I believe- 
that our background and circumstances 
may have influenced who we are, 
but we are responsible for who we become.

I believe- 
that just because someone doesn't love 
you the way you want them to doesn't 
mean they don't love you with all they have.

I believe- 
that it's taking me a long time 
to become the person I want to be.

I believe- 
that you can keep going, long after you can't.

I believe- 
that we are responsible for what we do, 
no matter how we feel.

I believe- 
that maturity has more to do with 
what types of experiences you've had 
and what you've learned from them 
and less to do with how many 
birthdays you've celebrated.

I believe- 
that no matter how bad your heart is broken 
the world doesn't stop for your grief.

I believe- 
that you shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret. 
It could change your life forever.

I believe- 
that two people can look at the exact 
same thing and see something totally different.

I believe- 
that your life can be changed in a matter of 
hours by people who don't even know you.

Saturday morn, dadda set out for his annual fishing trip at Mille Lacs with 10 of his besties.  Unfortunately, no one got caught a thing, but there were a couple nibbles and pranks!   I won't embarrass myself by sharing any of the "man" stories from this year, but they always seem to have a BLAST!

While he was gone, Miss Olivia and I picked up some fresh paint for our little guy's new digs.  Granny Ree cam over for some playtime and I got the painting done.  I was dreading the task of painting, again, but it just had to be done.... I was just not satisfied leaving the room color as designed for Olivia nearly two years ago and with the lack of daddy around dictating weather or not it was fine, I made and executive decision.  Now that it is complete, we are thrilled with the new atmosphere and can't wait to fill it up with new things!

old trusty needs a dusty
Courtesy of grandma and grandpa F.
The adorable "first kiss" giraffe poster I bought and framed for our little lady set the theme for "his" room.  I really wanted to incorporate browns/greens, so this feels right.  I had liked the idea of introducing turtles - but I can't seem to find or put together the style I desire.   Hillary and I found the uber cute knobs and paper mache "head" at Anthropologie, that assist nicely in the theme. I hate to admit it but I can never get out of that store with less than a $200 debit to my account.  And, for all of your silly guessing, there is no relation the baby's name and the ever so cute vintage giraffe theme.  We are not naming him GIRAFFE. 

Grandma and Olivia put together an ever so cute and much needed doll set that I found.  Miss Olivia has been very intuitive with her dollies and has taken quite the interest in diapering, dressing and feeding them with true passion.  She is so very gentle and attentive to their needs.  She even yells at them to SIT DOWN in their highchair - yelling, likely my fault.  

Let's just hope this behavior continues when our little buddy arrives. 

Sunday, I took my gal out for a lunch and shopping date with our pal Destiny.  10" of snow can't scare a shopping trip off!  : ) 
We shopped until my back hurt and I am so very excited to wash and hang some fancy new clothes for myself and the little guy... I didn't have to get anything for the lady, this trip, as she has been in the same size for a while now.  I think we will have to start heading into 24 month pants soon, as her current 18 month are starting to look like capris.    

On to the bump - 27 weeks! 
It occurred to me that we only have about 13 short weekends left with just one child.  While it is exciting and there is no question that we are anticipate the storks arrival, we are taking in all the fun with just one. Here are a few images I'll share from the week. 
Her farm has a fairy and bottle of hand lotion on site! What a gal.
By the time I get around to posting, we are usually around the bend and heading full force into the next week! 
I'm still in my own pants, but this little guy is starting to shift a bit.  Thank god!  I certainly wouldn't say he's dropping, but I am starting to carry lower and I am hoping that this upcoming delivery is just as quick, 3 hours or less!   
Happy viewing.....
(dada insisted on including our little lady this week)

Friday, Olivia and I visited the clinic for my way over due 24 week prenatal appt.  All is going well!  I am measuring at 24-25 weeks, weighed in at 134lbs (+10) and blood pressure was great.  I did discuss my contractions, that no longer exist, and there were no concerns.  (Shoot, it would have been nice to be put on bed rest!  : ) 
Olivia munched on her "cra-kas" and sat patiently while the dr. and I chatted.  The dr. was quite impressed with O's ability to entertain herself, I believe it was the tasty treat she was devouring.
After the appt. we headed to Rob's work for a end of day visit.  The crowd gathered, oooh'd and awwe'd at her cute little knee high boots and trendy cap.  We (mostly daddy) have been trying to get Olivia interested in "pretties" and hair clips.  He's insisting on her looking more like a little girl, which really tickles me.   
After our slightly overwhelming visit, we headed to Red Lobster for a much needed carb-filled dinner.  We ate like kings and asked for the tab.  Our bill came with nothing more than a note that read, "May God bless you and your family.  Happy Valentine's Day!!"  We were shocked and unsure if it meant what we thought it did.  As the waitress came back, Rob pulled out the note and asked where the bill was.  To our surprise she announced that someone anonymously paid for our dinner.  Of course, we were just as amazed as the first time this happened to us, about a year ago.  I cried like a baby and was just warmed up by the gesture.  To be gifted a meal twice in a year is simply heartwarming.   
And, I have to mention that we were feeling gloomy with it being the one year anniversary of Grandpa Bob's passing.  We will not try to put words to it but we agree it was a coincidence, to say the least. 

