Friday night was EXCELLENT!  I left Miss. Ye Ya with dadda and headed out for a girls only pedicure with my dearest pal Miss. Hillary!  We, as always, had a nice time and I so LOVE my time with her.  I am thankful for her, her personality and her reasonable ways of teaching me how to focus on the good things! Everyone should have a "Hillary" in their life! ; )

After the pedi's, Rob and O met the two of us at Noodles and Co. - for a quick dinner before we dropped O off at grandma's and took in a chick flick!  To my surprise, Rob was willing to see No Strings Attached.  We are not really the "romantic comedy -type" but this show was pretty cute.  There were several unforgettable one liners that had us giggling!
Saturday, my mom, Olivia and I packed up and headed to Great Grandma's for a visit.  I LOVE spending time with my dear grandma and this visit was particularily hard.  If you didn't know, she has Alzheimer's and is more and more fragile each time I visit.  While she still has her fun-loving personality, she often stares into my eyes, telling me how beautiful I am and always says how pretty my mom and daughter are.  She constantly reminds me that she has this "Alzheimer's" as if she is saying, " I know I can't remember you, but I try.  Please forgive me, for I LOVE you and who you have become".
I can't help but shed tears while reminding her of how much we love her and tell her that everything is "okay".    
I am so very thankful Miss Olivia has the opportunity to know grandma Barry and we look forward to our next visit of holding hands and meeting each other. 

More LOVE - we are anticipating the arrival of a new little niece!  Rob's brother Derrick and his family are due today!  I am sure he is getting pretty annoyed with Rob texting every moment "did you have the baby yet?" BUT, we can't wait to meet yet another beautiful Theisen lady!  

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