On Sunday  August 16th, we celebrated Olivia's Baptism at Calvary in Golden Valley.  She looked so angelic in her little dress.  (I made the purchase last Christmas when it was on clearance!) 
There were three other families that experienced the same blessing as us that morning.  What a great way to bond with others in our congregation!  

Rob and I are so proud to call Uncle Derrick and my Friend "auntie" Hillary her godparents.  We just know they are going to be fantastic sponsors for her in the years to come.  Derrick having son, Riley, just 11mos. older than Olivia should guarantee a great relationship for all of us.  : ) 
And Hillary, being the wonderful friend, for all these years, will certainly bring lots of clothes (she works in retail) and a creative fun-loving relationship!  
I made a little poem for each of them and presented it at the luncheon.  

Thanks to all who were able to celebrate with us, even those who were 'running' late.  ; ) 

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