This week marks Olivia's newest milestone... She can wave bye bye and practically say it!  This ironically comes at a good time....  

Daddy decided that he wanted to part with his 12 year old car!  
Rob had just had enough of jamming a heavy car seat through a two door car into the back seat.  He simply wants more room.  
It was very sad to see him part with his car and I think he almost had a tear roll down his cheek as his Red Hot Ride drove away tonight.
The car is going to a 19 year old girl, whose parents drove from Princeton to wheel and deal with us.  They were so interested in the car that they offered Rob a little more than his asking price to be the first to check it out.  We obviously took them up on the offer.  $$$$$

We still have his truck and my car but will start seriously looking for our new vehicle soon... Welcome to the MiniVan fan club, "Daddy-O"!
bye, bye.
I am so thrilled to tell the world that my mom's surgeries went amazingly, today!  Her doctors can be sure that the cancer did NOT reach her lymph nodes and the elimination of breast tissue should be the last of her worries!  
THANK YOU, EVERYONE for all your support!  

She is currently at Abbott, in MPLS and should be heading home Friday.  While she is in the hospital she'd like to rest. Please plan to give her a call or visit after the weekend.  

We love you mom!   
I feel like all I have done the past few weeks is absorb terrible news.  

My mom was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and as I am typing, undergoing her double mastectomy.  In the Spring of 2008, she was told about abnormal results and had a lumpectomy to remove the carcinoma.  Every six months that followed she was seen by her doctor for follow up testing.  Not until August of 2009 was she given another dose of news.  She was told a mass was in her breast and it was small enough to just watch.  This Spring, she was seen again and this time the mass was much larger and in both breasts. 
She now is having the mastectomy to eliminate all tissue infected with Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS).   At this point, her doctors are unsure if the carcinoma is in her lymph nodes or other parts of her system.  Obviously, we will be praying that removing her breast tissue is the end of this nasty situation.

If you are interested in reading more about this type of cancer please click 

My mom has been 
very strong and laughs at the thought of having new perky breasts that will make a Harley Davidson Vest look Divine - so here is a little joke for you, mom.
You'll never have this issue! 

Over the past year, I've been blogging about Rob's stomach issues.  He recently had another appointment with his endocrinologist and explained he is still not feeling well and would like to see this resolved, soon.
The Dr. sent him for some GI testing today and have scheduled an endoscopy procedure for this Friday.  
I do joke with Rob about harboring at 15 foot tapeworm but in all seriousness we hope something shows up and he is able to start eating again.  
Please keep him in your thoughts.
Over the last month my girlfriends have been planning a Girls Day and Night!  We ordered our tickets for the Food and Wine Expo and treated ourselves to delectable treats, too much wine and great friends.
There were so many vendors it was unlikely that anyone could make it through the entire event.  Especially, if you bought your way into the VIP section (The Reserve) like we did!  
We all got several ideas for more girls days and  found new locations for dining.  It was a very fun, but a spendy event.   I must have tried nearly 25 cheeses and bought a few to bring home for our upcoming party.  

Later in the evening, we headed to Hells Kitchen for dinner and were sitting next to a couple, who's incredibly romantic husband asked her to marry him all over again.  Tears welled in my eyes but  I am sure it had nothing to do with my emotions after drinking all day!  : ) 

After dinner, we headed to Zelo for many drinks and later stumbled our way to a dance club.  This is obviously, the most hilarious part of the evening!  Dancing can only be done when alcohol is involved and boy did we rip up the dance floor!

Thanks Jen for all the fun and let's plan on that pedalpub, soon!
With saddened hearts, we are sharing that Rob and I have experienced a loss of a father and father-in-law.  Grandpa Bob passed away on Thursday February 11th at 6:02 p.m.  

After an 11 month stretch he is now at peace and in the arms of those who have passed before him.  We are very sad he endured so much but are so happy to have shared such a great life time with such an amazing man.

