25 weeks and looking forward to my dr. visit tomorrow!  I have been having mild contractions over the past week, tons of heartburn,  restless leg syndrome and frankly, feel like the skin between my chest and ribs is ripping off my bod.  I recall this very same thing happening with my first pregnancy and went in complaining of a possible heart attack.  Dr. Gilster found it entertaining but took the appropriate measures to "make sure" I was just overreacting...... His advice to me then, have the baby!  : ) 
Needless to say, I am not nearly as panicky this time and know what I got myself into, so I'll just have to wait this out.  I am slightly concerned with the contractions I've been randomly having, and when I talk to the nurses they say to take it easy, drink lots of water and quit lifting.  Apparently, the contractions were brought on by my recently acquired bronchitis - who knows!?!?!

Not that I am too concerned, but the nurse told me something that really struck me... "The baby's head is about the size of a lime and it would be very easy to deliver him at 2 cm.  This is obviously something we do NOT want and I will have to start "taking it easy".  

Now, let me share how I have been taking it easy... I have booked several more weddings since I last posted about it, took a "Business of Photography" class - phenomenal, a "Photo experiment" class and tonight am taking a CS5 workshop.   The business class was inspiring, challenging and empowering.  The marketing topic was less than helpful because I have far exceeded most of the expectations when starting a business - the instructor called me a "natural".   Okay, off the high-horse - the rest of the class offered a very clear idea of what the difference of calling yourself a "photographer" and running a photography business is.  I have about 65% of this down - contracts, business plan, business accounts/website, pricing, EIN, legal form of business, insurance, marketing, multiple lines of income/resources, etc.  What I need to do is start some financial planning, pay taxes (Federal, State, SS, Municipal/City, etc.), get a lawyer, URL and start a photo-blog (which I just did - click on: Blog to see!)
Some of the most interesting points from the class were:
  • The definition of a Professional Photographer is someone who realizes 80% of more of their income from photography (I'm working on it)
  • There are 152,000 professional photographers with an expected 12% increase by 2018.
  • Digital will be obsolete, just as "film" has become.  On to 3D/motion.
  • Un-professionals who critique a business or its images generally have little or no qualifications to do so. 
  • An exercise that we did; If someone asked you, "what do you do".   
I found myself struggling with this question at each expo.  I would tell prospects that I am "An All Events Photographer" - which worked, but it wasn't all that sufficient. The trick is to figure out ones top subject priority/niches.  Then, figure out the "why" - which ultimately creates your position.
With careful review and long discussions with peers/instructors I have concluded that my passion and focus is solely on compositions - "the relationship photographer"  

Okay, so I am not going to tell you anymore secrets - since I paid for the class and would encourage anyone out there interested in photography to do the same.  Roll up your sleeves, learn something and "keep on the sunny side!"

As for Photoshop - We got PSCS5 a while ago and I have been doing all of my post editing work in it, but find there are so many "thingies" I want to learn more about.  I rely on youtube for most of my tutorials but figured I should do some in-class time, too.  My personal favorite "hobby" right now is making polarized planets.  The technical issues that come up are challenging and I enjoy mastering each one I can successfully create.

Since this is a family blog - I should mention something about mine!!!!  While I am off hanging out with photo-pals, Rob and Miss Olivia play and laugh the nights away!  I so appreciate all Rob's support and look forward to utilizing my skills to make extra money and take us on a MUCH needed adult only VACATION!  But, for now, we are planning an extra special VALENTINE'S weekend for just the three of us.   I HEART V-day and, if you didn't know, it is hands down my favorite holiday!  Hugs, candy,flowers, love,memories - what else do you need!?  My fondest memory is V-day 2005 - when Rob handed me a Hallmark card that nicely described his feelings for me and included a personalized inscription "I LOVE YOU". AWE!
Each day Rob challenges me, loves me, adores our little lady and is the most faithful man I know.  With that, we are so very very lucky and going to shower him with love, especially over the next few days!   


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