This Saturday we ditched Miss Olivia, AGAIN!  My mom is so wonderful and supports Rob and I going out by continually caring for our baby.  
This eve, we met up with my friend Erin and her bf, Mike.  We met at Crave to see what all the hype was about and, in my opinion, was not as amazing as everyone talks about... Maybe if I were to take up Meat/Sushi in the future, I'd alter my opinion.  
We then headed out for some bowling at Tuttle's  where we immediately ordered several appetizers.  Normally, we would be full after spending nearly $60.00 on our din but we were all still hungry and ate 'real' food... breaded mushrooms, mozzarella sticks, buffalo wings and Robs personal fav... cheese filled pretzel with cheese dipping sauce.  
We were surrounded by several interesting characters and even witnessed a slightly intoxicated gentle man whip his ball down a lane to bounced out and hit a large metal ceiling support pole.   DING!   The heavy "Bowling Security" came running and it was pretty entertaining to see the guy explain what had happened.   They concluded the investigation by checking the bowling ball for cracks... nothing there, but the bowling guys all had one!  ha, ha, Yuk, Yuk!
For a couple of weeks now, Olivia has been testing out her legs and crawling ability.  She has been able to pull herself up onto all fours and rocks back and forth as if to say, "Just go"... Last week she started to become mobile and became our little Bambi.  Then, last Friday she turned into a poky little turtle BUT NOW - she's like a turning into the little energizer bunny.  I can't wait to see what she terrorizes/breaks first! 

Wish us luck.  Our guess is that she'll be pulling herself up in a few weeks and walking by 10 months.... April 1st! 
The past few weeks have flown by and the last one was no different.  We work all day, rush around to appointments, eat dinner, visit family/friends, play with Olivia (and sometimes the dogs) then try to get a few good hours of sleep and before we know it, it is Friday evening.

This week was no different, but we had some fun things planned for the weekend.  Daddy headed up to a friends cabin for fishing and friends.  Olivia tried helping him pack up and played with Rob's fishing pole while he rushed around trying to get his things in order.  

Olivia and I had plans of our own.... EAR PIERCING!  After discussing it for several months, doing loads of research and mulling it over with important people in our lives we decided that it was in fact something we would like to have done.  

Olivia and I headed to Claire's Boutique where she was mesmerized by all the sparkle in the store and was really good about sitting so still in the chair.  I had to read over a consent form and sign - that was when I started to get butterflies.  I kept going back and forth on our decision but was there and knew she'd be better off not having to worry about infection when she was in pre-school/school. 
So our sales associate,  Brittany, was very kind and patient with us (me) as I asked 1,000 questions and repeated everything twice.  She let me know that she had a 6 month little girl  and informed me that Olivia was quite a bit older than most of the babies she has pierced.  I looked over the earring choices and it was a toss up... I was going to go with her birthstone light amethyst,   but it was a little too girlie for me.  I opted for a small silvercz that she can wear for years!  Olivia was very interested in what Brittany was doing as she marked the little holes-to-be on her earlobes with blue ink.  Once we got the in the exact spot, and even, I held Olivia in my arms with her head braced against my chest.  In one quick snap, it was done.  Olivia simply looked shocked and cried for a second or two.  As we shifted her body for the other side she was on to us and decided that she wanted to hold me tight.  I held her head still and in another quick second it was all over.  

I rewarded her with a warm bottle and dinner with grandma and grandpa Flanary.  
It did take a few days to get used to her new look and when daddy came home Sunday he thought she was "very pretty"...

Olivia has not had any swelling or redness and I just clean them a few times a day.  
She is happier than ever and just a little sparklier!  

picking out her studs
The day came when Rob and I broke down and adopted a Wii into our family!  Wii have been having so much fun doing boxing, bowling and our personal fav - playing table tennis!
We splurged on Saturday and have been very happy about our purchase.  Neither of us are "gamers" but we felt like the Nintendo has always been a family friendly product and is something we will surely be able to introduce to Olivia as she grows.  
Add on....
I just couldn't walk out of the store without the Wii fit.  When I had dinner with some gals, they each had a Wii fit and were so thrilled and proclaimed that it really helped them in their weight-loss goals.  So, I bit and took one home.  
I nearly peed my pants laughing when Rob took on the hula hoop game.  His uncoordinated hips flying about was almost the funniest thing I have EVER seen.  I might just have to record him and post a video in the future!
I will have to explore a little more to pick my favorite workout, but boxing is likely it for now.  There are so many more activities than I expected and will keep us very active for a long time!  

Just so you know, I am a better archer than Rob!  

HAPPY 30th Birthday to my cousin, Alicia!
May all your dreams come true this year! 

You've been banned from having birthdays
A new rule has been made
Signed ,sealed and delivered
By the local Fire Brigade!

