I know it isn't even October yet, but we are so excited about little Olivia's costume!  She's so fascinated with babies and we couldn't resist getting one of her very own and transforming her into a jumpin kangaroo!  
She tolerated the outfit pretty well, during our first dress rehearsal.  "Auntie" Hillary was over to join in the entertainment and we could not stop giggling!  This is only her second year, dressing up, but already I feel like this is the cutest costume ever!  I look forward to posting more photos at the end of next month!  
Our little Miss is turning into quite gal!  I say it nearly every week, but she's such a little sponge and so impressive!  She has been showing interest in all the "every day" things and now mimics everything, litterally, everything!.  She's becoming fluent and can copy nearly all the words/sounds we are throwing at her.   She's been sneaking off into the corner with her sippy cup and "bebe" to let her get a drink... SO CUTE! 
Her newest is " Puh-h-h-h-h" a.k.a. horse sounds and loves riding off with her little hat!  

She's also been really "lovie" with her stuffed animals and babies, so I decided to take her and 4 of her very best pals to Build A Bear, last week.  If you have not done this with your kids, you really should!  They pick out a little bear, stuff it with fluff, throw in a little heart, squeeze them to make sure they are the desired firmness, pick out clothing and even make a little birth certificate!  Olivia and her pals were in awe the entire time.  Olivia's "bebe" is named Violet and she is so darn cute.  Olivia, of course, dressed her in a pink shirt with tulle flowers and pretty pink bows.  

WOW!!! I've been really busy with my new adventure in photography and decided it was about time to make it official with my very own domain! With that being said, I am incredibly stoked to announce emilytheisenphotography.com is now taken!

This past Saturday, I did a shoot at the Walker Art center, then Sunday, had two family sessions along with a senior session.  Even after that, I took some of our very cute niece!  I felt a little sad not being able to spend time capturing my little miss but I am quite certain that we will have time for those shots this week!  : ) 

I'm starting to realize how physical this profession can be, as I am feeling very tired and sore after all my up-and-down's trying to capture the very best images.  Regardless, the adrenaline rush is SO worth it!!  After the sessions, I could hardly wait to get home to upload and edit and find myself totally consumed by these little projects!  I am quickly realizing that I have a desire for a certain style of editing and feel very passionate about my new niche.   
I've posted a few of the shots here and, as always, feel free to visit my professional site for the latest and greatest!  
So, you may have noticed a few changes around here!  I'm finding myself struggling for time and filling up page after page on our site has become overwhelming.  I've decided to take a more simplistic approach (like everything else in my life) and weed out the unnecessary stuff.  So, here it is... a blog and video/photo montage.   Like or not, I've got to make some adjustments and I'll hope you find the site to be just as entertaining.  

All my best!
Thanks to my pal, Amy, we were given yet another set of tickets.  This time, the 7:10 Twins game on Monday night.  We were intending for just a mommy/daddy night, but finding ourselves babysitter-less, we took the little princess along.  We were slightly concerned with her level of interest as we knew the game would extend far beyond her normal bedtime.  Of course, she was tired by 8:45 and was so snuggly!  I would have done anything to stay later, just to hold her, but dada insisted on packing up.   The game was great and the first couple of innings were incredibly fast with our awesome pitches!   I'm just guessing, but since Olivia was born, I'll guesstimate that she's been to about 7 games.  We are "major-league" twins fans and I'm looking forward to squeezing in a few more games this year, hopefully!
Over the last 6 months, I've been hoping that we are doing "all the right things" with Olivia's development, interaction and discipline.  I thought what I was feeling was pretty normal and wanted to explore some groups, just to make sure.  So, with that being said, I signed our little fam up for some ECFE (early childhood family education) in the Robbinsdale school district AND a small group at our church called, Teensy Tots.  So over the next 15 weeks, we've got ourselves into one serious schedule of parenting-101.   
Our experience with ECFE: 
Tuesday 6:15 -7:45 p.m. for the next 15 weeks, we head on over to Cavanaugh, to our little room in the back and surround ourselves with drool monsters, breast-feeding tots and their wealthy parents.  Our teacher a.k.a. Mrs. HAPPY, is way too animated for our daily life style and had a chipper song for everything we did.  I was so out of my element and watching Rob pretend to ignore the situation was incredibly hilarious!  Neither of us are experience singers,  so we were taken back by the cutsie songs and clapping.  Even Miss. Olivia looked around the room at all the weirdos singing and was shocked.  Rob told me on the way home from our first class that he'll be pounding alcohol before our next classes.  I guess I'll be the DD!
All joking aside, we were happy to have her in an organized environment and hope, for our sake, we adapt to the parents and teachers throughout our next several weeks.  (Funny, I have time to be blogging about this, because we skipped our second week, OOPS!)  
Our experience with Teensy Tots: 
Sunday, 10 a.m; for the next 10 weeks we'll head to Calvary to participate in our next new group.  After our last experience, we were praying for this to be a decent class.... and score!  With great fortune, this class, the families and setting were much more relaxing, entertaining and realistic.  We found great company and felt surrounded by others that share our interests, beliefs and challenges.  This class only meets one Sunday per month and I can not wait to head back on the 17th.  Miss Olivia will have lots of boys to play with, which is great because she's around gals each and every day.  In my opinion, a new posse will be valuable.

