 TWINS   What an AMAZING week Cuddyer has had!  Olivia, my friend Katie and I attended the game on today (9/20) while Rob was home enjoying a fantastic Vikings game.

Olivia mostly slept the last half of the game because she had been crowd surfing the earlier half!  She visited some of the twins friendly fans!  It turns out the couple next to us were a very friendly and had a very similar family as Rob's.  They were very interested in holding Olivia which was great because Katie and I got to enjoy our Macho Nachos!   : ) 

It was sad that our Twins lost today but we had a very nice time!  Also, this was likely our very last time at the dome.  We picked up a Michael Cuddyer shirt for Olivia to wear next year when we go to the games outdoors!  We are very excited for next season in the new stadium! 
 Thanks again, Aunt Barbie, for the tickets!  You have supplied us with several free games this year and we absolutely appreciate your kindness!

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