I normally try to avoid posting client photos on our family blog site - but I am so excited about this album... Check it out by clicking.... Katie and Kevin
Life has been full of fun, challenges and new thingies!  I can't recall my last moment of "free time" but today I've managed to set some aside.  So, here is a quick review of the last few weeks.
Olivia's party was a blast!  Friends and family came over to celebrate on the 12th - it is just too bad it was about 65 degrees and we were unable to enjoy the local splash pad. 
Monday the 13th, I went back to work - or "welcomed" daycare kids back.... While it was challenging to get up that morning, I felt pretty strongly that it was time to get back in gear, even if it was only 3 weeks. I have much respect for my full time assistant, who has been there for every tear (mostly mine : ) , scrape and all the chaos!   She is a very strong and lovely 18 year old who I am admiring more and more!  She is calm, collected and simple.  All of the traits I long for.   In addition to daycare - I am still booming in photography.  I did a family session on the 11th, have three engagement sessions this weekend, one the following and two weddings prior to 7.8.11!  And, I have booked 3 more weddings!   OMG - I really will need a vacation by the end of the year.

Our little boy, sweet sweet baby Grant turned 4 weeks!  He is the loveliest little guy and rarely makes a sound (unless hungry)..  He and Olivia are my Yin and Yang.   Olivia being the more challenging - even as an infant.  Our little buddy is SO EASY, SO charming and SO BEAUTIFUL!   I never thought I'd have this much love to give - but now that he is here, he is my everything, too!  His incredibly HUGE blue eyes are to die for and he melts my heart with every glance!   Happy 4 weeks, son.  Life has lots in store for you!  

My Dad celebrated his 56th B-day on the 15th!  I love you dad and I cherish every year that we were able to spend together!

Father's day was full of joys - spending it with the most amazing father's we know and remembering those we have lost. It is no surprise to me that Rob is such an awesome dad - he had the most wonderful role model.  BIG hugs and lots of kisses to our dear Bob!  We miss you every day.

Our new wheels!  Rob and I have been talking about getting bikes.  Wait let me clarify- Rob has been trying to convince me that bikes would be a great little activity for our family. The last time I rode a bike was in college, about 2002-2003.  I bought one thinking I'd save parking/gas $ and bike everywhere... HAHAHA!  Now that I am thinking about it, I have no idea where that bike ever ended up..... hmmmm
Anywho - Rob searched the internet for hours, then days and then weeks seeking out his perfect bike.  He finally found it and picked it up Sunday morning.  It was a fancy little thing and I have to admit I was pretty jealous!  In no time, he went and bought a kid seat and mounted it on the back, for Olivia, picked up her first helmet and even got a man bag for the front of the bike so he can store his meds, wallet and keys!    Like I said, I was jealous and Olivia refuses to get off the bike!  She loves it so much that I now bribe her to do things durning the day and tell her daddy will reward her with a bike ride!   (works every time!)

Then, before I could start my own research, Rob sent me an email with a fancy little "pretty in pink" bike that I knew I had to have!   He went and inspected it on Monday evening  - and so our new family fun begins!   Baby Grant can't really participate yet, so gamma has offered to take him anytime!  : ) 
baby grant at 4 weeks!
that smile IS priceless!
Riley and Olivia at gamma's while their daddy's went fishing! Riley recently said, "daddy I really miss Olivia" SO CUTE!
kissie kissie - baby is happy too!
It is OFFICIAL!  We have a TWO year old!  She is giggly, cuddly, stubborn, persistent, funny, beautiful and naughty all bundled into one VERY cute little girl!    
Our sweet, bald baby girl has grown so fast! From 7lbs. 7oz., 21" she's transformed into a 27.5lbs., 33" beauty... she is just perfect!
She's counting to 6 - skipping to 18, reciting the alphabet: a, b, c, d, (pause) f, ggggg!  Swinging her hips with every tune, loving her baby "gant" - always asking if he is "hungin" (hungry).  Even trying to make her own attempts at feeding him (see below)!

On her birthday (June 1st) we celebrated with lots of projects (painting and coloring), dinner out and a very delicious cup cake!    

Daddy picked up her presents this year, and make quite the impression; a Dora fishing pole and a tent!  So, to put her new items to use, we headed up to "gama" Theisen's house to fish and camp!  Miss Olivia reeled her pole yelling, "Gotch ya" for hours!  Daddy and I convinced gama to watch our little guy so we could take our darling down to uncle Warren's dock for her very first fishing trip!  She was tickled pink holding daddy's hand all the way down the dock and watching her throw that first cast was priceless!  Our little lady was SO amazed at all the fish Rob's cousin's had caught.  Daddy even bought me a new PINK fishing pole.  It is so girly and even lights up when you crank the reel.  While I do enjoy flashy and sparkly things, this might be a bit too much, even for me!   BUT, I know it will be MY rod and don't have to worry about daddy taking it from me.  : ) 

We had a wonderful visit and baby Grant slept longer and harder than ever.  I think the fresh air, snuggling and attention wore him out.  It is just too bad he didn't keep that all night sleep habit once we returned home.     When we got home, we did find a cute little army worm - Olivia got right down in its path yelling "HI!" over and over.  She even guided it back onto the cement as it attempted to get lost in our tall grass.  I just LOVE that our little gal is cutsie, loves her pretties and purses all the while being able to play with bugs, catching softballs with her very own glove and now taking up fishing!  She is a well rounded gal and we are some very proud parents!

