32 weeks - 2011
32 weeks - 2009 (WTH was I thinking?!!!)
The last 32 weeks have flown by and the last few weeks have been full of questions, in regards to contractions, labor and such.  BUT, last night I got a TRUE taste of real contractions - something I totally had forgotten about.  It was 12ish and I woke up to some very very intense cramping.  I thought it was a side ache but it was coming on strongly and almost paralyzing.  After a few, I grabbed my phone and started timing them.  Every 4 minutes on the dot.  Then about 12:45 it slowed to 8 minutes and eventually stopped all together.  Whew!  I kept thinking, "These better stop or I am in big trouble."  I have barely figured out my maternity time, have engagement sessions scheduled, have lots editing to do from recent events,  not to mention we are going to the circus on Sunday!  So, my strong little man,  you need to stay put and PLEASE quit freaking your mama and dada out! 

Miss Olivia: 
As for our lovely gal - she is still mastering potty training!  She's going in public with no issues, sitting on the potty chair/toilet at home with less hesitation and more frequently. Hooray!  
She's been putting many phrases together and learning new words every day.  My current favorites are:  
yr wecome
I fush?! (flush)
A B C D E 
one, two, thee, four, eight, yeahhhhh!
pish - fish
I eat

a moe? (I want more) 
wehr it go?  rih there!  (where did it go? Right there!) 
mama, dada, potty?
bug gil (big girl) 
tweet! (treat) 

sit/lay down to all of her babies
com on plez (come on please) 

you ready?
you okay?

Hery, Omi and Mi ma (her friends Henry, Naomi and Maya) 
I d-it ( I did it) 

rocky babe (rock a bye baby) 
cleaaam up (clean up)
uv you (love you)
rubbing of kisses yelping "YUCK!"  : ( 
ROP (Rob aka daddy)
daddy (dada is long gone!)
whe a uuuuuu? (where are you)
huck (hug)
and my favorite little manorisim - she giggles spewing out the thhhh - thhhh sound, while covering her mouth and giggling.  She is an attention getter - so cute!

Lastly, here is her new way of hiding while pooping... hey, what ever works!  : ) 

31 weeks is long gone - but here is a quick glance at the baby belly from last week... I'd have to say he is much bigger than she was - do you think the bump looks bigger in this comparison shot too?
31 weeks -2011
31 weeks - 2009
Over the last week we have been focusing on Miss. Olivia's potty training and I am SO thrilled to share that she is a natural!  The last few days of the prior week, she gained new skills; learning to poop in the the potty and each time she pees, running to the potty on her own!   We started off asking her hourly if she needed to go and mid she started resisting a bit.  Getting mad when we'd force her to sit down.  So, after some successes, we started gaining confidence in her ability and trusting that she was learning and would in fact be able to tell us when she needed to go.  So, we took her out with just panties to several public locations this weekend and each time she went potty in the public restrooms without hesitation.  I AM SO AMAZED and PROUD of my BIG gal - no more diapers!!!!     

More exciting news - SPRING is making small appearances around our home.  It is absolutely my favorite time of year.  How wonderful to have a fresh start and see new life everywhere!
30 weeks - 2011
30 weeks - 2009
This week was a true test of our strength!  
Early in the week, I felt like I had a bladder infection and Olivia suddenly became very lethargic, feverish and incredibly sick.  I hauled us in on Tuesday to only to be told it was "pregnancy" causing my discomfort and Olivia's clinical diagnosis was Fifths Disease.  The doc (not our family doctor) came into the room and said this disease could negatively impact my unborn babe, in his words " If you have not had it, there is nothing you can do to treat or prevent getting it - but your baby would die".  During the information, he failed to explain the chances or how RARE this actually was.  So, of course, I rushed home in tears, lump in my stomach and scared the hell out of Rob.  We discussed our options and started doing some research, called my mom and after a short time we decided the doc was inappropriate and way out of line.  Needless to say, we have decided against settling for a different doctor and will always see our primary, who knows us. The way he handled this situation was overwhelming, concerning and simply surreal.  I did make a follow up call to him on Wednesday to express my concerns about his approach - which is very unlike me, but I just couldn't believe the way it was handled.

