Ever since I was little, I dreamed of becoming a National Geographic photographer.  It hasn't become reality.. or not yet, anyways.  In high school and  college I took several different photography and developing classes (yes, using real film!).  But as of the last few years I've been been really busy and slacked a bit on my hobby.  

Needless to say, this passion of mine has never subsided and since we purchased a trustworthy and "professional" camera along with several lenses... I am pursuing my dream.   Rob is very supportive and encourages me to "make it happen".  

I consider myself a life-style photographer, just borrowing a little moment one click at a time. My true passion is landscape photography but with a toddler running around, I've set my sights on her, for a while.  
I have built a my own little amature site, here at weebly, and can be found on facebook, too.   The set up is in the very early stages and I look forward to getting more details established.  I've got several sessions already booked and I am looking at this as a little hobby rather than a full fledged profession.  (Being a mommy comes first!)

So, I will continue to post my candid photos on my family website (here) , for your viewing pleasure, but please feel free to pass my info along and view my other site, click here:  
emily theisenphotography or on Facebook (same name ; ) 


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