Rob and I decided to repaint the trim around our windows and doors to freshen up the exterior of our home a bit. 
Sadly, we stayed with the boring white per Rob's request. 
We packed up Olivia and went to Menards to pick up our required supplies for this project.

When we were leaving Menards a man approached us to see if we could give him a jump.  His BMW (very nice one) wouldn't turn over.  We hesitated just for a moment because Olivia was screaming and crying.  

We decided it was only a few minutes of time and were successful in helping him and his wife out.  They offered some cash for our assistance and of course we declined. He asked if we were "church people" and told us that we got the good samaritan award for the day.  

Remember my post  a while back about Random Acts of Kindness?  Well, I have been trying to figure out a way to "pay it forward" and this was one of many that we will be able to do!
So the very last movie Rob and I saw was back when Benjamin Button and 7 Pounds came out.  We saw both of them in anticipation of not going to the theater for much longer.  We were right!  Not until this past Thursday did we have the chance or desire to see a movie.  Okay - that's like 4 months!  

Anyhow, we had been hearing about HANGOVER  so we decided to see it. All I can say is OMG!  LMAO!

 By the way mom that means Oh My God.  Laughing My Ass Off.

This movie was about a group of gentlemen headed for Vegas for a bachelor party.  Really, what happens there stays there!  Rob and I were giggling like little school girls during the entire production!  All I can say is that I am soooo glad he didn't go to Vegas for his party last June!  

If you want to see a comical movie, check out the Hangover.

For our next date night, this Wednesday, we are heading to the Walker Art Museum for a stroll on the grounds.  We might just head over to Joe's Garage for dinner too!
On Sunday  August 16th, we celebrated Olivia's Baptism at Calvary in Golden Valley.  She looked so angelic in her little dress.  (I made the purchase last Christmas when it was on clearance!) 
There were three other families that experienced the same blessing as us that morning.  What a great way to bond with others in our congregation!  

Rob and I are so proud to call Uncle Derrick and my Friend "auntie" Hillary her godparents.  We just know they are going to be fantastic sponsors for her in the years to come.  Derrick having son, Riley, just 11mos. older than Olivia should guarantee a great relationship for all of us.  : ) 
And Hillary, being the wonderful friend, for all these years, will certainly bring lots of clothes (she works in retail) and a creative fun-loving relationship!  
I made a little poem for each of them and presented it at the luncheon.  

Thanks to all who were able to celebrate with us, even those who were 'running' late.  ; ) 
On Saturday we woke up with a very congested little girl.  She was coughing and each time, gaged.  She was sneezy and looked like daddy and I when we have allergies!  Poor little thing!  We decided to bring her in for a quick check up to make sure it wasn't in her lungs and the dr. simply called it post nasal drainage.  I guess it is normal and she just has a little cold.  These photos are of her sneezing then coughing!  
On Friday evening we celebrated with Jenna at her going away party. Because Olivia was with us, we were not able to stay long but we will certainly cherish our time and look forward to seeing Jenna soon!
This post is a tribute to my pal Jenna!  We worked together for a period of time then when our paths went in different directions we decided to meet for lunches when could. It has been so much fun having a couple gals to hang out with each week and Olivia joined us in June.  It has been a few years now and sadly, it all comes to an end as Jenna heads to Texas this weekend to attend grad school!  I can't wait to see where the stars take her!  She has become a dear friend and I certainly will miss our dates. However, I'll still eat lunches!   
On Thursday I had an opportunity to hang out with some girlfriends and we played B-I-N-G-O!  The very last game was a 'cover all' and the pot was worth $47,000!  I was just one number away and since they didn't call my number (46) the jackpot went down to about $4,000.  Again, they called a number that was not mine and the pot went down to a silly $99.  Of course... they called my number and I ended up splitting the pot with someone else that had also waited on 46.  I walked away with $49 and a smile!  

This past weekend we traveled to Grandma Theisen's house for the first time!  Olivia was feeling a bit better so we decied to make the trip.  While we were there we had a great time celebrating our niece and nephew's birthdays and of course visiting Grandpa Bob!

Little Joey was quite a card when he was opening presents and I have pictured him "stuck" in the bag!  : ) 
Uncle Kevin was, OBVIOUSLY, a great babysitter as well! 
On Saturday, Rob, Livi and I, ate at the most popular 50's Grill!  I love to eat there because Rob can dine on some meatloaf or Chicken Fried Chicken and I devour a veggie burger and chocolate malt.  
This experience was a little different than normal because a waitress came by our table and dropped off a card that read, YOUR HAVE JUST EXPERIENCED a random act of Kindness in Memory of Ella Peterson 1921-1994.
We were amazed and asked what this was about.  Apparently, a family or person who dines in frequently sometimes offers to pay for someone's meal.  Because they saw Olivia, they picked us. 
What a heart-warming experience this was and I asked our waitress who it was.  Of course the idea here is that the person/people stay anonymous.  So with that, I asked the waitress to let them know we were very touched and plan to "Pay It Forward" in our own way.

It makes me think... Everyone is so busy, rushing around all the time and we should just slow down and appreciate more.
When is the last time you did something for someone? 

Ms. Olivia has been a very busy little girl!  In just 7 days she has been to two winning Twins games, the Como Park Zoo, the  Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, a couple of garage sales, Two open houses and a couple visits to Grandma and "smoochie - Smochie" Grandpa's house.

Along with all of that excitement, she has been overly tired and more restless when it comes to bed time!  She is so darn tired by the end of each day and fights to keep her little eyes open to see what is happening next!  

Macho Nachos! mmmm