So, I am a little late posting this one too - but here is a shot of my 17th week.  Still no weigh gain (according to my scale) but I anticipate that will be changing soon!  I am feeling very energetic this week - maybe because of the Holidays coming up!  I am also starting to look at "boy" stuff and am filled with utter excitement!   I talked with my lovely mother-in-law yesterday about bring in a new baby and the impact it will have on our trio of a family.  obviously, Kathy had some great pointers - since she too, brought home baby after baby boy.  We've been talking about when she will come spend some time at our place, to help us and I think it became very clear to both of us that this is actually really REAL!  : ) 

And, if you are wondering, I searched my "olivia" belly shots and discovered that we only took them at 12, 16 and 20+....  so watch for the next comparison shots in a couple of weeks.  WOW - that means I'll be already 1/2 way done!  The idea of 1/2 way done seems so sad because I recall wanting to have another baby about the time Miss. Olivia turned 3 months.  Something about carrying a baby in my belly was much more empowering than one in a hot and heavy car seat!
So, with that being said, I fully intend to enjoy every moment of this baby - for it will be my last 20 something pregnancy!

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