Saturday, we took our little gal to the MN Zoo for a fun filled day of "amls".  Olivia, Rob and I LOVE the zoo and we couldn't think of a more wonderful place to be on a beautiful sun-shiny day!  We spent most of our time checking out the monkeys, fish and birds.  Olivia was STOKED each time the monkeys screeched and belted out their calls.  The noise carried and carried and carried throughout the entire indoor exhibit and my little baby boy was kicking with excitement, as well!

We took the Monorail trip, this visit, which was a good choice.  All the outdoor animals seemed to have been sleeping or hiding.  The birds-eye perspective did allow for a few quick glimpses.  
About nap time, we decided to take in Hubble 3D at the IMAX.  I was not that excited for a space documentary but this was PHENOMENAL!  Miss Olivia slept on daddy's chest the entire time while the two of us snuggled and held hands like teenagers!
Sunday we headed over to Rob's brother's to meet baby Alyssa, for the first time.  She was so tiny and precious!   Unfortunately, I had to scoot out of there rather quickly to meet up with my clients' for an 11:00 photo shoot.  I sped the whole way to the studio and made it just in time. The day was so beautiful, I couldn't stay indoors!  I asked my first couple if they'd enjoy some outdoor shots and they were pumped!  I am so glad we took advantage of nice weather in the Art District - the photos are looking pretty spectacular!  After that session, I rushed back to the studio to meet my second couple... They too were interested in outdoor time, so I took them to the Stone Arch for some shots by the ruins.   I am looking forward to getting their images done and "showing them off"... So far, I am VERY happy with these portfolios!  
I managed to cram in one more stop, and that was to purchase another Canon!  I have been researching and purchasing equipment for my 13 upcoming weddings and found that all prepared "wedding photographers" also have a back-up camera body.   It TOTALLY makes sense - I just never thought I'd have the revenue to make a second purchase.  I feel like this gig is starting off pretty well, and again, look forward to see where this leads me!  

Monday, I was surprised with a delivery to our front door!  It was a beautiful bouquet of flowers, a teddy (for miss Olivia) some bubble bath and chocolates!   Moments after I put the buds in water, Rob came home with a box of cupcakes from Wuollet's Bakery.  We are incredibly spoiled and LOVE LOVE LOVE our amazing father and husband!     
I hate to double post - but I have to included this video from photo-blog.  Enjoy.  : ) 
25 weeks and looking forward to my dr. visit tomorrow!  I have been having mild contractions over the past week, tons of heartburn,  restless leg syndrome and frankly, feel like the skin between my chest and ribs is ripping off my bod.  I recall this very same thing happening with my first pregnancy and went in complaining of a possible heart attack.  Dr. Gilster found it entertaining but took the appropriate measures to "make sure" I was just overreacting...... His advice to me then, have the baby!  : ) 
Needless to say, I am not nearly as panicky this time and know what I got myself into, so I'll just have to wait this out.  I am slightly concerned with the contractions I've been randomly having, and when I talk to the nurses they say to take it easy, drink lots of water and quit lifting.  Apparently, the contractions were brought on by my recently acquired bronchitis - who knows!?!?!

Not that I am too concerned, but the nurse told me something that really struck me... "The baby's head is about the size of a lime and it would be very easy to deliver him at 2 cm.  This is obviously something we do NOT want and I will have to start "taking it easy".  

Now, let me share how I have been taking it easy... I have booked several more weddings since I last posted about it, took a "Business of Photography" class - phenomenal, a "Photo experiment" class and tonight am taking a CS5 workshop.   The business class was inspiring, challenging and empowering.  The marketing topic was less than helpful because I have far exceeded most of the expectations when starting a business - the instructor called me a "natural".   Okay, off the high-horse - the rest of the class offered a very clear idea of what the difference of calling yourself a "photographer" and running a photography business is.  I have about 65% of this down - contracts, business plan, business accounts/website, pricing, EIN, legal form of business, insurance, marketing, multiple lines of income/resources, etc.  What I need to do is start some financial planning, pay taxes (Federal, State, SS, Municipal/City, etc.), get a lawyer, URL and start a photo-blog (which I just did - click on: Blog to see!)
Some of the most interesting points from the class were:
  • The definition of a Professional Photographer is someone who realizes 80% of more of their income from photography (I'm working on it)
  • There are 152,000 professional photographers with an expected 12% increase by 2018.
  • Digital will be obsolete, just as "film" has become.  On to 3D/motion.
  • Un-professionals who critique a business or its images generally have little or no qualifications to do so. 
  • An exercise that we did; If someone asked you, "what do you do".   
I found myself struggling with this question at each expo.  I would tell prospects that I am "An All Events Photographer" - which worked, but it wasn't all that sufficient. The trick is to figure out ones top subject priority/niches.  Then, figure out the "why" - which ultimately creates your position.
With careful review and long discussions with peers/instructors I have concluded that my passion and focus is solely on compositions - "the relationship photographer"  

Okay, so I am not going to tell you anymore secrets - since I paid for the class and would encourage anyone out there interested in photography to do the same.  Roll up your sleeves, learn something and "keep on the sunny side!"

