiting, then ended up back at  Kathy's with just our immediate family.  We made plans to hang out with Joey and Mikenna all day Friday, while Kevin did some shopping and finishing touches in his home, BUT Friday morning I woke up not feeling all that well and spent the entire day throwing up.  GROSS!  I won't go into much detail, but it involved lots of surprise attacks and several fast dashes to the bathroom (some unsuccessful).   I felt awful and even more awful about germing up grandma's entire home!  She was very very nurturing and much more understanding than I would have been.  While I insisted in cleaning up afterwards, Rob took charge and was more than helpful.  Miss Olivia played with g-ma and dadda while I slept/puked the day away.  Everything we intended on doing/shopping for or seeing while up North was simply out of the question.  Saturday,  I managed to tolerate the drive home but was so exhausted and Sunday we woke up to me feeling better, daddy finally going hunting and I brought Olivia to my mom's while I did another photo shoot. Afterwards, we met with Mike and Isabel and headed to Shakopee for a little great-grandma time.   We had a lovely visit, over and over and over again.  And once again, I've been reminded of how important it truly is to cherish family and must say that my grandma is a beautifully antiquated gal!

Olivia, unfortunately, came down with a 102 temp, Sunday, and has it consistently through today.  I'm thinking a virus, but fear a possible first ear infection,  UTI or something else that causes high temps...   So, I've got to get it checked out today.  

Here's to a happy HEALTHY week!
14 weeks....LEMON!   It's about that time and I am slightly disappointed in the lack of my baby bump!  I'm sure by the 14th week with my Miss Olivia pregnancy I starting to "show" but not with this little turkey!  I've been buying cute momma shirts, in anticipation, and hope after the gender detection ultrasound, next Monday, I will start having a growth spurt.  Rob and I are getting very excited and can't wait to start teaching our Olivia about her new baby brother or sister!  Any guesses????  
Each time we ask her what the baby is boy or girl, she says "guuurl".... (but it isn't really up to her : )  I can't wait to put a name to him/her and hopefully our little lady will have mastered the name by May.  

In other pregnancy news: I am craving water and popsicles like crazy!  I likely drink 2  gallons per day and would eat box of 24 in a week but Rob limits me by making me feel guilty....  so I will have to think about switching to sugar-free ones soon!  
Oh, and on a VERY exciting note, I have been feeling light flutters and tension in my belly, over the last week.  About dinner time and bed time I am starting to get the sense of sweet little movements and I have to believe this is the beginning of another active baby.  I am not 100% convinced only because I didn't feel Miss Olivia moving until about 18 weeks.... but it isn't gas or anything comparable...  Anyone know if this is even possible at 14 weeks?

Hopefully, I will have some belly photos soon....   
Here's another little plug - I've decided to give away more free time to one lucky family this Holiday Season.  I'm calling it my Pay it forward event.  
Here is how it works: 
Find Emily Theisen Photography on Facebook or click on the Pay it Forward Event (below in yellow) and share a story about someone who deserves something a little extra this year.  The stories are endless and the instant gratification is AMAZING!  I'm inviting you to check out the information and nominate or vote for the stories that touch your heart.  The story with the most "LIKES" will win a one hour session.  Originally, I thought December 3rd would be a good deadline, but with all the interest and suggestions to keep this going until 12.25.10, I've dec

Click here to learn more: 
This week flew by, like all the rest, and we managed to pack everything in.  Saturday morning started off great for me, with my much desired one hour massage!  This one was well overdue - my mom gave me a gift card to Simonson's for my first pre-Mother's Day 2009!  
After an hour of pure bliss, I headed to a few Maple Grove shops searching for this years home holiday decor.  I found some really neat faux flowers and plan to create my own wreaths and arrangements.   Eeks!
At 3:00 we were in Chanhassen for a couple of in-studio family sessions I booked earlier this week.  Let me just say one year olds are very quick and, honestly, I was really worried about the quality and number of decent shots I was going to get. The little girl was so cute, but very very active! My second session was with a little 4 month old beauty, who was super needy and un-cooperative.  While I love taking photos of kids, infants are not my pick.  I think I will keep dedicating my time to the toddler+ ages, because of the action/candid shots I can capture. Plus.... posing and propping a little baby under fully lit soft boxes managed to make me very sweaty!  After rolling all over the studio floors, Rob Olivia and I headed to Outback Steakhouse for a delicious dinner and gluten-free desert!  Thank goodness we got home before the rainy cold weather kicked in!

