On Saturday, Rob, Livi and I, ate at the most popular 50's Grill!  I love to eat there because Rob can dine on some meatloaf or Chicken Fried Chicken and I devour a veggie burger and chocolate malt.  
This experience was a little different than normal because a waitress came by our table and dropped off a card that read, YOUR HAVE JUST EXPERIENCED a random act of Kindness in Memory of Ella Peterson 1921-1994.
We were amazed and asked what this was about.  Apparently, a family or person who dines in frequently sometimes offers to pay for someone's meal.  Because they saw Olivia, they picked us. 
What a heart-warming experience this was and I asked our waitress who it was.  Of course the idea here is that the person/people stay anonymous.  So with that, I asked the waitress to let them know we were very touched and plan to "Pay It Forward" in our own way.

It makes me think... Everyone is so busy, rushing around all the time and we should just slow down and appreciate more.
When is the last time you did something for someone? 

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