Rob and I decided to repaint the trim around our windows and doors to freshen up the exterior of our home a bit. 
Sadly, we stayed with the boring white per Rob's request. 
We packed up Olivia and went to Menards to pick up our required supplies for this project.

When we were leaving Menards a man approached us to see if we could give him a jump.  His BMW (very nice one) wouldn't turn over.  We hesitated just for a moment because Olivia was screaming and crying.  

We decided it was only a few minutes of time and were successful in helping him and his wife out.  They offered some cash for our assistance and of course we declined. He asked if we were "church people" and told us that we got the good samaritan award for the day.  

Remember my post  a while back about Random Acts of Kindness?  Well, I have been trying to figure out a way to "pay it forward" and this was one of many that we will be able to do!
Bev Lindenfelser
8/25/2009 04:27:58 am

I really do enjoy these updates. I will have to give it some thought for free stuff to do. I watch TV...that's free, but I am boring.


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