This year, like all the rest, we rushed from event to event.  Thursday Santa brought Rob a brand new 47" t.v. and beautiful entertainment stand~ he is very very excited!  Friday night was full of the Flanary/Person's family (what a hoot) and Olivia certainly enjoyed playing with her 4 so-stinking-cute cousins!  We were able to make it home about 11 that night only to wake up and rush over to the Theisen's house for our second round of cousins!  Olivia got to see her WI  cousins and certainly enjoyed their company!   As usual, we finished our family gift exchange and headed to GG's - Olivia's great grandma Carol's for a nice lunch and visiting.  
As things wrapped up and our brother/sister-in-laws headed out, we decided to pack up our baby for a trip to g'ma Flanary's.  When we arrived, we were pleasantly surrounded by another group of relatives and Miss Olivia was gifted yet another series of toys.  My aunt, O's great aunt gave her a darling teddy bear that has not yet left her arms.  Thanks, Eileen - you are too kind! 
Once the guests started packing up, we took advantage of a little "us" time and asked g'ma and g'pa to babysit our very tired little lady so we could see True Grit.  The movie was awesome and I'd highly recommend it to any of you.
Sunday we relaxed for a moment then headed to the Olive Garden for a Holiday Dinner with my Lindenfelser family.   My brother joined and must have been in the holiday spirit, as he offered to pay for our entire bill.  WHOA!    We finished off the evening at the YMCA and look forward to a very health 2011 - filled with excitement and our new baby!!!!!

While the holidays were merry, we were very sad and carried heavy hearts without Rob's father here with us.  I think it really hit Rob and I on Christmas night, when the activities slowed and we shed some much needed tears.  I cannot feel the pain he does, as I have not lost a parent, but I sure feel the loss of a phenomenal father in law and only wish for one last hug and opportunity to tell him how much I love him.

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