Thursday, I was still not feeling all that well so I tried to take it easy and late in the afternoon I noticed some changes in my body and called the clinic.  Because of my 3 hour labor and delivery with Olivia, they advised me to get into Labor and Delivery quickly.  My mom rushed over to take care of our little lady while Rob and I headed into the hospital.  
Once we were all hooked up to the monitors the nurse asked how I was feeling..... I didn't feel much other than being hot and slightly concerned.  Then she said it, "Well, you are contracting about one minute apart" - OMG.  The last time I heard that, I was holding a baby within an hour or two.  I burst into tears and was, once again, overwhelmed with emotions.   In addition, I was dilated to a one so they did a couple of tests; a "prediction" test (fetal fibronectin) see if I'd be having the little one within two weeks, took a urine sample and ended up giving me a shot to stop the contractions.
The prediction test came back negative (THANK GOD), the shot stopped the contractions and the urine test proved that I did actually have a bladder infection.  
After a couple of hours of watching our baby's heartbeat and seeing obvious spikes from the contraction monitor, we were sent home. I was exhausted and got an incredibly deep sleep that night!
Friday we took it easy, Olivia was still running a 102 temp, mama was achy, tired and had been slapped with allergies. What terrible timing!  
On Saturday, I took on another role; wedding photographer.  I had accepted this job earlier this year, against Rob's wishes - because I was 30 weeks along.  If you didn't know, I tend to think I am a robot and can physically do everything.   
Rob and Marie are always telling me to take it easy, I guess I am starting to realize they only have my best interest in mind, rather than it being a handicap.  

Sunday I attempted to relax, but had a couple of morning visitors and then attended a baby shower for my pregnancy buddy Amy.  She is due 5.31 ( just 6 days after us).  It was a great celebration and I was so very pleased with the amount of support and friendships she's got while heading into motherhood!  
I got a little inspiration at the shower, after talking to another mommy.... We talked about potty training and of course I started asking questions.  She was a fountain of knowledge and her daughter's current training signs were spot on with 
my little gals actions.  
So, I asked tons of questions and when I got home, discussed it with daddy. We agree that Miss Olivia is in deed ready for a little potty training attempt.  Now, we are not expecting this to be perfect and certainly not expecting her to be nap and bedtime trained, but we are giving it one week to see if she can "pull it off".  
Monday - Day One: wearing only a dress, no undies/diap.  4 floor accidents, 1 potty chair and 2 toilet successes!  NO POOPS - we think she might be holding it...? 
Tuesday - Day Two: wearing only a dress, no undies/diap.  First morning pee - success in the the toilet!  She's been sitting on the potty chair on and off all morning, one success in the potty chair, two in the toilet and no floor accidents (yet)!   YIPPE!

(I'll keep this list going check back to see her progress) 
29 weeks (Olivia and her strategically placed 'bebe' included!)
Our little poochie 'Bo' was featured in this clip 2 years ago.
Olivia has been practicing and officially mastered counting to 5, adores Mickey "Mouth", constantly asks, "Mama/Dada  whe are uuuuuuuuuu?"  and, over night, incredibly  defiant.... This of course is just the beginning, but are working on setting some boundaries and trying to come up with our "toddler reaction" plan.  She is cuter and lovable by yhbut starting to show her independence.    
Friday, I went into the dr. for my diabetes test and Rhogam shot.  The test started off normally - quickly gulping down the sugary orange drink only to sit and wait.  I did enjoy the quite hour of reading (wished it was longer).  My dr. saw that I was reading Water for Elephants and raved about the book!  I had only gotten to chapter 5, so she spilled the beans a little more that I would have wished for.  Oh well - the book is catchy and I am having a hard time setting it down and picking it back up, for that matter. 

Anyway, after my hour was up, I headed down the hall for a quick weigh in and dreaded blood draw.  I am officially in a heavy weight class after gaining 4 lbs in the last 3 weeks.   If you are keeping track, I am now up to 138 (+14).  The nurse shared that this is exactly what I weighed with my #1 one pregnancy at 28 weeks...
For the blood draw ,I requested to lay down and all the nurses (yes you CASSIE) saying it would be fine, but whatever I wanted to do...  So, the draw started and I started to feel really nauseous.  I could feel the lights dimming and I started to mumble that I wasn't feeling all that well.  Before I knew it, I woke up to 3 ladies holding ice packs on me telling me to take deep breaths and one far away voice yelling, "Don't worry, I've called your husband".  OMG!  I was really out of it and incredibly embarrassed, but hey - this wasn't my first time!   After a while,  they checked my blood pressure and it was really really low.  I was attended to for what seemed like hours until I insisted I was 100% and begged to go home.   The sterile smell of the office and freshly applied lipstick of all the gals was overwhelming.  And, I was feeling incredibly claustrophobic at that point..... So, Rob and Olivia were outside ready to rescue me up and as soon as I plopped into the car I fell victim to my emotions and started balling.....

Saturday was refreshing and I was super pumped because I had a photo shoot at one.  Daddy and Olivia hung out until about 3:30 and then we dropped her off at g'ma Flanary's house for a night of adult gaming at Hinkley.  I had hoped to to get there by 7, for BINGO - but we were just a little late.  I have been craving more Bingo since Thursday, when I played with some gal pals and won $99!    Rob took off to the poker tables and I wondered aimlessly around the casino trying to find my "lucky" machine.  I had to force my way through the walls of smoke and decided it just wasn't fun.  About 9:30 I texted Roberto to let him know I was in our room resting.  About 3 a.m. I woke up to mr. big shot rolling in.  I was too tired, but wanted to ask how much he won..... The sun shining in our room early that morning woke me up and I was ready to head out..... Mama was HUNGRY!   I took a much needed shower.  I had forgotten how filthy that smoke feels.  

