Thursday I shipped miss Olivia off to grandma and grandpa Flanary's so the hubbie and I could enjoy a spooky evening together!  We met up with our pals, Erin and Mike, for a terrifying haunted maze and a hayride. 
I have to say the maze was more than I could handle and at times I dropped to the ground in pure fear. Good thing Rob was there to pick me up and drag me into more darkness!  There were creepy things lurking around every corner and just when you least expected it there was someone pounding or creeping up on you... 
It makes my knees shake - still!

I knew going in that the actors were not able to actually touch or harm you - but there was this one guy that found it incredibly fun to continually whip Rob in the face with a icky tail from his costume.  If Rob wasn't so nice - the other guy would have been laid out!  What a jerk.

Anyhow, we had a blast but the cost to ENTER if you Dare, is quite scary (spendy)!

Vampire fangs - free- with admission!




I got sad news that one of my classmates, from Monticello, passed away on Tuesday.  He had some trouble in his life and decided it just wasn't worth the pain any longer.  It is real eye opener that we need to spend more time with our friends and family and appreciate all they have to offer.  
Please steal an extra hug from someone you love and pass it on.

Dusty - you will be missed!
Happy Birthday to AMY! 
 Also, celebrating her Golden Birthday this year!
Hillary is celebrating her GOLDEN birthday today! 
 So fitting, because she is someone who always shines!
This weekend was full of friends!  We enjoyed two visits from Hillary, Olivia's godmother!  Saturday we went out for dinner and some margaritas, no qualms with me!  
Then Sunday, I hosted a shower for a friend who is adopting two marvelous little boys.  It was a blast and we did some unique shower games for her.  Once all the guests departed Hillary and I spent a little more time together!  We intended to go shopping, but were very tired!  So we sat around until Rob got home from pheasant hunting and learned that once again he got nothing!  See, it is a good thing I am a vegitarian - he can't shoot anything anyhow! 

The evening concluded with foot rub and our weekly ABC line up. 
This week marks OLIVIA's most accomplished!  She has learned how to: 
roll to both sides               grab everything

                      put her feet in her mouth
swallow baby food rather than just swishing it around 
                               entertain herself with her toys
walk (by holding onto our fingers)
                                       giggle (uncontrollably) when tickled

My gosh, our little monkey is growing up so fast!  Everyone has been telling me this for months but it has become quite the reality!  I no longer can eat without pushing my plate far from her reach nor can I leave her unattended as she will roll right off EVERYTHING!  
The best part is that she is able to recognize when we are in the room with her.  She gives us a HUGE gummy smile each time we enter or leave.  It is becoming obvious why people have several children!  It is SO MUCH FUN to watch them develop and learn! 

she even took my keys away, cause I enjoyed so many margaritas!
This year we decided to carve pumpkins with my dad and stepmom.  I learned that Rob has not done this for years and years so it was quite fun to see him so into it!  We all picked out our desired pattern and carved away.  

I absolutely HATE the smell of pumpkin guts and was super anal about not getting the mush all over.  Rob knew of my anxiety and had a sheet of plastic ready for the day.  (he knows me too well!) 
My dad went with the traditional triangle shaped eyes and nose and threw in a mouth of two little teeth.
Karen went for a design - not really sure it turned out as planned, but she had fun!
Rob did a scary "fire" face.  The eyes and such turned out looking like flames.
I did a monster, who looked like Sully from Monsters, Inc.
Then, it was Olivia's turn.... We didn't really have anything creative as hers was a pie pumpkin and was tiny.  I thought about her and what she is like... Oh, she spits up all the time, so here it is!
Rob, Emily, Dad, Karen and Olivia
On Saturday we rolled out of bed and headed to the Y for some family swimming!  We thought it was appropriate to see how well Olivia took to the water before jamming swimming lessons down her throat.  
Check out her excitement!

  • I think she was just amazed at the sounds she heard and the echos of the family locker room!  We got her ready and were pool bound.  She did really well with daddy as he slowly walked into the pool.

So Rob had his time with her allowing her to float and kick around... Then it was my turn.  I had been enjoying a little me time in the jacuzzi and boy was the water cold when I jumped in!
We swam around a bit and let Olivia chase after a little yellow ball that she desperately needed to put in her mouth each time she caught up to it.  I am surprised at her tolerance of chlorine water.  Like an annoying new mom I asked the swimming instructor if there was anything special we needed to do or watch for after we left the pool.  He said that a child having any type of reaction from chlorine is "super duper rare."
So after about 45 minutes we decided we'd better pack up our things and go.... We were meeting grandpa and grandma Lindenfelser for some OLIVE GARDEN!

So, Olivia has realized that she can now make silly noises and spit at the same time. When she pretends to cry, she includes her spit bubbles.  Rob and I are incredibly amazed that this new found talent appeared out of nowhere and are not quite sure how to discourage the behavior.  Obviously, we are not laughing or anything but if you know or have any advice - please.

Also, we are gearing up for the big HALLOWEEN events this year!  Our little nugget has been fitted for several outfits and we, or should I say, I, just can't simplify down to one.  I have gotten her 3 (slightly used, so they are CHEAP) mostly so I can take lots of photos!  She will only be 5 months once - so... there is logic to it.  : P

We are headed out for some local door to door trick or treating, an event at our church and, of course, a party at a friends so she will, obviously, need appropriate attire! 

Stay tuned for pictures! 
After a long weekend Rob and I decided to reward ourselves with Chipotle!  We dined in the living room, which is normally forbidden, and watched little Olivia grab her feet and tip to her left.  She has mastered this act and not until last night around 7 p.m. did she show us how she can actually roll over and get onto her tummy!  She was so AMAZED the first time she did it, but in her Hercules fashion she did it nearly 10 more times.

It occurred to me that exactly one year ago we first saw our little nugget in an ultrasound.  Now she is our big marshmallow and rolling over.  Amazing how fast time goes.

We caught her second success on video!  Check it out under video and read more at Olivia's Milestones page.