Sunday, we woke up to an icy mess but did head to church for our Family Tradition group.  My mom joined us for the class and we had a nice time talking and discussing the traditions we have in our individual families and ones we will  make for our growing Theisen family.   Here are some that we came up with and ones Rob and I plan to share with our loves: 
Rob's Family:  Christmas Football games at Grandma's house, Kathy making delicious cookies, Rob & brothers begging to open gifts on Christmas Eve, making annual ornaments. 
My Family:  Annual cookie bakes, family gatherings (lots of them) and big dinners, card games and wine!
OUR family: we are going to continue with the cookie bakes, make or get one new ornament for our kids each year, continue volunteering or donating gifts to charity, chop down our Christmas tree!  I've been looking at the different types, and if anyone has suggestions for the least messy - please let me know!  Oh, and let's not forget the WINE!!!! (starting back up in 2011!) 
Sunday afternoon, Olivia and I did some early Christmas shopping and celebrated Miss Madeline's first birthday party!  She is one of the cutest little ladies around and we are lucky to have such great friends just down the road from us!

Here is to a great week, Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels!


While he was up in his deer stand somewhere, Olivia and I had a wonderful weekend together!  We snuggled A LOT, went to dinner Friday night with Hill and Destiny (P.F. Changs).  Sat,  I did a super cute family photo shoot and took advantage of a inspiring and informational Cannon Seminar on Saturday afternoon.  Sunday, we took a trip to the Children's Museum with my cutest little niece, Isabel, brother Mike and Grandma!  We really had a blast and I feel luckier than ever to have such a wonderful family!  We even celebrated my step-dad's birthday with cards, cake and ice cream - Olivia devoured it, as usual.  See our photos in this weeks montage slideshow. 
Rob re-joined us on Monday evening and we settled in early.  Single-parenting can be very tiring for a 2nd trimester mommy-to-be!  Tuesday, we headed off to ECFE, as usual and did end up enrolling for the Spring semester, too.  After weeks of involvement, we have set one night a week to stimulate and encourage Miss Olivia and since we are expecting in May, I want to get her in another session before we are tied down for several months.  

Yesterday, I had my 3 month dr. visit and I was really excited to hear our babe's heartbeat!  I had totally forgotten about the blood draw and flu shot that was needed, but I did manage to get through it!  I don't think I will ever get used to needles or blood, for that matter.   Anyhow, the sound of a strong little heartbeat filled the room and, once again, I was in tears!  I keep saying this pregnancy isn't as exciting as the first, but each "milestone" I hit, is so emotional that I find that I am only lying to myself.  After yesterday, I almost feel like it's more beautiful, as I know what to expect and look forward to each event/appt. 
So, listen for yourself - a "strong and fast" heartbeat....... about 160!
After our u/s on 10.18.10 - I was told I had a cyst on my ovary and recalled hearing that last pregnancy, too.  SO, I inquired at this last appt. and found out that each time I ovulate I produce what is called a functional cyst that stores hormones in the event an egg is fertilized.  Eventually, the cyst naturally goes away and is nothing to worry about but the interesting fact, I guess, is that Olivia developed from my left ovary and this little one from my right!  I find it to be slightly interesting - and special!  : )   
I am not sure if I had mentioned this, but Rob and I are on a Wednesday night co-ed volleyball league (we call ourselves Spiked Punch), and last night we won two of three games!  WHOOP WHOOP!  I am really the least competitive person, but I am gloating today over my winning serves that got us one of the wins!  We both came home with lots of marks and broken blood vessels on our arms but it was so worth it!  We did manage to stop for an Orange Julius and Snickers Blizzard before we headed to my mom's to pick up our little dancing queen!  

