Friday, Olivia and I visited the clinic for my way over due 24 week prenatal appt.  All is going well!  I am measuring at 24-25 weeks, weighed in at 134lbs (+10) and blood pressure was great.  I did discuss my contractions, that no longer exist, and there were no concerns.  (Shoot, it would have been nice to be put on bed rest!  : ) 
Olivia munched on her "cra-kas" and sat patiently while the dr. and I chatted.  The dr. was quite impressed with O's ability to entertain herself, I believe it was the tasty treat she was devouring.
After the appt. we headed to Rob's work for a end of day visit.  The crowd gathered, oooh'd and awwe'd at her cute little knee high boots and trendy cap.  We (mostly daddy) have been trying to get Olivia interested in "pretties" and hair clips.  He's insisting on her looking more like a little girl, which really tickles me.   
After our slightly overwhelming visit, we headed to Red Lobster for a much needed carb-filled dinner.  We ate like kings and asked for the tab.  Our bill came with nothing more than a note that read, "May God bless you and your family.  Happy Valentine's Day!!"  We were shocked and unsure if it meant what we thought it did.  As the waitress came back, Rob pulled out the note and asked where the bill was.  To our surprise she announced that someone anonymously paid for our dinner.  Of course, we were just as amazed as the first time this happened to us, about a year ago.  I cried like a baby and was just warmed up by the gesture.  To be gifted a meal twice in a year is simply heartwarming.   
And, I have to mention that we were feeling gloomy with it being the one year anniversary of Grandpa Bob's passing.  We will not try to put words to it but we agree it was a coincidence, to say the least. 

Saturday, we took our little gal to the MN Zoo for a fun filled day of "amls".  Olivia, Rob and I LOVE the zoo and we couldn't think of a more wonderful place to be on a beautiful sun-shiny day!  We spent most of our time checking out the monkeys, fish and birds.  Olivia was STOKED each time the monkeys screeched and belted out their calls.  The noise carried and carried and carried throughout the entire indoor exhibit and my little baby boy was kicking with excitement, as well!

We took the Monorail trip, this visit, which was a good choice.  All the outdoor animals seemed to have been sleeping or hiding.  The birds-eye perspective did allow for a few quick glimpses.  
About nap time, we decided to take in Hubble 3D at the IMAX.  I was not that excited for a space documentary but this was PHENOMENAL!  Miss Olivia slept on daddy's chest the entire time while the two of us snuggled and held hands like teenagers!
Sunday we headed over to Rob's brother's to meet baby Alyssa, for the first time.  She was so tiny and precious!   Unfortunately, I had to scoot out of there rather quickly to meet up with my clients' for an 11:00 photo shoot.  I sped the whole way to the studio and made it just in time. The day was so beautiful, I couldn't stay indoors!  I asked my first couple if they'd enjoy some outdoor shots and they were pumped!  I am so glad we took advantage of nice weather in the Art District - the photos are looking pretty spectacular!  After that session, I rushed back to the studio to meet my second couple... They too were interested in outdoor time, so I took them to the Stone Arch for some shots by the ruins.   I am looking forward to getting their images done and "showing them off"... So far, I am VERY happy with these portfolios!  
I managed to cram in one more stop, and that was to purchase another Canon!  I have been researching and purchasing equipment for my 13 upcoming weddings and found that all prepared "wedding photographers" also have a back-up camera body.   It TOTALLY makes sense - I just never thought I'd have the revenue to make a second purchase.  I feel like this gig is starting off pretty well, and again, look forward to see where this leads me!  

Monday, I was surprised with a delivery to our front door!  It was a beautiful bouquet of flowers, a teddy (for miss Olivia) some bubble bath and chocolates!   Moments after I put the buds in water, Rob came home with a box of cupcakes from Wuollet's Bakery.  We are incredibly spoiled and LOVE LOVE LOVE our amazing father and husband!     

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