October is one of my favorite months because of all of the events that take place!  I have three girlfriends: Destiny, Hillary and Amy, who celebrate b-days in the next two weeks!  This weekend we celebrated with Ray and Ashley as they wed at the beautiful Historic Stillwater Courthouse.  It was a lovely day and Miss Olivia was quite during the entire ceremony!   Saturday we left right after my mani and pedi for a pumpkin search and a very scenic drive!   Somehow we made it into Wisconsin over a very creeky and eerie bridge.  I was very scared and hesitated going over it once and then realized we needed to go over again to get back!  

We found a
pumpkin farmer and bought several.  I have been calling Rob Mr. Martha Stuart because he came up with a very clever idea for Halloween and I plan to post details soon.  We gathered pumpkins and headed over to the wedding.  After the ceremony we drove around a bit to sight see and enjoy the gradient leaves.  WOW!!!  I am so glad we did, because Rob blurted out...
" I'd marry you again, right now!"  If that doesn't make a gal feel special, I don't know what would!  

We then made our way to their reception and livi ran out of fuel.  She started to fuss and puked up on me several times.  She had meet her quota for the day so after dinner we said our quick good byes.  Congrats to both of you and I am so jealous of your honeymoon!  
TWO WEEKS in Hawaii!  

Check out all the bubbles!
So last week Rob brought up joining the YMCA as a family.  As you may know, I have been an active member at SNAP Fitness for several years and I LOVE the freedom to go day or night, as they operate 24/7.  I had never thought about going anywhere else but I was open to a change and posted a poll on Facebook, where all reliable sources are, and got a crowd of "yes, join the Y because...." 

After gathering data from pals, we learned that we have lots of friends that are members and some that are thinking of joining now too!   One of Rob's friends thought it was quite interesting that he was the one to bring up working out more because of Rob's string bean bod.  Obviously, Rob will be no HULK but because of his diabetes he needs to stay active.  Rob has been having really high sugar levels lately which cause him to feel very queezy and he wants to play a little b-ball this winter on a league there.  

Thursday, Rob and I headed over to the one in New Hope.  After a few hour tour and hearing of FREE CHILDCARE we made a decision to join.  I still have a membership at SNAP, which is where I go for my personal training and Kickboxing class.  Once all that is done, I will have to sadly terminate the relationship and move on.  

The silly thing is that even Olivia has her own ID card.  She looks very serious and 'gerber-like" in the photo they snapped.

Sunday I found out about all the free classes and took body toning class in the morning and headed back in the evening for Zumba.  WARNING: Take Zumba at your own Risk... 
I had the pleasure of meeting a man, the only man in the class, who explained the 'art' of Zumba.  In his Latino voice he told me, "I don't care what no one thinks.  I don't get embarrassed.  I like to shake my ass and move."  This of course, was followed by several pelvic thrusts and all the ladies around me started gagging.  All I could think of was The Bird Cage, Hank Azaria aka Agador Spartacus. 

We have Olivia excited about swim lessons, starting in November and even got her a new little swimsuit!  : )  
Rob and I went and saw Couples Retreat on Thursday night. What a hoot!  We have not been to a movie, in what seems to be a very long time!  The movie is quite silly and if you asked me, anything involving Vince Vaughn is terrific.  
We giggled at a few parts of the movie but mostly enjoyed the company...and, of course,  popcorn!  

We actually had free hands to hold after the show and it made me feel incredibly refreshed and new.  
Almost like when we first started dating. 

As we were leaving theater 5, we scurried out to beat traffic and as we got closer to an older man we noticed that he was by himself in the movie.  We thought, "Oh, sad."  He was shuffling along very slowly so we tried to veer around him and as we did he grabbed his pants to hold them up and we suddenly heard geese honking!  : ) Of course, this situation is something that would happen to us! I looked at Rob, only to find him with a red face and puffed cheeks trying hold back a loud giggle!  He let out a squawk and the man looked back at me.  Oh My Gosh!  I couldn't help but turn around myself and act is if it were another immature couple!  So watch out for old Mr. Slowsky but  I would encourage you to see the movie!




You are in my thoughts... Especially today

visit www.october15th.com for other details
Last night Rob came home with a very pretty arrangement that included purple asters (my favorite)!  He handed them to me and little miss jealous intercepted with her very curious fingers!  I realized that I will now have to share the man in my life and the flowers come for both of us gals!  

Olivia has become quite aware of what we are doing these days and simply gets ticked off if we lay her down to do our daily routine.  She has figured out how to latch on to our arm and hold our sleeve tightly with her digits to observe all that we do.  

Let's just say that it is very hard to put on mascara in the morning but she absolutely loves staring at herself in the mirror and showing her gummy smile.  I really look forward to sharing the bathroom each morning but am predicting that we might have a conflict in about 10 years! 

