Life has been full of fun, challenges and new thingies!  I can't recall my last moment of "free time" but today I've managed to set some aside.  So, here is a quick review of the last few weeks.
Olivia's party was a blast!  Friends and family came over to celebrate on the 12th - it is just too bad it was about 65 degrees and we were unable to enjoy the local splash pad. 
Monday the 13th, I went back to work - or "welcomed" daycare kids back.... While it was challenging to get up that morning, I felt pretty strongly that it was time to get back in gear, even if it was only 3 weeks. I have much respect for my full time assistant, who has been there for every tear (mostly mine : ) , scrape and all the chaos!   She is a very strong and lovely 18 year old who I am admiring more and more!  She is calm, collected and simple.  All of the traits I long for.   In addition to daycare - I am still booming in photography.  I did a family session on the 11th, have three engagement sessions this weekend, one the following and two weddings prior to 7.8.11!  And, I have booked 3 more weddings!   OMG - I really will need a vacation by the end of the year.

Our little boy, sweet sweet baby Grant turned 4 weeks!  He is the loveliest little guy and rarely makes a sound (unless hungry)..  He and Olivia are my Yin and Yang.   Olivia being the more challenging - even as an infant.  Our little buddy is SO EASY, SO charming and SO BEAUTIFUL!   I never thought I'd have this much love to give - but now that he is here, he is my everything, too!  His incredibly HUGE blue eyes are to die for and he melts my heart with every glance!   Happy 4 weeks, son.  Life has lots in store for you!  

My Dad celebrated his 56th B-day on the 15th!  I love you dad and I cherish every year that we were able to spend together!

Father's day was full of joys - spending it with the most amazing father's we know and remembering those we have lost. It is no surprise to me that Rob is such an awesome dad - he had the most wonderful role model.  BIG hugs and lots of kisses to our dear Bob!  We miss you every day.

Our new wheels!  Rob and I have been talking about getting bikes.  Wait let me clarify- Rob has been trying to convince me that bikes would be a great little activity for our family. The last time I rode a bike was in college, about 2002-2003.  I bought one thinking I'd save parking/gas $ and bike everywhere... HAHAHA!  Now that I am thinking about it, I have no idea where that bike ever ended up..... hmmmm
Anywho - Rob searched the internet for hours, then days and then weeks seeking out his perfect bike.  He finally found it and picked it up Sunday morning.  It was a fancy little thing and I have to admit I was pretty jealous!  In no time, he went and bought a kid seat and mounted it on the back, for Olivia, picked up her first helmet and even got a man bag for the front of the bike so he can store his meds, wallet and keys!    Like I said, I was jealous and Olivia refuses to get off the bike!  She loves it so much that I now bribe her to do things durning the day and tell her daddy will reward her with a bike ride!   (works every time!)

Then, before I could start my own research, Rob sent me an email with a fancy little "pretty in pink" bike that I knew I had to have!   He went and inspected it on Monday evening  - and so our new family fun begins!   Baby Grant can't really participate yet, so gamma has offered to take him anytime!  : ) 
baby grant at 4 weeks!
that smile IS priceless!
Riley and Olivia at gamma's while their daddy's went fishing! Riley recently said, "daddy I really miss Olivia" SO CUTE!
kissie kissie - baby is happy too!

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