On that note, I am proud to share that on 3.2.11 I celebrated my 6th year of being smoke free! I quit the night of a good high school friend's wake.  I still, as many of you do too, remember the day I got the call that Keith passed away..... Rob and I were just lounging at my NE apartment and my phone had been flooded with texts and calls.  During high school I had made a "pact" with him promising that we would quite smoking together.  Needless to say, it felt right to do it then.  Bittersweet.  

Back to the casino.... I was so hungry and Rob asked, "Can I just play $20 in pull tabs before we go?" I didn't care, but wanted to make it quick...  So we made our way to the boxes but about half way there,  I was so shaky I had to sit down. I wasn't trying to be dramatic - but couldn't force walking any further... Rob and I went back and forth a couple of times; Him:let's just go Me: No - just go, I'll be fine, etc.   His addiction took over and he went to the boxes.  I sat and waited, and waited and waited... Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see him at the end of a very long hallway waving me over.  I gathered my things and booked it over to him.  As I got closer, I saw him talking to a gal and thought he was about to introduce me to someone.... As I approached, he reached out his clammy and trembling hand and said, this is going take a while.  I was still not really sure what he meant - but then he announced that he pulled a 50 cent pull tab and won $1200.  Selfish me, I instantly imagined myself surrounded by a HUGE buffet of french toast, strawberries and orange juice...   HAHAHHAHA!
Rob was super excited and shared every detail of how the win took place... I was so happy for him!  

After a short period of time, he was presented with check and we were off.  He called his family to brag and of course made everyone jealous.. : )   The trip home flew by as we discussed the event and what we could do with the winnings.  Once we got home, Rob went to my mom's to pick up our gal (and share his story) I rushed back to the studio for another photo shoot.  

This week has flown by too, we skipped ECFE on Tuesday - just too tired.  The news of my test came yesterday, and no diabetes.  But, I have incredibly low hemoglobin and now have to take a couple of extra iron pills each day.  My doc explained it is likely from my vegetarian diet, the energy I put into taking care of my child and 5 others each day.... I hate to take pills, but would do anything at this point to pep up my expanding baby bod.  This includes quitting (or at least lightening the load of) my day job!    YIPPPE!
To make a tired ma and pa even more tired, we have started looking at new refrigerators.  The one we have in our kitchen broke early this week.  I was slightly jealous that it's water had broken. 
Oh, thank god!  I hate to say it, but I am welcoming this trimester with open arms.  The last few days I found myself boarding the the huff - puff train and now require Rob's assistance each time I want to flip over in bed.  I even broke out my old pregnancy body pillow for a little comfort - but that just makes me hot....  Oh, and let's not forget the 4-5 trips to the bathroom every night......... I can't seem to cut back on the amount of fluids I take in because I am SO THIRSTY all the time!  
(poor me : ) 

Love the tight bear hugs from my favorite gal!
We recently enjoyed a play date with our favorite little girl - Madeline!  She is the daughter of our pals Jen and Jerry - that  we adore very much!  Check out a few images from our visit.  

They are also welcoming their second baby, at the end of July.  While we may not be seeing much of each other over the Summer, it is great having the experience of an addition around the same time.   Our friends Amy and Kurt are also due with their first just a few days after us, so we will have lots of sweetness around!  

Weekend recap:
  • We were able to see the movie Fighter and it was really really good.
  • I starting reading Water for Elephants  (LIKE!)
  • Girls Play date
  • Toured the Humane Society (refusing to come home with ANYTHING)
  • Visited with Grandma and Grandpa
  • Bought tickets to the Circus
  • Spent $528 in car repairs! It was a chunk of change, but I've had the car since 2003 and never done any type of maintenace.  In fact, I just hit 77,777 miles last night!   Rob isn't a huge fan of it being a manual, but it has certainly been good to me for a LONG long time and I kind love her, now....  With another baby on the way, it would be nice to trade her in for another "family vehicle" - but I am not ready to part ways, just yet.  
  • Gave my bangs a trim.  Had to rid myself of the awful Justin Bieber look.
  • We talked about going downhill skiing with some of my family, but decided it would have just been a little too risky
  • Did lots and lots of shopping; Target, National Camera and Ultimate Electronics and Babies R Us
  • Finally, spend a night meeting Miss Hillary's NEW beau.  Olivia took to him right away and was eager to sit on his lap as much as possible!  I guess he's a keeper in our book  : )