32 weeks - 2011
32 weeks - 2009 (WTH was I thinking?!!!)
The last 32 weeks have flown by and the last few weeks have been full of questions, in regards to contractions, labor and such.  BUT, last night I got a TRUE taste of real contractions - something I totally had forgotten about.  It was 12ish and I woke up to some very very intense cramping.  I thought it was a side ache but it was coming on strongly and almost paralyzing.  After a few, I grabbed my phone and started timing them.  Every 4 minutes on the dot.  Then about 12:45 it slowed to 8 minutes and eventually stopped all together.  Whew!  I kept thinking, "These better stop or I am in big trouble."  I have barely figured out my maternity time, have engagement sessions scheduled, have lots editing to do from recent events,  not to mention we are going to the circus on Sunday!  So, my strong little man,  you need to stay put and PLEASE quit freaking your mama and dada out! 

Miss Olivia: 
As for our lovely gal - she is still mastering potty training!  She's going in public with no issues, sitting on the potty chair/toilet at home with less hesitation and more frequently. Hooray!  
She's been putting many phrases together and learning new words every day.  My current favorites are:  
yr wecome
I fush?! (flush)
A B C D E 
one, two, thee, four, eight, yeahhhhh!
pish - fish
I eat

a moe? (I want more) 
wehr it go?  rih there!  (where did it go? Right there!) 
mama, dada, potty?
bug gil (big girl) 
tweet! (treat) 

sit/lay down to all of her babies
com on plez (come on please) 

you ready?
you okay?

Hery, Omi and Mi ma (her friends Henry, Naomi and Maya) 
I d-it ( I did it) 

rocky babe (rock a bye baby) 
cleaaam up (clean up)
uv you (love you)
rubbing of kisses yelping "YUCK!"  : ( 
ROP (Rob aka daddy)
daddy (dada is long gone!)
whe a uuuuuu? (where are you)
huck (hug)
and my favorite little manorisim - she giggles spewing out the thhhh - thhhh sound, while covering her mouth and giggling.  She is an attention getter - so cute!

Lastly, here is her new way of hiding while pooping... hey, what ever works!  : ) 


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