Grandma F cam over for a little lunch and visitation time with our lovely livi!  Olivia just loves loves her g'ma and can hardly keep her feet on the ground when she's around.  Yesterday, we had a nice visit and when the girl went down for a snooze, g'ma and I played the Wii.  We created her her own character designed to mimic her looks and call her the M'fr - a nickname she got from an angry parent in her school district - and played away!  I am hard-pressed to think of anyone else who enjoys winning as much as she does and was impressed with her ability to catch on so quickly!   While I did win most games, she certainly showed me up in the golfing games.... I guess this is acceptable since she does nothing but golf all Summer long ; )

I've posted a few images and would not be surprised she runs out and buys herself one sometime soon.

It has occurred to me that this pregnancy is flying by. We have not gotten paint, for his room, toys or anything I would have with my first baby. I have not been reading any weekly books or discussing baby names and making lists.... I guess I am much busier this time around!    As for clothing, I give credit to my mother - who has already supplied clothing, teddy's and more for our little buddy!  I'll have to take some photos and get them up for your viewing pleasure - they are 
so darling and handsome!
Take a look at this weeks growth - I have to admit I am starting to feel a little el prego!

As for Miss Olivia - we are starting to discuss her big move, into a new "Big Girl Room" furnished with a big girl bed, no nuk and other exciting things......  Now that our entire home has passed both County and State inspections we are able to move "daycare" into the basement and focus on our family needs on our main level.    I am excited to start the decorating process and looking forward to seeing our home finally come together.   Honestly, I am looking forward to spending some time shopping!  ; ) 
This year, like all the rest, we rushed from event to event.  Thursday Santa brought Rob a brand new 47" t.v. and beautiful entertainment stand~ he is very very excited!  Friday night was full of the Flanary/Person's family (what a hoot) and Olivia certainly enjoyed playing with her 4 so-stinking-cute cousins!  We were able to make it home about 11 that night only to wake up and rush over to the Theisen's house for our second round of cousins!  Olivia got to see her WI  cousins and certainly enjoyed their company!   As usual, we finished our family gift exchange and headed to GG's - Olivia's great grandma Carol's for a nice lunch and visiting.  
As things wrapped up and our brother/sister-in-laws headed out, we decided to pack up our baby for a trip to g'ma Flanary's.  When we arrived, we were pleasantly surrounded by another group of relatives and Miss Olivia was gifted yet another series of toys.  My aunt, O's great aunt gave her a darling teddy bear that has not yet left her arms.  Thanks, Eileen - you are too kind! 
Once the guests started packing up, we took advantage of a little "us" time and asked g'ma and g'pa to babysit our very tired little lady so we could see True Grit.  The movie was awesome and I'd highly recommend it to any of you.
Sunday we relaxed for a moment then headed to the Olive Garden for a Holiday Dinner with my Lindenfelser family.   My brother joined and must have been in the holiday spirit, as he offered to pay for our entire bill.  WHOA!    We finished off the evening at the YMCA and look forward to a very health 2011 - filled with excitement and our new baby!!!!!

While the holidays were merry, we were very sad and carried heavy hearts without Rob's father here with us.  I think it really hit Rob and I on Christmas night, when the activities slowed and we shed some much needed tears.  I cannot feel the pain he does, as I have not lost a parent, but I sure feel the loss of a phenomenal father in law and only wish for one last hug and opportunity to tell him how much I love him.
This Saturday we attended the annual Theisen Family holiday party and had a blast!  This year was a little more exciting for me, as I have gotten to know several of the gals better this past year and I look forward to our paths crossing much more in 2011.  We were also greeted by Santa, whom OLIVIA is terrified of.  Rob and I knew she'd cry if we put her on his lap - but we just had to try it and of course we ended up with the classic kid screaming photos!
Later that night we had planned for g'ma Kathy to spend the night and we'd be able to go out for a friends birthday, however; after a busy busy day, dinner and unpacking we were exhausted!   We stayed in and hit the sheets early, which turned out fine as I had another photography expo early Sunday. 

As for the expo - it was pretty fun.  I was not as impressed as the last one I attended and thought the classroom style set up of tables was hardly inviting for customers.  Regardless, I made a sale and have some prospects out of the deal.  My next couple of events will be 1.15.11 - Sweet Valentine - a series of mini sessions and then the Saint Cloud Wedding Expo on 1.16.11!  These, I hope will be much more profitable since there will be no crafters or demonstrators in sight.  Plus, I am incredibly stoked about the wedding expo - this is a huge deal and I am feeling lucky to have a vendor friend that will also be attending and had offered much advice!  

So, on to the important stuff!  18 weeks, yep 18 weeks already!  This week I have been feeling like my uterus and chest have double since Sunday and am starting to miss my "small- after breast feeding cup size".... TMI?  Well, here's a little more - The "How Big is Baby" widget on my side blog looks nothing like a sweet potato that I've ever bought and has me thinking of several other look-a-like items.  (mom - I'm sure you are giggling too!) 

On to some good news - Rob and I elected to do our quad screening with this baby too, and our results were normal!  Obviously, not 100% but we are not anticipating any disabilities or genetic issues at this point.  Whew!

I am also going to make a quick prediction that with my little buddy I will carry high.  For the entire duration of my first pregnancy I was very very low.  At about 16 weeks I had been unbuttoning my jeans, using the belly band or rubber bands to keep my pants comfy.  This one, however, I am still comfortably fitting in my threes just feeling "top heavy".  I guess you could call it my muffin top look! 

