My friend and Olivia's godmother, Hillary, came into town this past week and we met up at the MOA.  I really needed to get my rings cleaned and a GODIVA chocolate!  We had a blast and found the Old Time Photo shop and decided to have some fun!  Olivia was such a good little flapper and enjoyed playing dress up as much as we did!   They charge an arm and a leg for one photo and your other arm and leg for the second photo.  We decided to purchase three of our favorite and here they are....
This past Thursday I started my "personal training" at SNAP Fitness.  I have been very excited to get back to the club and get my bod back!  

I have been telling my gal pals about this and they are all like, "Ooh, you must be rich" or "Aren't you something special" - but let me just clear this up by saying my husband spends more cash in one weekend on hunting than I will in 10 weeks of training.  I guess when people hear "I've hired a personal trainer" they think it is extremely expensive or out of their league. To clarify, I felt like spending a little dinero on getting back into shape was not a bad investment.

I am working on my goals and hope that I don't end up looking like the HULK, but rather just toning and feeling more active.  
In my first session, I was amazed at how well the machines actually worked! I have been doing them for several years now and I guess when you use them correctly, it really makes a difference!  : ) 

This weekend we had the opportunity to head up north, a little past Alexandria, to a friend's cabin.  I cannot tell you how much fun it was fishing! We were on their private lake and it was called the aquarium because every time we'd drop our line, a fish started biting.  I have never been a fan of fishing but because of the company and good luck I really enjoyed myself! One of our friends named each little minnow as she dropped him/her in the water and it was very entertaining to hear the names she came up with after she had a few beverages!  

While we were having fun, Olivia stayed with my mom, grandma Flanary, for two whole nights!  This was only our 2nd weekend away and I was a little sad to leave her behind.  Of course,  my mom did an excellent job and we were so HAPPY to see them having a good time on Sunday.  Olivia really loves her and it shows in her darling little expressions!  
To show our appreciation, we sent my mom an edible arrangement and it was so delicious!  I just couldn't resist eating a few pieces of chocolate dipped apples and strawberries!  

Here is the report... This week started off with a kickboxing class for mommy followed by a much needed and deserved massage!  Good lord, a kickboxing class really should be called Kickin' your tubby but in gear class!  I never could have imagined how tough it really was!  In the class, we were broken into two groups.  The first group lined up in front of a wall of mirrors and started the "warm-up" and the second group lined up behind them.  As I was watching others in my class, I realized that I was by far the least muscular, the shortest and the palest of them all!  I was trying very hard to get down the kicks and jab punches but it was cracking me up as I watched myself do this routine with my very uncoordinated and noodle-like arms! 

We visited grandpa at the hospital several times this week and he was doing well!  On our Thursday visit Rob spent about an hour in the room as Olivia and I waited a family room.  Once Rob was done visiting I headed in for my turn.  I put on the gown and gloves, that help keep everyone's germs to a minimum, and walked in.  I shouted out, "Bob, I'm here for your surgery" and he looked at me with his GIANT eyes.  Once he figured out it was me he puckered up his lips and pretended to blow kisses at me!  What a classic move!  I just enjoy talking to him and telling him my funny jokes!  I shared a few with him but he didn't even chuckle so I asked him if he was tired or if I just wasn't being funny.... He started laughing and have me a very tight hug.  He is the same old Bob but is just temporarily in a sick body.  He needs lots of love and prayers so please remember to include him in yours too!
Grandpa (my dad) loving Livi!
We see you, you little cutie!
Olivia spent lots of time with grandparents this weekend! On Saturday, Grandpa and Grandma Lindenfelser came to our house for a visit!  Olivia just loved them up and showed off her gummy smile the whole time!
That evening, Olivia went to Grandma and Grandpa Flanary's for her overnight visit!  She did very well and is requested to do it more often.  My mom is such an AWESOME grandma and we obviously adore her.  She has been such a great support person for us, as new parents, and we just couldn't ask for a lovelier person in our lives.