While Rob was out of town we spent some time visiting grandparents!  It is always nice when he doesn't try to rush us home to watch football!  So Saturday, Olivia and I traveled to Monticello to visit my dad and stepmom.  We had a very nice lunch and stayed at the diner until supper time!  It was really great to have a long chat about things that are going on in our lives and just 'bs' for a while!   Once we wrapped up, I headed home to get ready for a girls night out and got Olivia all packed up for a night with my mom and stepdad.  They are very, very generous and I am so thankful for all of their help!  
I felt a bit sad about leaving her that evening because she has been showing signs of teething and is more irritable.   But, of course, when grandma holds you, everything is all better!~  

I enjoyed a fun evening with gal pals at the Shout House in MPLS.  I had never been there before but will likely be back soon! It is a piano bar that is so theatrical and entertaining!  

Then Sunday, I headed to retrieve Miss Olivia and she was all smiles when I arrived.  My mom and I took her to see my grandma, Mary,  who thought she was a little boy.  She just couldn't figure out why I cut her hair to look like a boy.  It was very funny, yet a little sad - cause I want her to have hair too!  
Anyhow, we had a great visit but it was very hard to leave her.  She would talk all day and requested several times that we didn't just run off on her.  I just can't imagine what life would be like when you can't remember anything for more than a few moments.  



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This weekend Rob, his brother,Derrick, and mutual pals headed out to Marshall, MN for a little pheasant hunting.  Every year they meet up at our place and head towards 394 about 3 a.m.  This year I was a bit nervous as I was sure Olivia would wake up as Rob paced around the house making sure he had everything he needed.  Well, let's just say she is my child as she didn't even notice!  Once we are a sleep - that is it!  

I guess now would be a good time to share that our gentle little lady is turning into quite the grizzly when sleeping!  I might have to turn off the monitor, she snores so loud!  : )


Each year Rob brings our little dog Bo with and, apparently, each year he gets better.  Now, I know nothing about hunting (nor do I really care) but Rob was very impressed with his 'natural skills' and was bragging about him Sunday when he got home.  
I guess he has proven himself enough to stay away from the pound.  Rob is always saying he is going to go trade our other doggie, Cody (choc. lab) in and get one that will move! 
Check out the photo of Olivia in her little send off for daddy!  It was really funny to see camouflage and white little ruffles on her butt and around her neck.  My guess is that this is the 'foxy' look.  
Olivia is now officially 4 months old!  
This month has been our favorite month with her, so far!

At her shots on 9/29/09 she weighed in at a healthy 15.7 lbs and has a head of 16.5 inches!  (Let's just say I'm glad she only had a 12" when she was born!)
She has dropped down to the 70th percentile and the doctor told us we can start "real" baby food!  We have her started on rice cereal, but it has not been a good transition so far.  

Olivia and I headed to the Science Museum on Wednesday.  We played with so many fun things and there is an interesting little display about a mother's journey with Alzheimer's.  Apparently this lady donated her body to science and they had a slice of her brain displayed next to a person's without the disease.  It was simply amazing to see the difference in tissue.  I have to say that I was a bit grossed out to see a real brains, but there was a very distinctive difference in structure so it was kinda cool at the same time.  I highly recommend visiting the museum regardless of children or their ages. There is a fantastic Titanic Exhibit there now too.

On Sunday we lounged around the house and watched the TWINS game!  Once again, we fell in LOVE with Creepy Kubel.  He and Cuddyer have had amazing games the past few weeks and we are so looking forward to Tuesday's game!  Several friends of ours sat online trying to order tickets for hours, to actually get none.   This will by far be more interesting than the Vikings tonight.  I just have to ask, Are you as annoyed by Brett Favre publicity as I am? 

We are looking forward to some good news and waiting for Jen and Jerry's baby Madeline to arrive!  Speaking of babies, CONGRATS to our pals Sorin and Rachel on finding out that they are having a baby girl, our friend Adam on the news of having a baby boy and other pals Josh and Jules adopting two boys!  We wish you all the best and look forward to meeting all of them very soon! 

Our little gal was subjected to another vicious round of shots!  I had been dreading going for a few days prior because all I could think of was our last experience.  My little baby was put on the table and her legs held down by the nurse and three intramuscular shots jammed into her little legs!  There is no wonder why people dislike shots!  She, again, cried so hard that she couldn't even make a noise and was very, very scared!  As soon as it was over I swept her off the table and hugged her like it was my last time!  She eventually calmed down, sniffled and yelled out her baby obscenities at me!  I feel so terrible for her and just hate making her do this every few months!  

The good news is that she dropped from the 80th to the 70th percentile. She weighed in at a healthy 15.7 lbs, is now 26" long and has a 16.5 inch melon.  
The doc advised me on starting rice cereal immediately and work up to carrots and applesauce by the end of the month.  Check out her photos of this experience on my 'Milestones" page!  It isn't going GREAT right now, so we take "baby-steps" and slowly transition.