"EMMY" seems to be the newest reference miss olivia makes towards her mama.  As a tiny little gal she loved her "mama" then, I think,  got lazy and started to call me "ama"  but this new name is simply wild.   All I have been hearing for the last day is "EMMY", "emmy" EmMy"  .  While it is super cute and makes me giggle, I am not sure that I like my one and a half year old addressing me by my first name.  I thought this would come around age 15!  : ) 

Sources: I will have to explain that she has acquired this name from all the other kids I take care of who also have been calling me Miss. Emmy for the last year of our lives.  I knew sooner or later Olivia would pick it up, just came to a huge surprise to me as it actually happened. 

We were out for dinner last night and did some last minute Holiday shopping and found ourselves surrounded by people who thought Olivia calling for me was pretty hysterical.  It certainly was,  but in the midst of all the name calling, Rob and I continually re-directed her and put a little faith that she'd forget it by the morning - TO NO AVAIL! 

The first thing I heard through the monitor this early 7a.m. was "EMMMMMMMY"  

Signing off - 

Desperate mama

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