I have been anticipating the upgrade of my T1i, that I just purchased in July.  While the T1i is a nice camera, it just isn't the quality or professional grade that I now require.  I have been spending far too much time researching what my next move was, and came to the conclusion last Thursday.    This upgrade to my new 60D " Killer", including my new telephoto and very wide angle lenses, grip and arm, for my 580 speedlite, should prove to be AMAZING!  I have plans to purchase yet another lens in the next few weeks, but must do my research on it , first. I'd just hate to have too much equipment  : )   The advanced speed, live view screen and body quality are phenomenal!  The T1i was plastic and light as a feather compared to this new guy.   Of course, I found many variables between the 60D and 7D(one step up) and ultimately decided the 60D was EXACTLY what I've been wanting.  The improved functions of the 60D, from the T1i have been very surprising, and with my household being so sickly, I have had very little time to play around with it... This week, my priorities will surely be set straight!  
I look forward to a class I'm taking and getting some hands on experience with it during an upcoming engagement session I've got set in my studio. 

And, I should also mention that I sold my T1i on Craig's List, to a wonderful gal named Kate.  She is having a baby at the end of April and is looking forward to capturing many memories of her little one, as I did when I owned it.   While the sale was bittersweet, I did feel a little sad letting my little camera go to another home.  I really do believe it will be in good hands and, regardless, there is still a 2.5 year DIAMOND warranty left on it for her - BONUS!  
Here's to a cleaner and faster perspective!  I've got to mention some of my favorite "photography" quotes: 

You don't take a photograph.  You ask, quietly, to borrow it.  

The goal is not to change your subjects, but for the subject to change the photographer.

A photograph is usually looked at - seldom looked into.

All the Theisen grandkids were together over Christmas and my SIL - Sheri, sent a pretty fab photo of them! They are ALL SO DARN CUTE! With a new little lady and new little man being born, Christmas 2011 should prove to be even more MERRY!
Mikenna, Riley, Joey & Olivia
So, if you haven't noticed - I have been seriously busy and unable to keep up with our personal blogging!  So here is a few weeks of info rolled into this post.

First, let's start with visuals - 21 weeks and 22 weeks came and went - I am already in the 23rd week!  WOW, is this going fast!  We had our ultrasound at 21 weeks and our little boy was very very healthy, all is "normal" and he is infact a BOY, so we will not be using the name Mallory Jane this time around!  It was so very sweet of Miss Hillary to come spend the afternoon with O, while Rob and I got a few sneek peeks of our handsome little man.  Our due date remains 5.25.11 and he was weighing in at 14oz 11 inches on 1.10.11.

21 weeks
22 weeks
More about our little lady:   She has been very intuitive and aware of everything.... more now than ever before - this is both great and a little challenging.  While I love that she is mimicking our routines and words, we now find ourselves being much more cautious and aware of how we act and what we say.  With out over estimating - I'll guess that she has picked up about 25 new words since the first of the year and is impressing us with her pronunciation skills.

We also made the official move and got her into her new big girl room, set up with new bed, bedding, toy box, armoire, toys and of course included her paci.... That, we have yet to break.  
Rob and I decided that we loved the purple color on the walls, which already existed, so we simply got a fresh coat of paint up.  
As for her bed, we started off a little rough. Our little miss was very sick and had a hard time staying in bed for the first few nights.  Rob and I were incredibly nervous and unsure if we had made the right choice - as she is only 19 months.  But, 2-3 days into it, she was sleeping soundly and continues to show us how well she has adjusted!    So, I guess all is well and she was ready.
Photography:   Rob and I have been doing a lot of "over-time" and promoting my rapidly expanding business!  I held an  in-studio shoot that I called "Sweet Valentine"  on 1.15.11 and it was a utter success!  The day was booked and the shots turned out beautifully.  My clients were incredibly AWESOME and very willing to experiment with my new props.  Here is a quick preview of the sessions I've edited so far and, of course, there are more are on my website at: emilytheisenphotography.com 
Then, on Sunday 1.16.11 Rob and I were up in STC - setting up the wedding expo booth!  Grandma F took our doll over night.  I was so nervous I could hardly stand it and I was working on the final prep until about 9 Saturday evening. I had been prepping and purchasing and designing and confirming for what seemed like an eternity!  Once I was finally ready, we packed up our babe- dropped her at g'mas and drove to STC.  We checked into the hotel about 11:30p.m. and Rob was ready to crash.  I was certainly tired but the anxiety got the best of me and I could hardly sleep.  I shuffled through all of my paperwork, props and such and finally got some zzzz's about 2a.m.   BEEEP, BEEEP - the alarm went off at 6:45 and I hopped out of bed ready to hit the convention center for set-up.   Rob was very helpful and I was so thankful to have him along - there is no way I could have hauled in all of our tables, linens, displays, t.v. and all the the rest of details that went into it.  

