
I wanted to say, "Thank you"!!!!  I have been getting such wonderful feedback about our blog/website!  Please stay with me as we update.  Having a new baby doesn't allow for much computer time, so we are trying very hard to update once a week.

Rob and I had a garage sale Saturday and man, was that fun!  I don't think there is anything more rewarding than watching people look at your crap and then buy it!   : ) 
We made quite a profit!  We are planning to have it again this weekend and hope for another great turn out.

On Sunday we headed to Big Lake to visit our friends Sorin and Rachel.  We are SO thrilled for them, as they are blessed and now expecting a baby!  We felt it necessary to pass Olivia off to Sorin for her afternoon feeding and he did a great job!  Rachel and I chatted about delivery, needles, medications, etc.  The best advice I can give anyone is to just go to the hospital and do what feels right when you are in labor.  The things I worried about during pregnancy didn't even matter when I was in the delivery room. 
They have decided to be very open about their name choices and will be finding out gender their baby is.  From our conversation, it seems like they are hoping for a girl.  Rob spoke very highly of ours to Sorin and it seems as if they are hoping in that direction.  Either way, the baby will bring you more joy than you can ever imagine!   Congratulations, you two will be AMAZING parents!!! 

We had a lovely visit but I think I talked their ears off!  We stayed a little longer than we intended and ended up missing the "Surprise" at my aunts 60th birthday party!    Sorry Sandy!  
It was certainly great to see my cousins and their families!  We have not seen Chris and Angie for a long while and I found out she is a labor and delivery nurse for Methodist.  I can't image how amazing that job must be.  I was telling her about my experience at North Memorial and how much I enjoyed the Nurse we had!  

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On Monday Olivia and I went to lunch with some friends, then headed to visit some old co-workers!  Apparently, everyone takes pto during the summer so we didn't see as many people as we thought.  

After KDV, we went to the Millennium Gardens, again, for a photo shoot!  The photos are posted all over the site and boy did we have a blast!  Grandma, Marie, came with and enjoyed it more than Olivia, I think.   : ) 

The flowers are more beautiful than a few weeks ago and I still can't believe we had the opportunity to get married in such a lovely setting!  

Our site is full of the photos so scroll around and check them out!  

Amazing!  It has been a year and what a wonderful weekend again to celebrate!  
Olivia and I started Saturday out by meeting our friend Jennifer for a quick stroll around the farmers market!  We picked up some fresh flowers for Grandma Flanary and tasty cinnamon bread.  We headed home so Olivia could spend some time with daddy, while I went for a hair cut.  I had not had one since August of 08, when I donated 12 inches!      
I am very nervous and afraid to admit it, but I have MAJOR anxiety about hair cuts.  I had asked a friend to do it for me, as she is starting her own business and I thought I could give her some "start-up" business.  Rob was very critical of my decision, as I usually come home from a cut very upset.  He wasn't sure that a friend would be the best for me to be mad at... Regardless, I went and had a great outcome!  I just love it - because it looks exactly how it looked when I went in, just trimmed!  : ) 

After the cut, I came home to get ready for our big night!  
At 4 we dropped Olivia off at Grandma's and it was very hard to leave her for the "first overnight"...  I tried to be happy that I'd get a little time for just us, but I was just a little emotional.  I should have used waterproof mascara because I needed to reapply once we got in the car to leave. 
Once we overcame that drama, we went to Zelo in Minneapolis where we enjoyed a lovely dinner.  Rob had a very expensive piece of steak and some asparagus, while I enjoyed a tasty flatbread.   Rob looked like Chet (John Candy) from the movie The Great Outdoors after he polished off the "Ole 96er".  You may recall it was a 96-ounce prime age beef steak (including fat and gristle) but Rob's was more like a mere 16oz.  

My mom was very generous and had arranged a surprise gift certificate for us upon our arrival!  THANK YOU!