As for Photoshop - We got PSCS5 a while ago and I have been doing all of my post editing work in it, but find there are so many "thingies" I want to learn more about.  I rely on youtube for most of my tutorials but figured I should do some in-class time, too.  My personal favorite "hobby" right now is making polarized planets.  The technical issues that come up are challenging and I enjoy mastering each one I can successfully create.

Since this is a family blog - I should mention something about mine!!!!  While I am off hanging out with photo-pals, Rob and Miss Olivia play and laugh the nights away!  I so appreciate all Rob's support and look forward to utilizing my skills to make extra money and take us on a MUCH needed adult only VACATION!  But, for now, we are planning an extra special VALENTINE'S weekend for just the three of us.   I HEART V-day and, if you didn't know, it is hands down my favorite holiday!  Hugs, candy,flowers, love,memories - what else do you need!?  My fondest memory is V-day 2005 - when Rob handed me a Hallmark card that nicely described his feelings for me and included a personalized inscription "I LOVE YOU". AWE!
Each day Rob challenges me, loves me, adores our little lady and is the most faithful man I know.  With that, we are so very very lucky and going to shower him with love, especially over the next few days!   

Friday night was EXCELLENT!  I left Miss. Ye Ya with dadda and headed out for a girls only pedicure with my dearest pal Miss. Hillary!  We, as always, had a nice time and I so LOVE my time with her.  I am thankful for her, her personality and her reasonable ways of teaching me how to focus on the good things! Everyone should have a "Hillary" in their life! ; )

After the pedi's, Rob and O met the two of us at Noodles and Co. - for a quick dinner before we dropped O off at grandma's and took in a chick flick!  To my surprise, Rob was willing to see No Strings Attached.  We are not really the "romantic comedy -type" but this show was pretty cute.  There were several unforgettable one liners that had us giggling!
Saturday, my mom, Olivia and I packed up and headed to Great Grandma's for a visit.  I LOVE spending time with my dear grandma and this visit was particularily hard.  If you didn't know, she has Alzheimer's and is more and more fragile each time I visit.  While she still has her fun-loving personality, she often stares into my eyes, telling me how beautiful I am and always says how pretty my mom and daughter are.  She constantly reminds me that she has this "Alzheimer's" as if she is saying, " I know I can't remember you, but I try.  Please forgive me, for I LOVE you and who you have become".
I can't help but shed tears while reminding her of how much we love her and tell her that everything is "okay".    
I am so very thankful Miss Olivia has the opportunity to know grandma Barry and we look forward to our next visit of holding hands and meeting each other. 

More LOVE - we are anticipating the arrival of a new little niece!  Rob's brother Derrick and his family are due today!  I am sure he is getting pretty annoyed with Rob texting every moment "did you have the baby yet?" BUT, we can't wait to meet yet another beautiful Theisen lady!  
I was fortunate enough to read this beautiful story about Nella and would encourage you to read it, as well.  
It touched my whole heart.

I regretfully was unable to capture or post a photo at 23 weeks, due to the lack of a camera!   Regardless, I'd like to think there wasn't much of a change from last week this today.
So, here we go... 24 weeks!  
This week marks a total weight gain of double digits!  Event if it is 10 lovable lbs,  I am starting to feel some uncomfortable pressure far up into my ribs.  As I predicted, I am surely carrying much higher this time around - so regular pants are thankfully still in my routine.  And, I am not sure how I can accomplish it, but I wake up every morning still sleeping on my stomach.  Rob is slightly annoyed, but even when I try back sleeping, I ultimately end up face down.  I'll have to address this next week at my dr. appointment.

I was pretty worried with the random lack of movement up to about week 21 - when our ultrasound showed a placenta smack dab between my little buddy and my stomach lining.  HOWEVER, it has obviously shifted, as all I feel day and night is my little kangaroo hopping around.  He is so wiggly and I am certain that he likes to stretch his little tootsies out - directly making contact with my ribs. SO LOVELY!  I may have just forgotten, but I don't recall Miss "ye ya" (as she calls herself) moving from my ribs way down to my bladder in such rapid movements.  This little guy is pretty good at making his way around - maybe he will have natural navigation skills like his mama!  

And, speaking of Ye, Ya cakes, she has been lovin' me up!  Daddy has been encouraging her to give baby G hugs and she even throws in sweet little kisses.  She giggles and pokes at my "funny" belly button, gently rubs my baby belly while saying, "niiiiiiiiice" and has even started becoming aware of my growing chest.  She now refers to it as "booths"!  : ) 

I've been calling our little buddy by name and she is starting to catch on.  SO, SO CUTE... Try if you wish, to get it out of her!

She is positively the sweetest little gal I know and I can't wait for her little brother to start looking up to her as much as I do!  
Here's to <16 weeks!
24 weeks - 2.1.11
24 weeks - 2.16.09