
I wanted to say, "Thank you"!!!!  I have been getting such wonderful feedback about our blog/website!  Please stay with me as we update.  Having a new baby doesn't allow for much computer time, so we are trying very hard to update once a week.

Rob and I had a garage sale Saturday and man, was that fun!  I don't think there is anything more rewarding than watching people look at your crap and then buy it!   : ) 
We made quite a profit!  We are planning to have it again this weekend and hope for another great turn out.

On Sunday we headed to Big Lake to visit our friends Sorin and Rachel.  We are SO thrilled for them, as they are blessed and now expecting a baby!  We felt it necessary to pass Olivia off to Sorin for her afternoon feeding and he did a great job!  Rachel and I chatted about delivery, needles, medications, etc.  The best advice I can give anyone is to just go to the hospital and do what feels right when you are in labor.  The things I worried about during pregnancy didn't even matter when I was in the delivery room. 
They have decided to be very open about their name choices and will be finding out gender their baby is.  From our conversation, it seems like they are hoping for a girl.  Rob spoke very highly of ours to Sorin and it seems as if they are hoping in that direction.  Either way, the baby will bring you more joy than you can ever imagine!   Congratulations, you two will be AMAZING parents!!! 

We had a lovely visit but I think I talked their ears off!  We stayed a little longer than we intended and ended up missing the "Surprise" at my aunts 60th birthday party!    Sorry Sandy!  
It was certainly great to see my cousins and their families!  We have not seen Chris and Angie for a long while and I found out she is a labor and delivery nurse for Methodist.  I can't image how amazing that job must be.  I was telling her about my experience at North Memorial and how much I enjoyed the Nurse we had!  

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On Monday Olivia and I went to lunch with some friends, then headed to visit some old co-workers!  Apparently, everyone takes pto during the summer so we didn't see as many people as we thought.  

After KDV, we went to the Millennium Gardens, again, for a photo shoot!  The photos are posted all over the site and boy did we have a blast!  Grandma, Marie, came with and enjoyed it more than Olivia, I think.   : ) 

The flowers are more beautiful than a few weeks ago and I still can't believe we had the opportunity to get married in such a lovely setting!  

Our site is full of the photos so scroll around and check them out!  

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