While he was up in his deer stand somewhere, Olivia and I had a wonderful weekend together!  We snuggled A LOT, went to dinner Friday night with Hill and Destiny (P.F. Changs).  Sat,  I did a super cute family photo shoot and took advantage of a inspiring and informational Cannon Seminar on Saturday afternoon.  Sunday, we took a trip to the Children's Museum with my cutest little niece, Isabel, brother Mike and Grandma!  We really had a blast and I feel luckier than ever to have such a wonderful family!  We even celebrated my step-dad's birthday with cards, cake and ice cream - Olivia devoured it, as usual.  See our photos in this weeks montage slideshow. 
Rob re-joined us on Monday evening and we settled in early.  Single-parenting can be very tiring for a 2nd trimester mommy-to-be!  Tuesday, we headed off to ECFE, as usual and did end up enrolling for the Spring semester, too.  After weeks of involvement, we have set one night a week to stimulate and encourage Miss Olivia and since we are expecting in May, I want to get her in another session before we are tied down for several months.  

Yesterday, I had my 3 month dr. visit and I was really excited to hear our babe's heartbeat!  I had totally forgotten about the blood draw and flu shot that was needed, but I did manage to get through it!  I don't think I will ever get used to needles or blood, for that matter.   Anyhow, the sound of a strong little heartbeat filled the room and, once again, I was in tears!  I keep saying this pregnancy isn't as exciting as the first, but each "milestone" I hit, is so emotional that I find that I am only lying to myself.  After yesterday, I almost feel like it's more beautiful, as I know what to expect and look forward to each event/appt. 
So, listen for yourself - a "strong and fast" heartbeat....... about 160!
After our u/s on 10.18.10 - I was told I had a cyst on my ovary and recalled hearing that last pregnancy, too.  SO, I inquired at this last appt. and found out that each time I ovulate I produce what is called a functional cyst that stores hormones in the event an egg is fertilized.  Eventually, the cyst naturally goes away and is nothing to worry about but the interesting fact, I guess, is that Olivia developed from my left ovary and this little one from my right!  I find it to be slightly interesting - and special!  : )   
I am not sure if I had mentioned this, but Rob and I are on a Wednesday night co-ed volleyball league (we call ourselves Spiked Punch), and last night we won two of three games!  WHOOP WHOOP!  I am really the least competitive person, but I am gloating today over my winning serves that got us one of the wins!  We both came home with lots of marks and broken blood vessels on our arms but it was so worth it!  We did manage to stop for an Orange Julius and Snickers Blizzard before we headed to my mom's to pick up our little dancing queen!  

And today, Rob packed up miss livie-loo and headed to grandma T's until tomorrow, sometime.  He took this entire week off and has become quite the man of leisure!  He is planning to hunt with his pal, Sorin, while grandma spends more quality time with O.  I look forward to a night of R&R - a movie (Due Date) with Hillary, and hope to get some ideas brewing for my 1st event, promoting my photography business!  I've got a booth and need some product and brochure type materials.  I've had several sessions over the last month and look forward to penciling in all the inquiries that rolled my way, just this week!  WISH ME LUCK!

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