Now that Miss Olivia has her top 4 teeth, she has been grinding them together like mad!  There is no way to describe the feeling we get when she does it.  It is simply unbearable to hear her gritting her little chompers over and over.
I am under the impression that she is just figuring the newbies out but I hope the urge to scrape ceases quickly.
Here is photo that slightly shows the new additions.
Another new noise coming from our little chicken is DADADADADA!  She's proudly announced "A Mama" for months and now it's DA DA's turn!  Maybe now "A mam", can go to the bathroom with out "le bebe" shouting at the closed door!  : ) 

It was a very proud moment for Rob as he's been anticipating the words for a long time!  

Last year, when I was 8  months pregnant, I had a crazy urge to start laying patio blocks and worked an area of 5' x 5'.. (maybe this is why I went into labor early).  It has been driving me bonkers to see this slab unfinished.  So, Friday night Rob and I headed to Home Depot to pick up more patio stones.  We got a great deal on matching ones, rented a truck and hauled them to our place.  For only $19.99 we had 75 minutes to leave the parking lot, get to our place and unload, then hit a gas station for a top off and return the truck... We did it all with 42 minutes to spare! Both of us were hurting the next day but were quite impressed with our teamwork and calm child!  

Saturday, I ran around doing my errands and then the family had dinner with my pals Erin, Mike at Outback Steak House.  Of all places, this one has a gluten-free menu and I can eat meat-free!  We have actually been there about 3 times in the past couple of weeks and it is simply delicious!   
After our nice din-din we headed back to our place to watch some UFC fights and enjoyed more friends company.  I think I may have had a few too many cocktails but it was very enjoyable!  

Sunday, I woke up and started our patio. I just couldn't resist and worked all day at it.  Around 1:00 Rob went to Chipotle for me and we took a much needed break!  Olivia was pretty neglected throughout the day so we brought her out to play.  With our backs turned while we worked she had gotten into a little bit of dirt. OOOPS!
Anyhow, we finished the patio and we look forward to basking in the sun on many hot summer days!  
I took our little, big, nugget in on Tuesday for her 9 month physical.  She is doing very well!  She is now 19.5 lbs and 28.5" long.  Her melon followed in the growth spurt and is now 18".  She has been getting incredibly strong and moves from furniture to furniture without hesitation.  She's only consuming real food now and according to our doctor is "ahead of the group in motor skills" - BUT she is probably not going to be walking free-style by 4/1/10, as I previously guessed.  I do, however, believe it will be soon.  We bought her a new toy that she can walk behind and has yet to fall.  She is sturdy and graceful!   Check out daddy putting it together... 




Olivia has been teething and all the missed naps and irritable afternoons have finally proved to be worth all the effort!  She has her top 4 teeth poking through.  They are pearly white and spaced perfectly.  Rob and have been guessing who's genes she'll have and seems to be unclear at this point.  We both had fairly aligned teeth as children... I had braces for a about a year and a half while Rob says his teeth were perfectly straight and didn't ever have them.  I feel absolutely terrible for her and can't even imagine what it is like to grow them in.... In fact, we were discussing what a weird thing it is to grow a set, lose them and re grow them all in a decade or so.  
Our latest movie was AMAZING!  Hillary, Rob and I went to Alice in Wonderland at the Southdale Imax!  It was a must see in my opinion.  I had always loved the story and was very impressed with seeing the film in 3D!  We had gotten a babysitter for the evening but when we arrived to the theater there were several kids/babies there.  I guess next time we'll have to save ourselves $40 and bring our little chicken with us.  
On our way out there were cut outs for upcoming movies, we couldn't resist... (Well, Rob could have!) 
What a good sport!
Happy 8 year anniversary to my mom and stepdad, Bill!  

It seems like yesterday they were blissfully in love exchanging their vows.  

I am continually impressed with Bill and couldn't ask for a better companion for my mom. 

Here's to many more wonderful years! 
Rob and I found our vehicle made our final decision to sign the dotted line this Monday evening.  We are very excited and look forward to many long road trips that we are able to haul our child(ren) and pets.  
We bought a Chrysler Town and Country Touring - stow and go. It is a 7 passenger vehicle with captain chairs in the first and second rows.  We thought someday our children would get irritated with each other so we planned ahead and have a nice foot and a half between them.  : )   Rob is especially impressed with the chrome rims and all the fancy controls that are now at our fingertips.  
Here take a look "Winnie the Mini" for yourself!  
I just had to put a name to the new car and Rob suggested "silver bullet" I had to disagree as there is an 'adult' toy with that name.  I know, my mind is in the gutter, but what's new.  I thought of Winnie, from the wonder years t.v. show and thought it fit us perfectly.  
By now you have noticed some fancy new page designs.  I look forward to exploring more to find ones that I really love.  I'll ask for some feedback; is it too obnoxious to have different designs on each page or do you feel it is neat and easy to follow?  

Over the last few days, we have lost 3 of our fish (2 angels Razor and Valentine aka blackie and one columbian tetra named drug lord).  Razor, was the last to go but thankfully, we still have our HOT DOG!  He was the really expensive one.

The two angels likely died off because they are schooling fish and need friends... I can relate - I'd be lost without my friends too! 

I am sitting here laughing to myself as I type because as each fish takes their last swim, I have to type their names into our blogs.... Of course, Rob is pretty clever and named most of them leaving me to name 2; little Miss Sunshine and Ruby.

We'll have to check the ph in our tank and possibly get some replacements in the near future! 


Olivia was lounging on the floor one fine day and along came a 2 year old boy, who is VERY cute, and stole away her very first kiss!  He looked down at her and puckered his kisser, grabbed her face with both hands and planted one right on her lips.  After the moment, she looked at him batted her eyes and gazed at him with a very silly smile.
"There is nothing wrong with showing the boy my guns!"
                                                                     ~ Daddy~