For the majority of last week, Olivia was really sick.  She started off with a little sneezing, coughing and runny nose.  But by the end of the week, I was getting a little nervous about her breathing as she was wheezing with every breath.  So I called for an appointment and Rob took her in Friday afternoon.  
After the appt. he came to pick me up and we headed to the local medical supply store for a  nebulizer machine.  The doctor thinks Olivia has Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).  They are treating it with frequent home neb treatments and an oral steroid to reduce her lung inflammation.  On Monday the 8th, we should be hearing back on the results and will move forward in the best treatment to help her feel better.  
They also tested her oxygen level and it was 94 (96 is normal / 92 requires hospitalization) so they told Rob to watch her and if anything seemed alarming to bring her back in immediately.  So far - she seems to be doing well.
The entire weekend we've been treating her like the little princess she is and giving her more hugs and kisses!  
It is so bitter sweet but I love that she calls out " MAAAA MA" when she isn't feeling well or needs me to hold her! 
2/7/2010 10:11:08 pm

Natalie had as nebulizer also around her 2nd was actually a fish mask! Hope Olivia gets better!


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