This year we decided to carve pumpkins with my dad and stepmom.  I learned that Rob has not done this for years and years so it was quite fun to see him so into it!  We all picked out our desired pattern and carved away.  

I absolutely HATE the smell of pumpkin guts and was super anal about not getting the mush all over.  Rob knew of my anxiety and had a sheet of plastic ready for the day.  (he knows me too well!) 
My dad went with the traditional triangle shaped eyes and nose and threw in a mouth of two little teeth.
Karen went for a design - not really sure it turned out as planned, but she had fun!
Rob did a scary "fire" face.  The eyes and such turned out looking like flames.
I did a monster, who looked like Sully from Monsters, Inc.
Then, it was Olivia's turn.... We didn't really have anything creative as hers was a pie pumpkin and was tiny.  I thought about her and what she is like... Oh, she spits up all the time, so here it is!
Rob, Emily, Dad, Karen and Olivia

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