Saturday, Rob received a call from Kathy (his mom) and asked us to come up North to be with her and Bob.  We headed up with little expectations as Bob was in the E.R. with fluid filled lungs.  
When we arrived at the Hospital we found the family talking with a nurse discussing what would happen next.  Kathy decided that it would be best for Bob to remain comfortable with medication, rather than transferring back and forth from the E.R.  There is not much they can do for Bob anymore and the most important thing is to keep him comfortable.

This morning Rob got another scary call from his brother, Derrick, letting him know that dad was having serious troubles breathing again.  Rob ended up taking a half day off and coming home to gather his thoughts. The family is starting to discuss funeral arrangements in the event something should happen.

All day, the nurses and doctors were hoping for the best and seems to have paid off!  Apparently, he was sitting up and tried to eat some ice cream this afternoon.  Last we have heard is that he is resting comfortably and we just know that Bob is an incredible man and fighter!  

Please keep Bob, Kathy and the boys in your thoughts.  

UPDATE:  This morning (1/14/09 about 7:30a.m.) Rob talked to Bob's nurse and they informed him that Bob had a successful night.  There was nothing much to report and overall, he did well.  
xxoo Bob

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