Grandma F cam over for a little lunch and visitation time with our lovely livi!  Olivia just loves loves her g'ma and can hardly keep her feet on the ground when she's around.  Yesterday, we had a nice visit and when the girl went down for a snooze, g'ma and I played the Wii.  We created her her own character designed to mimic her looks and call her the M'fr - a nickname she got from an angry parent in her school district - and played away!  I am hard-pressed to think of anyone else who enjoys winning as much as she does and was impressed with her ability to catch on so quickly!   While I did win most games, she certainly showed me up in the golfing games.... I guess this is acceptable since she does nothing but golf all Summer long ; )

I've posted a few images and would not be surprised she runs out and buys herself one sometime soon.


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