So I read the book and had been anticipating the movie release for sometime now.  At first I thought I'd have to beg my prince charming to accompany me to the premier but to my surprise he was more than willing.  I think all the advertising hype helped me out.  
We arranged for grandma Flanary to watch little crabby cakes and take her sledding while we saw our mattine.  I found the movie to be just as "lovely" as the book and was able to really enjoy how they produced it.  The heaven effects were pretty cool and I'd suggest seeing the movie, if you were not planning to already.
Friday night, I met up with some great ladies for a night of girls, wine and fondue.   
I have driven by the Melting Pot in MPLS several times but never knew what I was missing!  It was very stylish and the dining experience was amazing.  I highly recommend taking someone you love there!  It can get a little pricy, if you order several bottles of wine!  : ) 

Click here for the website... Valentine's Day is coming soon.
This week marks the milestone of Olivia trying meat for the very first time. Her first encounter, ever.  Even in utero she she was vegetarian!  I had to set aside my personal decisions to make sure her best interest was first.  She is not lacking nutrients by any means but the Dr's tell me she should be introduced and we can let her make her own decisions when she is old enough. Agreed. 
She was very hungry Wed. night and scarfed down sweet potatoes and turkey.  I must admit, it is a little tough for me to feed her and say, "MMMM" and "Yummy" to encourage her eating this canned mess, but I'll deal.

Daddy was feeding her tonight - check out her face and see how much she enjoyed macaroni and beef.
Here is a little story I just can’t resist sharing with you…  

We desperately needed to go shopping and Rob insisted that I head there today before he got off work.  He isn’t a fan of shopping and wanted to make it to the YMCA with his gals for a little swimming tonight. 
 So, about 3 we headed out to Cub Foods and Olivia showed of her new skills of sitting in a shopping cart rather than in her car seat jammed in the cart.  I thought it was appropriate to wedge her blanket behind her for a more luxurious ride. 
 So we ventured into the produce section where we were greeted by several older and very lovely ladies asking me how old my son was.  **GRR**  She is dressed in pink but I think it is her lack of hair that throws them off.  Either way, we share a courteous smile and moved along.  I was so proud of her as she was sitting so well and wiggling around in excitement.  We selected our products, headed to the natural section, where I chose some very tasty, but expensive items.  We were then greeted by another person, this time a dad.  He asked how old my gal was and shared that his little gal was not able to sit up until she was 9 months.  My guess is that he recalled that incorrectly, but I was proud, so I went with it. 
 By the time we hit isle 8, Olivia, had hit her quota and I was pleading with her to just let me pick out some desirable junk food.  She did not accept and was very vocal about it.  I had no choice but to lift her out of the metal carriage.  Suddenly, I was hit with an overwhelming smell and felt her sticky wet back.  I turned her around to check out the damage.  There was a drenched brown back staring at me and I could do nothing but push my heavy unmanageable cart directly to the restroom.  With little stinky in one arm I picked up my purse and headed in to see what my prize was.     
 I carefully pulled her shirt over her melon and found a very smeared back, arms and neck.  Her shirt was a mess and I decided to toss it into the garbage. I just couldn’t get myself to carry it around the store with us. 
 Anyhow, I cleaned her up and reached into my purse for a diap…. NOTHING!  I realized that it had fallen into the cart and now I had a decision to make.  While I mumbled, “Oh, Shit” a very nice woman entered the lav and saw my situation. I begged her to retrieve the diaper from our cart, she giggled and agreed.  
 As we were waiting, Olivia finished the job and her socks joined her shirt in the garbage.  The woman returned, I got little Miss Marvelous dressed in only her diap and pants.  I felt pretty silly walking out of the bathroom with a little baby only in pants so when we got to the cart I put her jacket on.  We got a few comments about how my baby didn't have shoes or socks on in the winter and it was very hard to swallow my pride and let them think I was neglecting my little tot.  Whatever.   We “finished our business” then called daddy to come help bag and load groceries into the car.  We headed home to make enchiladas and watch some of our favorite shows.

 Two hours in the grocery store, 200 hard earned dollars spent = one crappy afternoon. ; )



Saturday, Rob received a call from Kathy (his mom) and asked us to come up North to be with her and Bob.  We headed up with little expectations as Bob was in the E.R. with fluid filled lungs.  
When we arrived at the Hospital we found the family talking with a nurse discussing what would happen next.  Kathy decided that it would be best for Bob to remain comfortable with medication, rather than transferring back and forth from the E.R.  There is not much they can do for Bob anymore and the most important thing is to keep him comfortable.

This morning Rob got another scary call from his brother, Derrick, letting him know that dad was having serious troubles breathing again.  Rob ended up taking a half day off and coming home to gather his thoughts. The family is starting to discuss funeral arrangements in the event something should happen.

All day, the nurses and doctors were hoping for the best and seems to have paid off!  Apparently, he was sitting up and tried to eat some ice cream this afternoon.  Last we have heard is that he is resting comfortably and we just know that Bob is an incredible man and fighter!  

Please keep Bob, Kathy and the boys in your thoughts.  

UPDATE:  This morning (1/14/09 about 7:30a.m.) Rob talked to Bob's nurse and they informed him that Bob had a successful night.  There was nothing much to report and overall, he did well.  
xxoo Bob