After the class, Olivia was holding one of my hands & one of dada's (like always) and as we walked by the choir, she dropped our digits to wiggle her cute little body and dance!  I've been teaching her to shake her booty and she sure did!  
Ever since I was little, I dreamed of becoming a National Geographic photographer.  It hasn't become reality.. or not yet, anyways.  In high school and  college I took several different photography and developing classes (yes, using real film!).  But as of the last few years I've been been really busy and slacked a bit on my hobby.  

Needless to say, this passion of mine has never subsided and since we purchased a trustworthy and "professional" camera along with several lenses... I am pursuing my dream.   Rob is very supportive and encourages me to "make it happen".  

I consider myself a life-style photographer, just borrowing a little moment one click at a time. My true passion is landscape photography but with a toddler running around, I've set my sights on her, for a while.  
I have built a my own little amature site, here at weebly, and can be found on facebook, too.   The set up is in the very early stages and I look forward to getting more details established.  I've got several sessions already booked and I am looking at this as a little hobby rather than a full fledged profession.  (Being a mommy comes first!)

So, I will continue to post my candid photos on my family website (here) , for your viewing pleasure, but please feel free to pass my info along and view my other site, click here:  
emily theisenphotography or on Facebook (same name ; ) 

Olivia has become quite the little "princess" these days.  Playing dress up and tea parties are some of her most  favorite things.  It's so cute watching her set the seating arrangement for her monkey, elephant and "woof".  
1. Olivia's kisses/hugs
Running my hands through her thick hair. (thank god she finally grew some!) 
laying her tired little body down each night only to hear her blowing a kiss at me as I walk out of her room. 

4. the smell of her baby breath
watching her attempt to micro manage everything!
In prep for our big upcoming weekend, we did Friday eve with a lovely little tea party, some cute family shots and a good nights rest. We are quickly finding out the days become quicker and shorter and offer less time for our active little family and toddler!  We sometimes need to kick back and allow ourselves a little "just us time", which is why we got in our jammies a little early and whooped it down, Theisen style.  

Pour a cup... one for me, one for you!
what a good dada!
Saturday, Rob headed out to his annual football draft/"man" day.  We were excited for him to win the trophy last year, but so glad to see it our of our garage, finally! )  Miss Olivia and I took advantage of a little girl time with some shopping and visiting with papa, g-ma and our newest little step-nephew, Landon.  He is the cutest little man and so very sweet. 
Congrats Jess, Chris and BIG-brother, Colin!  

Olivia and papa smiling at each other
Sunday, rob, o, our pal destiny and I headed out to the great MN get together!  We toured the streets searching for only the most delicious food to eat! Rob was really lucky and found a couple of gluten-free joints, I got some vegetarian items and we all filled our bellies!  Miss. livie lu was incredibly quiet and observant as all the people walked around us.  She, as usual, thought she was the center of attention and was incredibly charming to all those that commented on her beauty.  We paraded around the grounds until we landed at the "Fair-do" location.  I just couldn't help myself and signed us each up for a mini-makeover.  Olivia was a champ and was overloaded with compliments and giggles for the rest of our day.    We are also listed on the Fair-do Facebook page.  Click here to see a photo!
and likely, for the last time!
We visited the animal barns and the animal birth center - which was less than interesting to our entire group.  We were all pretty grossed out and the smell of urine was so overwhelming, to say the least. IWe all agreed eating cheese curds was much more enjoyable than watching the cow's water break and the tiny pigs nursing.  Rob did snap a few photos of the caged animals, here is one for your viewing pleasure.

Of course we hit up the giant slide this year! 
By 3:00, we were all pooped out and decided enough was enough.  We headed home for an incredibly nice and relaxing nap!  
Later that night, Hill stopped by for a some "slap-happy" a.k.a. Olivia had too much sugar today - time.  We were rolling on the floor laughing at her.  She pranced around making silly noises, flopping on the floor, dancing, sorting mail and being a total goof!  
Then, about 7:30, we hopped back into our ride and headed over the hill to amma and b-pa's house for some adult beverages, fun and a backyard fire.   I was really nervous about getting the glitter and spray out of our hair, but with a little conditioner and assistance from amma, we were able to accomplish it rather easily!  So, no - we are no longer sporting our wild do's.

She's so Seussian!
Monday, we squeezed in one more event and found ourselves in a wonderful land surrounded by fairies, jugglers and turkey legs! The Renaissance Festival was a huge hit and was Rob's first go at it.  Unfortunately, it was raining about one, so we scurried out pretty quickly.  
beer cheese soup, YUM!
mmm... pickles!
queen Livie
Rob's Twin!
I've always been interested in having my palm read, and this was the place to do it, i guess.  I had a very interesting reading and was quite impressed with the things Madame knew. I didn't tell her anything but my name.  In the beginning some of the things were quite vague and could be applied in anyones life, however, there were several topics she brought up and knew about me that were way too detailed for guessing.  I felt very optimistic about recent life decisions and am looking forward to a tarot reading in the near future!
Well, the long weekend is over and we hope your and your family had as much fun as ours did! My last thought for you is this: 
Live and Learn and Love every single day!