Last year, when I was 8  months pregnant, I had a crazy urge to start laying patio blocks and worked an area of 5' x 5'.. (maybe this is why I went into labor early).  It has been driving me bonkers to see this slab unfinished.  So, Friday night Rob and I headed to Home Depot to pick up more patio stones.  We got a great deal on matching ones, rented a truck and hauled them to our place.  For only $19.99 we had 75 minutes to leave the parking lot, get to our place and unload, then hit a gas station for a top off and return the truck... We did it all with 42 minutes to spare! Both of us were hurting the next day but were quite impressed with our teamwork and calm child!  

Saturday, I ran around doing my errands and then the family had dinner with my pals Erin, Mike at Outback Steak House.  Of all places, this one has a gluten-free menu and I can eat meat-free!  We have actually been there about 3 times in the past couple of weeks and it is simply delicious!   
After our nice din-din we headed back to our place to watch some UFC fights and enjoyed more friends company.  I think I may have had a few too many cocktails but it was very enjoyable!  

Sunday, I woke up and started our patio. I just couldn't resist and worked all day at it.  Around 1:00 Rob went to Chipotle for me and we took a much needed break!  Olivia was pretty neglected throughout the day so we brought her out to play.  With our backs turned while we worked she had gotten into a little bit of dirt. OOOPS!
Anyhow, we finished the patio and we look forward to basking in the sun on many hot summer days!  

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