So the very last movie Rob and I saw was back when Benjamin Button and 7 Pounds came out.  We saw both of them in anticipation of not going to the theater for much longer.  We were right!  Not until this past Thursday did we have the chance or desire to see a movie.  Okay - that's like 4 months!  

Anyhow, we had been hearing about HANGOVER  so we decided to see it. All I can say is OMG!  LMAO!

 By the way mom that means Oh My God.  Laughing My Ass Off.

This movie was about a group of gentlemen headed for Vegas for a bachelor party.  Really, what happens there stays there!  Rob and I were giggling like little school girls during the entire production!  All I can say is that I am soooo glad he didn't go to Vegas for his party last June!  

If you want to see a comical movie, check out the Hangover.

For our next date night, this Wednesday, we are heading to the Walker Art Museum for a stroll on the grounds.  We might just head over to Joe's Garage for dinner too!
8/24/2009 12:41:29 pm

Does that mean I get to have Olivia on Wed? Please, please please???


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