Rather than sharing all the details - I've decided to make this post a summary of all we've been doing the last few weeks!

* My first Photography expo  - my second and third will be later this month & in January
* I turned 29 - one last year in my twenties and I just know it will be the best yet! 
* Olivia is 18 months old - oh my gosh!  
* Rob's been doing tons of hunting and enjoys his long nature walks
* Celebrating two of my gal pals and their new little baby bellies (one that is due 6 days after 

   we are!!!!) 
* Speaking of babies - I went in for my 16 week appt.  all is going well - I am just expected to

    gain some weight by the next appt.  (doctor's orders) 
* Created a Twitter page - still not sure what I am doing  : ) 
* Did more photography shoots and am booking more by the day!

* Proudly signed a check to rent a photography studio!  
* Olivia taught herself how to yell "Uh-No" and fall over while giggling all the way to the ground
* I discovered a new ticklish spot on my little babe and can't help but tickle her all the time!
* Decorated for the Holidays and getting really excited to teach Olivia about Santa!

* Shoveling snow - especially Sunday the 12th!
* My hubby and I spent a nice afternoon at the Walker Art Center for the British Awards - what a 

* Finished our season of volley ball and looking forward to starting back up this January 
* Olivia's learned a few new words: LLLL (light), low, off/on, snow, two, three, banana, 
    "a book" and is starting to put other 2 word sentences together.   
* Took our Holiday photos and attempting to get our cards ready for delivery 
* Most importantly, spending time with our family and friends! 


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