This past weekend we spent with friends for a 30 birthday party. This is his second year being 30 and we had more fun than last year!  We were surrounded by lots of entertainment at the New Brighton Legion.  Who could have imagined a couple guys from Chicago could have entertained us all so much!  : ) 

This week my dear friend Hillary is heading back to MPLS.  We are really excited to spend some quality time with her and laugh our heads off, as usual!
Also, this upcoming weekend we are heading to a friends cabin in Alexandria, MN.  There will be several other couples, and singles, going to party it up.  Most of the couples going are new parents, like us, and have kids 6 months old and younger.  So, all the wives and girlfriends have been coordinating who is bringing what, what we will be doing and of course, we are all VERY excited to have a mini vacation together.

 TWINS   What an AMAZING week Cuddyer has had!  Olivia, my friend Katie and I attended the game on today (9/20) while Rob was home enjoying a fantastic Vikings game.

Olivia mostly slept the last half of the game because she had been crowd surfing the earlier half!  She visited some of the twins friendly fans!  It turns out the couple next to us were a very friendly and had a very similar family as Rob's.  They were very interested in holding Olivia which was great because Katie and I got to enjoy our Macho Nachos!   : ) 

It was sad that our Twins lost today but we had a very nice time!  Also, this was likely our very last time at the dome.  We picked up a Michael Cuddyer shirt for Olivia to wear next year when we go to the games outdoors!  We are very excited for next season in the new stadium! 
 Thanks again, Aunt Barbie, for the tickets!  You have supplied us with several free games this year and we absolutely appreciate your kindness!
Today I met up with my friend, Katie, for a quick latte and a visit to a vintage shop in Uptown.  We had lots of laughs and met some very interesting folks.

After our visit, I headed home to drop Miss Olivia off for some "daddy" time... He went to pick up her 3 month photos while I enjoyed some alone time and my very first kickboxing class.  I had the time of my life, but am sure I will be sore in the morning!  I have been trying to find a way to get back in gear and hit the gym more frequently.  It is just so hard to go back when you have been eating too much ice cream, having lattes with pals!  : ) 
I think I am more motivated than ever and will surely be signing up for more classes.  I just can't wait to see results!

On Saturday we spent a few hours shopping at Creative Kids Stuff and Dick's sporting goods.  I needed to pick up some gloves for my kickboxing class that I am starting Monday night!  I am just so excited!! When we were at Creative Kids Stuff Rob found one of those little "trick" ice cream guns.  This is something that you pretend you are going to have someone lick and then push the little button and the scoop of ice cream pops off and hits your victim in the face.  Well, guess WHO was the victim?  ME.  The ice cream bonked me right in the nose and Mr. Funny laughed his butt off!  Actually, the store manager happened to see what he had done and asked if we needed to fill out an accident report!  It didn't hurt or even startle me, however, Rob is still laughing about it. This is totally something Bob would do and we just had to share the story when we were visiting Saturday evening!  I haven't seen Bob smile so long for a really long time!  He laughed and gave me a little punch like the old days! He was giving us hugs and just loved holding Olivia's hands and rubbing her little feet.  Unfortunately, she was a little tired from our day and was unable to spend much time in the room without letting loud yelps, so Rob and I took turns taking her out of the room. I have to say he was in the best mood yet and it was so great to see him laughing at our silly stories!  We just had to inform him that Brett Favre is now a Viking and what drama that has been.  He repeated the word drama back to me and smiled.  We are so HAPPY Bob is showing positive signs and we are excited for our next visit!

Sad news... 

Grandpa Theisen was brought to Abbott Northwestern this past weekend after his nurses, at Cuyuna Medical Center located in Crosby, MN,  found him on the floor and not breathing.  There is no news as of now what damage, if any, has been done.

Once he arrived in the Cities, by helicopter, they had him on a machine that cooled him down to preserve his organs while they can get him stabilized and had him in an induced comma until today.  Now we just wait for the sedation medication to flush out of his system and see what the neurologist has to say.  Apparently, he has been opening his eyes and moving a bit but the doctors say it is just too early to tell.  On Wednesday we should know a little more about what his future will hold.

