Here is a little story I just can’t resist sharing with you…  

We desperately needed to go shopping and Rob insisted that I head there today before he got off work.  He isn’t a fan of shopping and wanted to make it to the YMCA with his gals for a little swimming tonight. 
 So, about 3 we headed out to Cub Foods and Olivia showed of her new skills of sitting in a shopping cart rather than in her car seat jammed in the cart.  I thought it was appropriate to wedge her blanket behind her for a more luxurious ride. 
 So we ventured into the produce section where we were greeted by several older and very lovely ladies asking me how old my son was.  **GRR**  She is dressed in pink but I think it is her lack of hair that throws them off.  Either way, we share a courteous smile and moved along.  I was so proud of her as she was sitting so well and wiggling around in excitement.  We selected our products, headed to the natural section, where I chose some very tasty, but expensive items.  We were then greeted by another person, this time a dad.  He asked how old my gal was and shared that his little gal was not able to sit up until she was 9 months.  My guess is that he recalled that incorrectly, but I was proud, so I went with it. 
 By the time we hit isle 8, Olivia, had hit her quota and I was pleading with her to just let me pick out some desirable junk food.  She did not accept and was very vocal about it.  I had no choice but to lift her out of the metal carriage.  Suddenly, I was hit with an overwhelming smell and felt her sticky wet back.  I turned her around to check out the damage.  There was a drenched brown back staring at me and I could do nothing but push my heavy unmanageable cart directly to the restroom.  With little stinky in one arm I picked up my purse and headed in to see what my prize was.     
 I carefully pulled her shirt over her melon and found a very smeared back, arms and neck.  Her shirt was a mess and I decided to toss it into the garbage. I just couldn’t get myself to carry it around the store with us. 
 Anyhow, I cleaned her up and reached into my purse for a diap…. NOTHING!  I realized that it had fallen into the cart and now I had a decision to make.  While I mumbled, “Oh, Shit” a very nice woman entered the lav and saw my situation. I begged her to retrieve the diaper from our cart, she giggled and agreed.  
 As we were waiting, Olivia finished the job and her socks joined her shirt in the garbage.  The woman returned, I got little Miss Marvelous dressed in only her diap and pants.  I felt pretty silly walking out of the bathroom with a little baby only in pants so when we got to the cart I put her jacket on.  We got a few comments about how my baby didn't have shoes or socks on in the winter and it was very hard to swallow my pride and let them think I was neglecting my little tot.  Whatever.   We “finished our business” then called daddy to come help bag and load groceries into the car.  We headed home to make enchiladas and watch some of our favorite shows.

 Two hours in the grocery store, 200 hard earned dollars spent = one crappy afternoon. ; )




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