This is my last week of a 3 week maternity!  It has been filled with lunch dates, snuggle time, lounging, client meetings - I've booked 2 more weddings, scheduled 6 engagement sessions and a family session, new enrollments for child care and just a little mommy only hammock time....  While I am bit sad that I only allowed myself three weeks, I am VERY excited for what is to come!  I am SO PUMPED, refreshed and eager to get back to business!
No, those are not my legs! : )
She's so determined to help feed the baby!
Well, by now you all know we have a healthy baby boy named Grant!  He happens to be the reason I have not blogged for 15 days!   
Let's go back to the beginning, when I fell in LOVE for the THIRD time in my life!

It was about 10:30p.m., the night before my induction.... Rob and I had just finished watching The Real World and I started having last minute thoughts about what I had packed for the morning.   I remembered that I had not formatted my camera or the cards, so I rushed down stairs to our computer and took care of it.  As I walked up the stairs, I realized my lower back was a little sore.  I just assumed it was my mind playing tricks on me, in anticipation.  BUT, with in the hour, my soreness turned into sharp pains and I could hardly sit down.  I walked up and down the stairs (from our bathroom) to our room about 10 times, because I had to pee so much.  With each flight, the desire to moan grew stronger and louder (I am still shocked that Olivia never woke up).   Rob finally joined me in the bathroom about 12 and asked if he should make the call to my mom.  Grandma and Grandpa rushed over to pick up Olivia while I stood in the bathroom begging for the pain to stop.  I never actually saw her, but the moment my mom put her hand on my back to comfort me, I started balling.  I knew at that very moment, I was actually in labor and going to have my son.  
Rob and my mom helped me out of the house, stopping with each contraction, telling me that we needed to move quickly, the contractions were "very close".  I recall my mom saying, " I don't think she's going to make it to the hospital."  - While I was in agreement, I was determined to walk durning the next few contractions in order to get in the car.  
On the way to the hospital (2 blocks away) I had a couple of contractions.  I could NOT sit on my hind-end, so I kneeled, facing the back seat with my arms clenching the headrest the whole way.  Once we arrived at the entrance, I tried to hop out, but another contraction struck.  Again, my mom and Rob tried to assist - but I accidentally said, "Just F-ing wait",  I just needed time for the pain to cease.   Rob later told me that my mom backed up real quickly and seemed pretty concerned (sorry mom!) 

Once I got indoors, I was wheeled up to labor and delivery, gave them my name and headed into a room.  Everything went really quickly after that; nurses rushed in, threw on the monitors, started an IV, checked me - I was dilated to a "5 or 6" and then the anesthesiologist came in to administer my intrathecal.  About 2 the medication started working and I was able to relax as each contraction slowly dissolved.   Rob kept close watch on the monitor and explained that I was having such hard contractions, they were "off the chart".  While I believed him, I felt nothing - not even a little pressure.   It was a quarter to 3 and a nurse came to check again - she announced that I was going to start pushing and have the baby shortly.  Rob pulled out the video camera, rested it behind  me on a perfectly placed shelf.  Little did I know 4  pushes later baby Grant would be in my arms.  Both Rob and I were shocked at the amount of hair he had and were undeniably in love from the moment we saw him.   
Grant Robert Theisen 5.19.11 2:26 a.m. 7lbs. 11oz. 21"

The staff took over; cleaning him up and answering all of our questions.  Slowly, I started to get itchy....  The medication was starting to wear off and I NEEDED to shower!  It felt so DAMN good to clean up in the hottest shower of my life.  While I was admiring seeing my feet again, daddy hovered over baby grant as he was bathed.  
Once we were all cleaned, we napped for about an hour and woken up only to be moved into our recovery room by 7a.m.   

We stayed in the hospital until Saturday, mid-morning.  We were overwhelmed by visitors, given lots of gifts and our favorite - Olivia coming to meet him for the very first time.  We pulled out the video camera to record her reaction... Her angelic little face with eyes welled with tears - one to drip down and rest on her cheek for a long while.  She was so confused - her mama in a hospital bed and holding a very tiny baby.  The girl brought me to tears and I am so very thankful we have it all on film.  

One week later, I brought him to the clinic for his check and circumcision.  He eats non-stop, so I was shocked to learn he was down to a tiny 6lbs 10oz.  A week of anticipation prior to the procedure was challenging but now that it is over, I am fine, he is fine and already healed.   He sleeps all day, only waking up from 11 p.m. until 1 a.m.  Then, every 2-3 hours until about 6:30 a.m. leaving his patient parents very tired.  Poor Olivia now wakes up to crabby parents at 7.  Thank god for Mickey Mouse - he is my only morning helper now...  : ) 

As for me, I am feeling pretty amazing.  I didn't have any stitches, I have already lost 20 lbs (6 to go!) feed him regularly and have over 50 bags of milk in the freezer.  My only complaints are the lack of time and sleep - things I will likely miss the rest of my life!

We've had several outings as a family of 4; a family photo shoot - at the hands of mommy and daddy!, softball games, meeting friends for lunch, Target and even took advantage of gamma and gampa - we took in a movie Sunday!  

Our little man is now 14 days old - the very day our little lady turns 2!  We are so happy, so tired and so excited for what is to come!    We've taken over 3,000 images since his birth - here are just a few... (I currently have two kids screaming, one that is hungry, the other sitting on the potty chair. AND, I need to get the Birthday Girl's birthday bash going!)  
Until next time! 

(only 8 hours old!)