The day came when Rob and I broke down and adopted a Wii into our family!  Wii have been having so much fun doing boxing, bowling and our personal fav - playing table tennis!
We splurged on Saturday and have been very happy about our purchase.  Neither of us are "gamers" but we felt like the Nintendo has always been a family friendly product and is something we will surely be able to introduce to Olivia as she grows.  
Add on....
I just couldn't walk out of the store without the Wii fit.  When I had dinner with some gals, they each had a Wii fit and were so thrilled and proclaimed that it really helped them in their weight-loss goals.  So, I bit and took one home.  
I nearly peed my pants laughing when Rob took on the hula hoop game.  His uncoordinated hips flying about was almost the funniest thing I have EVER seen.  I might just have to record him and post a video in the future!
I will have to explore a little more to pick my favorite workout, but boxing is likely it for now.  There are so many more activities than I expected and will keep us very active for a long time!  

Just so you know, I am a better archer than Rob!  

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