Saturday morn, dadda set out for his annual fishing trip at Mille Lacs with 10 of his besties.  Unfortunately, no one got caught a thing, but there were a couple nibbles and pranks!   I won't embarrass myself by sharing any of the "man" stories from this year, but they always seem to have a BLAST!

While he was gone, Miss Olivia and I picked up some fresh paint for our little guy's new digs.  Granny Ree cam over for some playtime and I got the painting done.  I was dreading the task of painting, again, but it just had to be done.... I was just not satisfied leaving the room color as designed for Olivia nearly two years ago and with the lack of daddy around dictating weather or not it was fine, I made and executive decision.  Now that it is complete, we are thrilled with the new atmosphere and can't wait to fill it up with new things!

old trusty needs a dusty
Courtesy of grandma and grandpa F.
The adorable "first kiss" giraffe poster I bought and framed for our little lady set the theme for "his" room.  I really wanted to incorporate browns/greens, so this feels right.  I had liked the idea of introducing turtles - but I can't seem to find or put together the style I desire.   Hillary and I found the uber cute knobs and paper mache "head" at Anthropologie, that assist nicely in the theme. I hate to admit it but I can never get out of that store with less than a $200 debit to my account.  And, for all of your silly guessing, there is no relation the baby's name and the ever so cute vintage giraffe theme.  We are not naming him GIRAFFE. 

Grandma and Olivia put together an ever so cute and much needed doll set that I found.  Miss Olivia has been very intuitive with her dollies and has taken quite the interest in diapering, dressing and feeding them with true passion.  She is so very gentle and attentive to their needs.  She even yells at them to SIT DOWN in their highchair - yelling, likely my fault.  

Let's just hope this behavior continues when our little buddy arrives. 

Sunday, I took my gal out for a lunch and shopping date with our pal Destiny.  10" of snow can't scare a shopping trip off!  : ) 
We shopped until my back hurt and I am so very excited to wash and hang some fancy new clothes for myself and the little guy... I didn't have to get anything for the lady, this trip, as she has been in the same size for a while now.  I think we will have to start heading into 24 month pants soon, as her current 18 month are starting to look like capris.    

On to the bump - 27 weeks! 
It occurred to me that we only have about 13 short weekends left with just one child.  While it is exciting and there is no question that we are anticipate the storks arrival, we are taking in all the fun with just one. Here are a few images I'll share from the week. 
Her farm has a fairy and bottle of hand lotion on site! What a gal.

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