So, here are a few photos of our morning and the day was PHENOMENAL!  I booked 3 weddings the day of the event and several more since then!  I find myself finally finding my calling and cannot wait to see where the stars lead me, in this business.   Not only have I been complimented on my work, but my personality, creativity and realistic approach....  I hate to brag, but in one week I've booked 7 weddings ranging from 8.20.11 to 6.23.12!  My mom thinks that might just be a record... (IT CERTAINLY IS FOR ME! : ) 

silly, but to see my name up on a booth was thrilling!
Almost done, ready to go!

This past Saturday, I did one last expo for the month.  It was "Girls with Guns" at Bill's gun shop in Robbinsdale.  I certainly didn't have high expectations for the event, but after the Wedding expo I was not looking forward to doing it at all.  The event was supposed to last from 9 am to 8 pm which was far too long!  This is terrible to say, but I put no effort into the event, and only stayed because I had made a commitment to the Robbinsdale Chamber of Commerce and would like to do business with them in the future.   I sucked it up and was so VERY thankful that my girl friend, Erin, had a booth there and we got to spend lots of time chit chatting!    
Olivia simply loves Erin and her b.f. Mike, so it was nice to hang out them for a while, too!  And, Olivia worked hard- preparing insurance quotes for most of the day!
Finally, Rob and I have been doing some decorating for our little guy's new digs and are so very looking forward to his arrival! Hillary and I did some shopping yesterday at Anthropologie, Pottery Barn and, of course, National Camera.  I am excited for what is to come this week and most definitely looking forward to Tuesday - our ECFE classes start again.  This is where we settle down for one night, each week, and spend some quality time dedicated to just Olivia!  
Well, it is certainly proving to be a very busy 2011 around the Theisen household!   
Friday morning we rushed to Babies R Us for some super savings and a BIG GIRL bed!  We, literally, piled our carts full of clothes for our tot and tot-to-be, picked out  a very comfy toddler mattress, bed frame, toy box and other things for our little lady.  It is bittersweet knowing our gal will be in a big girl bed, but as my belly expands, I am looking forward to not smooshing it against crib rails for much longer.  We've started addressing "boy" decor and think we have come up with a cute/masculine decision.  I'll have to be cryptic and leave you in suspense, for now! 
I was able to squeeze in a nice lunch date with two of my gal pals at the Olive Garden and as usual, find that we do not spend enough time together.... One of them is now residing in TX, so that's our excuse, I guess. 

We rang in the NY-eve with some good friends.  At the Part-ay we witnessed an engagement proposal, which was tear-jerking to say the least.....  Maybe it was the wine.... or my hormones - regardless, Rob pounded the gluten-free beers,  I sipped a few glasses of FRE - an alcohol removed white zinfandel and we partied like rock stars; staying up late and feeling hung-over in the morning!   : ) 

The rest of the weekend flew by with birthday parties - one at the Melting Pot (mmmmm), lots of shopping, and cleaning!   Oh - shout out to Uncle Derrick - his birthday was on Sunday!  
On to the belly - we are officially half way at 20 weeks!
Apparently, le bebe is the size of a cantaloupe.  I've been noticing a significant growth spurt and Rob is feeling darn good about it.  He's always after me to eat more and gain some weight - well hunny,  careful for what you wish for!  ; ) 

I've been sailing through with no complaints/acne and little cravings - but this week brought on temperature changes and emotions!  I've started to feel "HOT", therefore, desiring lots of water!  I have been tearing up for the littlest things; commercials, tru t.v. stories and leaving my sad little girl in the playroom at the YMCA, so I can go work out.  I can still hear her yelling "mama" and balling.... (tear)   

Enough of that.... On to this weeks belly shot and comparison shot at 20 weeks!
2011 - baby boy
2009 - baby girl
(Gross - don't look at the arms! )