The past few weeks have flown by and the last one was no different.  We work all day, rush around to appointments, eat dinner, visit family/friends, play with Olivia (and sometimes the dogs) then try to get a few good hours of sleep and before we know it, it is Friday evening.

This week was no different, but we had some fun things planned for the weekend.  Daddy headed up to a friends cabin for fishing and friends.  Olivia tried helping him pack up and played with Rob's fishing pole while he rushed around trying to get his things in order.  

Olivia and I had plans of our own.... EAR PIERCING!  After discussing it for several months, doing loads of research and mulling it over with important people in our lives we decided that it was in fact something we would like to have done.  

Olivia and I headed to Claire's Boutique where she was mesmerized by all the sparkle in the store and was really good about sitting so still in the chair.  I had to read over a consent form and sign - that was when I started to get butterflies.  I kept going back and forth on our decision but was there and knew she'd be better off not having to worry about infection when she was in pre-school/school. 
So our sales associate,  Brittany, was very kind and patient with us (me) as I asked 1,000 questions and repeated everything twice.  She let me know that she had a 6 month little girl  and informed me that Olivia was quite a bit older than most of the babies she has pierced.  I looked over the earring choices and it was a toss up... I was going to go with her birthstone light amethyst,   but it was a little too girlie for me.  I opted for a small silvercz that she can wear for years!  Olivia was very interested in what Brittany was doing as she marked the little holes-to-be on her earlobes with blue ink.  Once we got the in the exact spot, and even, I held Olivia in my arms with her head braced against my chest.  In one quick snap, it was done.  Olivia simply looked shocked and cried for a second or two.  As we shifted her body for the other side she was on to us and decided that she wanted to hold me tight.  I held her head still and in another quick second it was all over.  

I rewarded her with a warm bottle and dinner with grandma and grandpa Flanary.  
It did take a few days to get used to her new look and when daddy came home Sunday he thought she was "very pretty"...

Olivia has not had any swelling or redness and I just clean them a few times a day.  
She is happier than ever and just a little sparklier!  

picking out her studs
1/27/2010 02:56:35 am

So Cute!!!


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