On Saturday we rolled out of bed and headed to the Y for some family swimming!  We thought it was appropriate to see how well Olivia took to the water before jamming swimming lessons down her throat.  
Check out her excitement!

  • I think she was just amazed at the sounds she heard and the echos of the family locker room!  We got her ready and were pool bound.  She did really well with daddy as he slowly walked into the pool.

So Rob had his time with her allowing her to float and kick around... Then it was my turn.  I had been enjoying a little me time in the jacuzzi and boy was the water cold when I jumped in!
We swam around a bit and let Olivia chase after a little yellow ball that she desperately needed to put in her mouth each time she caught up to it.  I am surprised at her tolerance of chlorine water.  Like an annoying new mom I asked the swimming instructor if there was anything special we needed to do or watch for after we left the pool.  He said that a child having any type of reaction from chlorine is "super duper rare."
So after about 45 minutes we decided we'd better pack up our things and go.... We were meeting grandpa and grandma Lindenfelser for some OLIVE GARDEN!

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