I wanted to say thank you to everyone who either attended or hosted a shower for us!  We appreciate every gift and find ourselves oohing and awwing over all the fun things!  

Most recently, I was thrown a shower at KDV, where friends and co-workers gave us a lovely car seat and stroller, monitors, books, blankets and outfits! 

I wanted to say thank you to Great Aunt Joan and pal Tracy for the beautiful quilts!  They are certainly going to be treasured for a life time! 


Yesterday I was seen at the dr. for, what I was hoping to be the last visit, but unfortunately, I will be going back on June 3rd.  Ironically, this date is our "dating" anniversary.  It is amazing how 5 years flys by.

At my appointment, I was still dilated to a lousy 2, the baby sits at a +2 (really low) and well... it's just a waiting game now!