Olivia will be 15 months old on September first and I cannot believe what a darling little lady she has become. She's in the 50th percentile for weight (23lbs) and 75th for height.  Thankfully, her bod has finally matched her big melon and also measures in the 50th percentile.  
She is so good natured, has beautiful skin, eyes and huge heart. She always sings softly, voices her opinions, stands up to bullies, shares with others, sleeps about 11 hours each night and still gets in two 1/2 naps per day. She is so cuddly, kissie, loves other kids, super fast and intelligent. 

She signs: more, keys, cracker, eat, puppy, mommy, daddy, hat, please, book, quiet, thank-you, cat, more, all-done, flower, water, milk, no, yes, shoes, good-bye (blow kisses) watermelon, grapes.  We are working on potty, noodles and coming up with much more ; ) 

She knows where her nose, eyes, knees, feet are. She throws up her arms in the morning and groans as she stretches (super cute!) She attempts to throw temper tantrums by slowly flattening her body onto the floor then looks up to see if she did it right - it's so hard to hold back the giggles!  

She's got 12 teeth (4 upper and lower front and 4 molars).  Took teething like a champ and hardly skipped a beat.  She still loves her woof and playing dress up. 

She eats everything except: Oranges and  mac n cheese.  

Loves making the fish face, exploring new places and coloring.  Is super curious about putting items into purses, smearing on lip gloss, climbing up on everything, dancing, puppets, singing, brushing her hair, wearing bracelets/necklaces and talking on the phone.  

Her family and friends call her: Yee-yah, Oyia- Cakes, Livie Lu, chicken nugget, buba, little lady, munchkin, sweetie-pie, luv-a-la and baby cakes.

She clearly says: Amma (grandma) Papa, shhh (quiet time), dada, mama, bup-pa (up) hot, det dwn (get down) crak-a (cracker) teet (eat) beep, pupa (poop) cheese (for the camera), dan-tin (dancing) uh-oh, hi, peek, oooh,  yeah, tickle tickle, keys, go-go (run), woof-woof (puppy), ball, book, shz (shoes),  no, eeow (cat) and we are working on her name - but for now it is lahlerlauher-lahlerlauher.  She's using some new sounds and starting to belt out new words, so I am so excited to see what she's working on.
She is the loveliest little miss and I am so very thankful she's mine.
In the earlier half of this month, My mom and I headed to Wicked with a group of friends.  We were incredibly impressed with the performance and would highly suggest any of you going to see it.  GAAAAAlenda was hysterical and made me think of my little lady the whole time.  Her "valley-girl" attitude and obnoxiously cute girly ways were portrayed so well by the actress.  Obviously, the entire production was incredible so, if you've got the opportunity, take it.
So you've all read my earlier posts about Rob and his business trip out East - I just thought I'd share some of the photos he took out there. 



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Rob, Miss. O and I recently went to another Twins game.  She was just as amused as the last few we've been to, just much more aware of the cramped little area we reserve by only purchasing two tickets.  We did get a few innings in before a much needed lap of the stadium (and an ice cream cone!).    

Livie giving Mr. Kirby a good luck kiss
I'm out of order on my thoughts and blog posts, but here we go... On Saturday, we had our very dear pals, Erin and Mike, watch Miss Olivia while we attended my cousin's wedding.  The event was spectacular and, I must mention the vegetarian meal being the best I've ever had.  For once, I wish I could have had seconds!  We had a wonderful time and couldn't have asked for a nicer group of family to spend our time with.  Uncle Mike and Aunt Ann (from AZ), Uncle Al and Aunt Cheryl (from NE) were in attendance. I only wish they were around more frequently.  Uncle Don and Judy, of course, were hilarious.  Sue and the kids entertained us, to say the least.  Peg and Lowell, Eileen and Phil - HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLD MAN!   The whole group, welcoming and amazing.    If you didn't know, my mom is from a large group of siblings.  As grandma would say; "Mike, Donny, Eileen, Peggy, Marie, Joanie, Alan and Susie." 
It is very unlikely that I will ever have eight children, but if I did, it would be because of the dynamic and spunk of these eight wonderful people.  Being around such an amazing family makes me want to be part of something like that. I realize that I am, along with all my 28 or so cousins, but to be in direct contact with them each day, would be simply wonderful!  

