I have been anticipating the upgrade of my T1i, that I just purchased in July.  While the T1i is a nice camera, it just isn't the quality or professional grade that I now require.  I have been spending far too much time researching what my next move was, and came to the conclusion last Thursday.    This upgrade to my new 60D " Killer", including my new telephoto and very wide angle lenses, grip and arm, for my 580 speedlite, should prove to be AMAZING!  I have plans to purchase yet another lens in the next few weeks, but must do my research on it , first. I'd just hate to have too much equipment  : )   The advanced speed, live view screen and body quality are phenomenal!  The T1i was plastic and light as a feather compared to this new guy.   Of course, I found many variables between the 60D and 7D(one step up) and ultimately decided the 60D was EXACTLY what I've been wanting.  The improved functions of the 60D, from the T1i have been very surprising, and with my household being so sickly, I have had very little time to play around with it... This week, my priorities will surely be set straight!  
I look forward to a class I'm taking and getting some hands on experience with it during an upcoming engagement session I've got set in my studio. 

And, I should also mention that I sold my T1i on Craig's List, to a wonderful gal named Kate.  She is having a baby at the end of April and is looking forward to capturing many memories of her little one, as I did when I owned it.   While the sale was bittersweet, I did feel a little sad letting my little camera go to another home.  I really do believe it will be in good hands and, regardless, there is still a 2.5 year DIAMOND warranty left on it for her - BONUS!  
Here's to a cleaner and faster perspective!  I've got to mention some of my favorite "photography" quotes: 

You don't take a photograph.  You ask, quietly, to borrow it.  

The goal is not to change your subjects, but for the subject to change the photographer.

A photograph is usually looked at - seldom looked into.

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