On Friday, the entire family made arrangements for the funeral and under such circumstances, it was an extremely nice way to remember Bob by sharing our memories, photos and family time.

We will love you always and just know you having a great time playing a game of  Texas hold 'em or up and down the ladder with your family and friends in heaven.  Please continue watching over us and always know how much we have cherished you.  You are the reason Rob is who is he is as a father and friend.  Your countless generosities will continually hold strong in our hearts and we just can't thank you enough for all that you have done for us.

Bob's obituary will be published in the Star Tribune (click here for the link)  in this Sunday's paper.  The details of the wake and funeral are as follows. 

The wake will be held on Tuesday from 5-8p.m. located at
Semen Washburn McReavy Funeral Chapel 1827 Coon Rapids Blvd.  Coon Rapids, Mn 55433 and the Funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. with a reviewal starting at 10 a.m.  Located at Epiphany 1900 - 111th Ave. NW Coon Rapids, MN 55433

To all our family and friends; We've loved your support and thoughts and please remember to visit Bob's Caringbridge site for updates and guestbook.
This morning about 4, I woke up with little miss cough and couldn't resist checking on our little fishies!  I looked in the tank and there were only 2 tetras..... I thought maybe the 3rd one was hiding so I just looked again and I am pretty certain the little guy was eaten by our filtration system or Hot Dog...  
Nice knowing ya...
I am just thrilled to announce that this evening was football free, in our house!  Usually, I have to beg someone (Rob) to do things around the house with me and assist with our little miss, when football games are on but not tonight!  
The silly thing was, he was upstairs watching the Titanic  while I fed our fishies, did some blogging and updated our site.  
He also surprised me by making us some organic burritos and fabulous salsa!  What a guy!    
Olivia is still feeling pretty icky so we are heading to bed a little early tonight!  This week is sure to be filled with more adventures!
Rob has been holding onto his 55 gal. fish tank for years and never have I seen him do a darn thing with it.  Apparently, he used to have a tank filled with Oscars and they got too big.  I've been trying to sell the tank and accessories on Craigs list for a couple of days and have been offered some terrible amounts.  
I got interested in what this tank could actually look like and we did some arranging in our basement to accommodate lighting and outlets.  
So here it is!  We spent a few hours on Saturday looking and learning about all the equipment we have and needed to purchase.  After grandma came for a visit we packed up in the car and headed to Aquatropics in Golden Valley for our fishy fun.  
Olivia actually slept most of the time, which was good, and we were able to pick out expensive decorative aquarium tubes, plants and rocks.  We also got 'hooked' for live bacteria, conditioner and cleaning trays.   
We rushed home to establish our tank and Sunday purchased our new friends!  
We decided on some beginner level fish to dunk in our tank.  Not that they are less important~ just less spendy.   We have 3 neon Tetras, 3 Guppies (yellow, red and silver) and One Oranda, who Rob named HotDog.  The Oranda is about 1 year old and 2" long.  He/she will, if lucky,  live for 14 years.  
Hot Dog
Olivia sitting on her Oranda
For the majority of last week, Olivia was really sick.  She started off with a little sneezing, coughing and runny nose.  But by the end of the week, I was getting a little nervous about her breathing as she was wheezing with every breath.  So I called for an appointment and Rob took her in Friday afternoon.  
After the appt. he came to pick me up and we headed to the local medical supply store for a  nebulizer machine.  The doctor thinks Olivia has Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).  They are treating it with frequent home neb treatments and an oral steroid to reduce her lung inflammation.  On Monday the 8th, we should be hearing back on the results and will move forward in the best treatment to help her feel better.  
They also tested her oxygen level and it was 94 (96 is normal / 92 requires hospitalization) so they told Rob to watch her and if anything seemed alarming to bring her back in immediately.  So far - she seems to be doing well.
The entire weekend we've been treating her like the little princess she is and giving her more hugs and kisses!  
It is so bitter sweet but I love that she calls out " MAAAA MA" when she isn't feeling well or needs me to hold her!