This week marks OLIVIA's most accomplished!  She has learned how to: 
roll to both sides               grab everything

                      put her feet in her mouth
swallow baby food rather than just swishing it around 
                               entertain herself with her toys
walk (by holding onto our fingers)
                                       giggle (uncontrollably) when tickled

My gosh, our little monkey is growing up so fast!  Everyone has been telling me this for months but it has become quite the reality!  I no longer can eat without pushing my plate far from her reach nor can I leave her unattended as she will roll right off EVERYTHING!  
The best part is that she is able to recognize when we are in the room with her.  She gives us a HUGE gummy smile each time we enter or leave.  It is becoming obvious why people have several children!  It is SO MUCH FUN to watch them develop and learn! 

she even took my keys away, cause I enjoyed so many margaritas!

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