Rob and I exchanged cards at dinner and he followed by presenting me with a beautiful diamond anniversary band to accompany my wedding set!  I was so excited and couldn't stop staring at it all night!   
Earlier this summer, Rob and I had gone out and gotten his tremendously romantic gift - a brand new self-propelled lawn mower and sawzall.  (Maybe I should get him something HE really wants next year!) 
But at dinner I gave him a professional shave set, like the one he had done last year on our honeymoon and our tickets for the Cirque du Soleil - Kooza, that we were heading to next.

The show was amazing!  We had tried to go to a show when we were in Vegas, but the tickets were unavailable and out of our price range!   We certainly enjoyed all the acts and would absolutely recommend it to everyone!

After the show, we were exhausted but had to make one last call to grandma to make sure Olivia was doing well.  She was very helpful and reassured me that Olivia would be fine overnight.

The next morning we visited Grandpa Theisen and headed to our church where we met with our pastor to discuss Olivia's baptism (we are likely having it on August 16th). 

After that we picked Olivia up and quickly headed over to cousin Riley's 1st birthday party! We had a nice time and were glad we could help celebrate.

After the party we headed home. We had thawed the top of our wedding cake out for a taste test, but it was terrible, so we took a photo and tossed it in the garbage! I thought the night was almost done but tricky Rob had one more thing for me... He had gotten us the movie The Notebook, he is so ROMANTIC!  : ) 
We ended the night by sitting in our front yard and watched the local fireworks show.  What an amazing weekend we had and I look forward to many, many more years!

On Friday night we took a walk at the Millennium Garden, where Rob and I got married last year.  It was still gorgeous there and we were very impressed with the second stage of the gardens.  You may have seen the brick I purchased for Rob for our wedding day.  The funds were used to develop and fund stage two of the gardens.   The grounds are full of beautiful landscapes, waterfalls and fountains. We will be celebrating our ONE YEAR anniversary this Sunday (July 12th)!  It is just amazing how fast this year has gone by.  I think it flew because we also got to experience pregnancy for 9 of those months! 
Some would say we did things a little quick, but we certainly wouldn't change one second of it!  

Rob and I have made a deal that each year one of us will plan our celebration so the other can just relax about planning and enjoy a surprise.  This year, because I am not working, I decided to take on the challenge!  I have it all planned out and have grandma Flanary all lined up for Saturday evening!  I can't let you in on the surprise or gifts yet, but it should be a good time and I'll be sure post the details next week.  

Look close, you can see our brick to the left of Olivia!

For one of my showers my cousin, Rene, gave us an upper case keepsake plaque.  This is something you use to capture the size of your little ones hands or feet.  We wanted to do this little craft project the first day we had her home but sadly that time came and went.  It really is amazing how fast time flys!  Anyhow, we decided to do it when she was 5 weeks.  The idea was to paint her hands, while she keeps them extended flat and we stamp that on the plaque, creating a beautiful keepsake.  WELL - Not the case!  Her hands do not lay flat and are like little fists of fury!  All clenched and full of springs that snap shut!

We tried really hard to work with them, but it simply didn't work.  We opted for the secondary, her feet.  They are so darn cute and we are glad to capture them.  Here are a few photos of our lovely time!  


Of course, this was followed by bath time!

Our First 4th as the 3 of us! 
We stared the evening off by visiting grandpa Theisen and he was doing very well!  He was eating dinner when we arrived, so we sat with him until he was done. Then we took him outside for a nice walk and talked for a long while!  It was nice to have him so comical and back to himself in conversation.  He was in good spirits and insisted that we stay and watch the fireworks with him.  Unfortunately, there were none that could be seen from his temporary residence so it was terribly sad to leave that night.  

Rob and I went for a bite to eat at one of our favorite spots, noodles and co., then headed to ST. Louis Park for the fireworks.  It was quite different having a little baby along with us this year!  Normally we sit a top a car roof or in a park somewhere, but this year we strategically parked, thanks to Rob, and sat in our car.  Near the end of the show Olivia was quite tired and hungry so we took off to beat the traffic.  Thank goodness we did, because she had a very full diaper by the time we got home.  
