It has occurred to me that this pregnancy is flying by. We have not gotten paint, for his room, toys or anything I would have with my first baby. I have not been reading any weekly books or discussing baby names and making lists.... I guess I am much busier this time around!    As for clothing, I give credit to my mother - who has already supplied clothing, teddy's and more for our little buddy!  I'll have to take some photos and get them up for your viewing pleasure - they are 
so darling and handsome!
Take a look at this weeks growth - I have to admit I am starting to feel a little el prego!

As for Miss Olivia - we are starting to discuss her big move, into a new "Big Girl Room" furnished with a big girl bed, no nuk and other exciting things......  Now that our entire home has passed both County and State inspections we are able to move "daycare" into the basement and focus on our family needs on our main level.    I am excited to start the decorating process and looking forward to seeing our home finally come together.   Honestly, I am looking forward to spending some time shopping!  ; ) 

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