Even Rob showed off his baby belly! (Don't let this photo fool you - he still only weighs about 120lbs!)
Speaking of predictions - Rob's not quite convinced that we are having a boy and needs a second opinion.  He claims the lady at our 3D/4D elective ultrasound was CrAzY - so on January 10th - at our 21 week medical ultra sound,  we will hopefully determine and be able to move forward knowing if we in fact will meet baby "G" or get a huge surprise and have a baby "M"  in May.  Let me just say, for the record, that I am certainly convinced we are having a boy.  

Some of our family and friends have been predicting names - and I have to say the "G" is throwing everyone off!  I've been approached with some really obnoxious/weird names and have to tell you all - YOU ARE WRONG!  No one has guessed it yet - but keep them coming, it's entertaining to say the least!  I think my favorite one comes from our creative pal, Timmy. 

Lastly, Happy Holidays!  I am not sure that I'll be posting anything prior to next week but wanted to share that we intend to spend Friday with my mom's family, Saturday with the Kreibich Family and Sunday with the Lindenfelser's.   We look forward to seeing most of our family and wish you and yours a safe, jolly and happy 2010 holiday. 
"EMMY" seems to be the newest reference miss olivia makes towards her mama.  As a tiny little gal she loved her "mama" then, I think,  got lazy and started to call me "ama"  but this new name is simply wild.   All I have been hearing for the last day is "EMMY", "emmy" EmMy"  .  While it is super cute and makes me giggle, I am not sure that I like my one and a half year old addressing me by my first name.  I thought this would come around age 15!  : ) 

Sources: I will have to explain that she has acquired this name from all the other kids I take care of who also have been calling me Miss. Emmy for the last year of our lives.  I knew sooner or later Olivia would pick it up, just came to a huge surprise to me as it actually happened. 

We were out for dinner last night and did some last minute Holiday shopping and found ourselves surrounded by people who thought Olivia calling for me was pretty hysterical.  It certainly was,  but in the midst of all the name calling, Rob and I continually re-directed her and put a little faith that she'd forget it by the morning - TO NO AVAIL! 

The first thing I heard through the monitor this early 7a.m. was "EMMMMMMMY"  

Signing off - 

Desperate mama
So, I am a little late posting this one too - but here is a shot of my 17th week.  Still no weigh gain (according to my scale) but I anticipate that will be changing soon!  I am feeling very energetic this week - maybe because of the Holidays coming up!  I am also starting to look at "boy" stuff and am filled with utter excitement!   I talked with my lovely mother-in-law yesterday about bring in a new baby and the impact it will have on our trio of a family.  obviously, Kathy had some great pointers - since she too, brought home baby after baby boy.  We've been talking about when she will come spend some time at our place, to help us and I think it became very clear to both of us that this is actually really REAL!  : ) 

And, if you are wondering, I searched my "olivia" belly shots and discovered that we only took them at 12, 16 and 20+....  so watch for the next comparison shots in a couple of weeks.  WOW - that means I'll be already 1/2 way done!  The idea of 1/2 way done seems so sad because I recall wanting to have another baby about the time Miss. Olivia turned 3 months.  Something about carrying a baby in my belly was much more empowering than one in a hot and heavy car seat!
So, with that being said, I fully intend to enjoy every moment of this baby - for it will be my last 20 something pregnancy!
I've been making comparisons between my first pregnancy and this one but I think the only thing that is same, is the wall I pose by for my belly shots!  
This time around, I had no morning sickness, have not gained any weight (yet), don't mind the lack of sleep/energy, crave hot chocolate and sometimes decaf coffee (gross!) I assume this is because of gender but who knows......  Follow along and watch my belly grow over the next 23 awesome weeks!     
Now - baby boy
Then - baby girl
Rather than sharing all the details - I've decided to make this post a summary of all we've been doing the last few weeks!

* My first Photography expo  - my second and third will be later this month & in January
* I turned 29 - one last year in my twenties and I just know it will be the best yet! 
* Olivia is 18 months old - oh my gosh!  
* Rob's been doing tons of hunting and enjoys his long nature walks
* Celebrating two of my gal pals and their new little baby bellies (one that is due 6 days after 

   we are!!!!) 
* Speaking of babies - I went in for my 16 week appt.  all is going well - I am just expected to

    gain some weight by the next appt.  (doctor's orders) 
* Created a Twitter page - still not sure what I am doing  : ) 
* Did more photography shoots and am booking more by the day!

* Proudly signed a check to rent a photography studio!  
* Olivia taught herself how to yell "Uh-No" and fall over while giggling all the way to the ground
* I discovered a new ticklish spot on my little babe and can't help but tickle her all the time!
* Decorated for the Holidays and getting really excited to teach Olivia about Santa!

* Shoveling snow - especially Sunday the 12th!
* My hubby and I spent a nice afternoon at the Walker Art Center for the British Awards - what a 

* Finished our season of volley ball and looking forward to starting back up this January 
* Olivia's learned a few new words: LLLL (light), low, off/on, snow, two, three, banana, 
    "a book" and is starting to put other 2 word sentences together.   
* Took our Holiday photos and attempting to get our cards ready for delivery 
* Most importantly, spending time with our family and friends!