Rob, Olivia and I spent Sunday and Monday at the hospital with Grandma and Rob's brothers.  It has been a long road for Bob but we are confident that he will continue to be strong and we just cherish all the times we have had with him.

Grandpa has been in and out of hospitals since March 11th and is now back where he started.  Over the last several months he has been to 5 different facilities that were all intending to help his recovery.  

We are headed up to the hospital now for another evening of waiting.  Grandma Theisen stayed with us on Monday and will again tonight.  Olivia seems to be cheering her up and I am glad that she has a little "extra" time to hangout with her.  Unfortunately, we don't get up North as much since we had Livi.

Thank you for all of your thoughts and please visit Bob's site at 
to leave your thoughts for him.
On Saturday we headed to Shakopee to  see my favorite grandma
Check out the photo of all 4 generations!   

I just adore grandma Barry and am grateful for the opportunity to spend time with her.  Some would say it is unfortunate that she had been diagnosed with Azheimer's but I feel lucky that we are able to become great friends every few minutes.  
She is quite the talker and loves to tell wild stories!  I always watch her and wait for her to start tracing her thumb nail or making a little square on her knee.  
They are silly little quarks, but I so enjoy catching her!
I think the BEST part of visiting is holding her soft hands while we take walks.  
After visiting for a while, we headed over to the Barry family farm.  This farm is where my Grandparent's raised all there lovely children and is still in the family, run by my favorite "burping" uncle Don.  

Uncle Don has a history of sneaking up behind me and letting out a giant roar to make me giggle!  This year I had a little trick up my sleeve and brought a little noise maker that had a "burp" button!  
When I felt the time was right I found him and asked if he would mind holding Olivia for a quick photo.  I handed her off and grabbed my camera.  I quickly pushed the burp button and snapped a photo!  Priceless!

He was so entertained by it that he kept the noise maker and found it HILARIOUS to continue pushing it while we took other family photos through out the day! 
Check out the photos of all my aunts and uncles
Here is a photo of my grandparents children, grandchildren and great grandchildren that were at the reunion.  There are a lot of people pictured but we certainly missed all those who were unable to attend.
My grandma has 8 children, 23 grandchildren and, I believe, 26 great grandchildren!  

'Serious' uncle Mike
Silly aunt Joanie
My godfather and uncle Alan
Daring aunt Sue
It was a great day for a long walk in the creek, viewing cows, lots of jokes and I even got a pretty neckless from my aunt! 
On Friday evening all three of us headed out to the MINNESOTA FAIR!  We found ourselves going a bit slower than last year as we lugged around our new little people watcher!  
Olivia was just AMAZED at all the noises and things that passed by her!  She was so very attentive and wide-eyed the entire time.  People came up to us wanting to touch her and tell us how cute she was, etc. For the first time I can honestly say that I felt like "mama bear"!  I just had to tell people "No, don't stick your filthy hands all over my little baby".  
Rob and I didn't go nuts on the food this year.  Maybe because we both get terrible heartburn and have been suffering more lately.  Oh well, I guess it will mean less gym time for mommy!  : )

We did take a stroll through the International Market and found a little shop where we found the "Theisen" code of Arms.  It was very neat and, of course,  paid a pretty penny for a print out of the details.  We looked for "Lindenfelser" but was told it was not a German name.  Anyone want to explain this?!?!  
Anyhow,  I plan to do a little research on it and figure out the origin of our names.  Wish me luck!  

Every year we jump on a dirty tweed rug and fly down the giant slide, but not this year!  I really wanted to bring Olivia down but Daddy said no.  I guess I don't blame him for being logical.  We decided to stand by it and take a photo anyway.

The only real down side was that it was about 30 degrees by the time we left!  We were intelligent enough to bring extra clothing for our tot and she sported a darling little yellow sweat suit outfit!  Aunti Bev - we'll just call it her "banana suit".
Daddy and Olivia getting a latte
The Giant Slide
Quick feeding
Horse Barn