And today, Rob packed up miss livie-loo and headed to grandma T's until tomorrow, sometime.  He took this entire week off and has become quite the man of leisure!  He is planning to hunt with his pal, Sorin, while grandma spends more quality time with O.  I look forward to a night of R&R - a movie (Due Date) with Hillary, and hope to get some ideas brewing for my 1st event, promoting my photography business!  I've got a booth and need some product and brochure type materials.  I've had several sessions over the last month and look forward to penciling in all the inquiries that rolled my way, just this week!  WISH ME LUCK!

Oh, Bob.....Each day, every day, we miss you.  
You were the goofball that lightened the mood, the fighter who always voiced your thoughts and the man who always took care of our family.  Just two years ago, we were celebrating your 70th birthday, surprising you with the news of our little baby, who was "on the way".  You cried happy tears that night and it makes us so very sad not to tell you, in person, the news of our newest little one "on the way".  Rob and I talk about you almost every day and I tell your little granddaughter stories every chance I get.   It still makes us sick knowing you couldn't swoop her up in your arms and give her a great big granddaddy hug, when you pleased.  We do, however, cherish the times you could hug her and kiss her!  I will never forget the wonderful father you were to Rob and thank you for bringing me into your family so quickly!  I believe the first time we met, you asked when I was going to start living with Rob and become his wife!  : )  I truly believe you are the heart and soul behind the great father and friend Rob is to us girls and couldn't have asked for a better father-in-law, than you.  I've got so many stories rolling through my head right now,  like each year you calling Rob and I on the phone in your terrific singing voice, belting out the classic "Happy Birthday Song"! Even when you were in the hospital last year, you managed to surprise us by leaving a voicemail!   You are missed dearly, treasured often and live strong in our hearts.   HUGS to you, and Happy Birthday, dad - we are celebrating your life, especially today!  

Oh, and let's not forget about Monday - your wedding anniversary!  The boys are up North hunting this weekend and are have taken an extra day off to treat Kathy to a day of bliss.  We've planned for some lovely flowers (your personal favorites) that will be delivered to her and we know you are send lots of love her way.    Keep watching over us!  xoxo   
So each morning, I shower, blow dry my locks and put on a little make-up.  I have realized Olivia's interest but didn't assume that she was able to mimmic my exact actions.  So, last night I walk into the bathroom and catch her putting mascara on her lashes.  OMG!  TOO CUTE!  I startled her a bit and she dropped the tube and applicator brush very quickly.  I didn't want her to feel ashamed or alarmed so I gave her a huge hug and told her it was okay.  I love that she's exploring, but dada and I agree that she's just a little young for Cover Girl products!  And, I am glad that I found her so quickly, or I fear she would have looked much more made up than this!   
Check out her mini makeover!
Monday, Hillary, Destiny and I headed to a fabulous nail salon in Golden Valley for some much needed pampering.  We each elected the luxury pedi's and boy did that feel AMAZING!  Hill and I treated ourselves to a manicure as well.  We all agree that we need to set a little more time aside and do this at least monthly.  D and I think weekly, but that's simply wishful thinking!  

Anyhow, we had a lovely time, as usual and even treated ourselves to a tasty Orange Julius on the the way out.  If you didn't know, that is my very favorite treat!  

I think this Friday or Saturday we are planning on doing both of the gal's birthday dinners, too.  D hit the big 30 on 10.22.10, and Hill turned 28 on the 27th.    I just love these gals and look forward to as much time with them as possible!  If you didn't know, for a while each of them lived in different states (AK and SD), which was very sad and we started talking that they will both be in MN when our newest little one arrives this May.  THANK GOD for special girl friends!
Tuesday (6 am) Rob took off on another business trip, this time to Buffalo, NY.  As you may recall, the winds were terrible in the surrounding states and he certainly experienced an interesting flight.  One woman had her throw up bag in hand, while another yelped "Oh MY God" each time the plane dipped.  He was very very excited to get back on the ground but did spend a little extra time in Detroit after missing his connecting flight to Buffalo.  I was very happy to hear he made it and was praying for the weather to settle before his return to MSP.  