Okay, back to the wedding - it was lovely and we had a very nice time!  The bride and groom have two lovely, twin, girls and have been anxiously waiting to wed.  The father's had respectable speeches and the wedding party was a hoot.  Here is a glimpse of the evening.

Uncle Don and Aunt Judy
Lovely cousins and Aunts
My mom and Uncle Mike
My cute cousin Erin
Aunt Ann and Cheryl
Aunt, Eileen, My mom and Aunt Sue dancing with Random guy.
Erin and Mike will likely want to kill me, but I have to mention it..  When we arrived home, we noticed the place smelling like Bath and Body works.  I had to ask, did someone " POOP" - or what!  She proceeded to tell me all about the sausage pizza they ate for dinner and how it wasn't sitting well.  Mike was incredibly embarrassed and told her to stop explaining.  I guess next time we ask them to babysit we'll have to 86 the pizza.   
So, after a week of anticipation, Rob flew out for his East Coast Adventure.  

If you must know, I was strong and encouraging the entire week, prior.  I felt confident in his travels.  But, as we kissed our man and gave one last hug, some incredibly strong feelings tripped me up.  In a simple moment, I was balling, so sad, so alone, so
very sad.  I clutched Olivia tightly as I sobbed watching Rob make his way through the security line.  For minutes, I prayed he'd turn around and come back to me.  Everything was moving in slow motion until he disappeared into the crowd of travelers.  I scanned the crowd, from afar, and was devastated as I lost track of him. I've never felt such a feeling of loneliness.   Even now, it makes me cry thinking about him.... 
I know it might seem simply insane to cry like a little baby for three whole days, but it makes me realize how very in love I am with Rob.  
A short  half-week seems too long and I simply cannot wait to welcome him home late Wednesday night. 


Well, it is official!  Rob was promoted to a new role in his company and is now a traveling man.  

This first trip, he's headed to the East Coast.
Rob will sadly be leaving his two, very lovely, gals on Sunday afternoon and flying into Boston.  He's staying in pretty fancy hotels and said, " it will be like a second honeymoon".    Mill falls
I am very very proud of his accomplishments and extremely impressed that his new role requires travel!  I have to admit I am a bit jealous,  since I will not be joining him.    

So here's the plan; on Sunday evening he heads out to New Hampshire.  That evening he'll be staying in a very cute, did I mention fancy, bed and breakfast in.  (totally his style)

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,  he'll be traveling and touring some other company locations and retreating to his hotels in and around New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts.  Late Wednesday night, he will be flying out of Philadelphia into Milwaukee and then into MSP. 

Please keep him in your thoughts for safe and exciting travels!  And, if you wish, you could give him a BIG CONGRATS!
He's SOOOOOO funny!
On Sunday we headed down to the MPLS farmers market and had one hell of a time finding a place to park.  I was stressed with the countless pedestrians and my mom's very obnoxious whistling ringtone, but nevertheless, we FINALLY found a spot and had ourselves a great time.  Miss Olivia was looking like a true tourist around the joint and was extremely interested in the organic peppers.  

In the midst of all the excitement and exploration, she did manage to stop and point out her eye!   It is so fascinating to watch her recall silly little things, that we are teaching,  at the oddest of times.
After shopping, we treated ourselves to a very delicious lunch.  I happen to call Kinhdo (a Vietnamese place in Uptown) my VERY FAVORITE restaurant.    The spring rolls and peanut sauce are to die for and the vegetarian fantasy - is a true fantasy for my taste buds!  
Of course, our check was presented with those wonderful little fortune cookies.  Mine, was obviously very accurate!
  • Touching belly buttons - watch out - she'll get yours!
  • Throwing her own diapers away and cheering herself on by clapping. 
  • Sitting on the potty chair and wiping her mouth with toilet paper.   (she's still a little confused : ) 
  • Giving big bear hugs and lots of slobbery moochies!
  • Splashing and playing in water
  • Saying 'EEEZ' for the camera
  • Talking on the phone
  • Eating with utensils
  • Stopping at every flower to take a big dramatic whiff of it!  (my personal favorite!)