While our love was gone, little miss Olivia loo-hoo and I took advantage of some girlie time - SHOPPING!  I often find myself buying her clothing that fits "now" rather than going a little big and fitting for a while.  So, I got her some really cute 24 month stuff that is intended to last for a few months, anyway.  Rob and I have realized that we never really cleaned out her armoire, drawers or closet and still have 9 and 12 month clothes taking up space.  It was bittersweet packing those items up.

Thursday, we planned to pick up daddy about 8 pm.  But, first, we met my mom at the Olive Garden for a little carb filled dinner and ate our hearts out.  I hate to brag, but my mom is just the most wonderful woman.  She lights up each time a grandchild walks into the room and has love spewing from her ears.  All grandparents love their g. children - but I find my mother taking this pride to a whole new level.  

Friday, we invited Grandma T. and my Dad & step-mom to our place for another year of pumpkin carving.  This year, we had delicious Papa Murphy's pizza's, lots of giggles and great news!  After dinner, we changed Olivia into her "pumpkin carving shirt and had her bring two little pumpkins to the grandparents.  They didn't catch onto our little pumpkin surprise for about 35 minutes - maybe longer..... but when we told them to look at Olivia's shirt, my dad yelled out, "ARE YOU PREGNANT?!"  YES!!!!   That's right, we are expecting another baby!  We couldn't be happier or luckier! 
Fortunately, Rob and I just have to talk about babies to make them happen.  On our anniversary cruise, we talked and the  plan was to try in August, when we got pregnant with our little darling 2 years ago, and well... there is simply no planning required with us - August it was!  We are due 5/25/11 - just one week before our lady will turn 2.  2 under 2, OMG.
Another interesting fact about this, is I will have been pregnant for about a 1/2 year from 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011.  Seems so odd to say but here we go again!

We found out early September and went in for our first ultra sound.  Then, he/she was only visibly a little bag of water.  3 weeks later, we went in for another u/s and found ourselves seeing a very tiny heartbeat, cute little leg and arm buds and a huge head.  I didn't think I would be so emotional at our second visit, but once I saw the little heartbeat, I broke down into tears and felt absolutely overjoyed!  I completely forgot about the feelings associated with early pregnancy and they all rushed back, with a quick glance. 

So... Names!  We have pre-planned our names (since we debated them for about 9 months, last time) and are set for this one.  Should it be another little lady, we are going with M.J.T or a little guy G.H.T.    Let the guessing begin!

Rob is convinced, so far that we will be blessed with more tutu's and frill, but I am not so sure.  I have been feeling pretty good, no over the toilet experiences, this time.... SO I have a little reservation that the outcome will be the same....  
Either one, of course, will be another amazing addition and we look forward to another upcoming appt. on 11.10.10.
If you look closely at the first image above, you may notice something that appears to be "boy parts"!!!!  I was really hoping this was a glimpse into our future, but apparently, those specifics couldn't possibly be visible at the 8 week 5 day stage.  The "part" is actually just the curvature of our little baby's spine, as you can see in image two.    So, for now, we will settle with the unknown.
Saturday, Kathy and I headed out with some of the Theisen Gals for a day trip which included shopping, chocolates, coffee, drinks and a wonderful time in Stillwater.  I found myself a really cute new wool jacket in a shop called Local Color and can't wait until it gets colder out.  We took a cave tour before dinner then ate at Luna Rosa.  It was a nice Italian experience, but not a place I'd necessarily head back to.  It was really nice getting to know these ladies and expand some of my knowledge about the Theisen Family, in general.  I look forward to another trip next year.  

And finally, we did our first ever trick or treating with our little kangaroo, grandma Flanary, Uncle Mike and Cousin Isabel.  We stopped over at Grandpa Bob's twin sister's place  (Bobby) who was waiting for Olivia and gave her some yummy animal crackers and teddy grahams.  We then headed around Golden Valley and really had a great time!  Olivia marched up to each door, yelled out "HI" and "Bye Bye" - even a few "thaant -uuuuu's" after treats were dropped in her bag.  You'll have to hit up the montage page for all the cute photos!
