WOW!!! I've been really busy with my new adventure in photography and decided it was about time to make it official with my very own domain! With that being said, I am incredibly stoked to announce is now taken!

This past Saturday, I did a shoot at the Walker Art center, then Sunday, had two family sessions along with a senior session.  Even after that, I took some of our very cute niece!  I felt a little sad not being able to spend time capturing my little miss but I am quite certain that we will have time for those shots this week!  : ) 

I'm starting to realize how physical this profession can be, as I am feeling very tired and sore after all my up-and-down's trying to capture the very best images.  Regardless, the adrenaline rush is SO worth it!!  After the sessions, I could hardly wait to get home to upload and edit and find myself totally consumed by these little projects!  I am quickly realizing that I have a desire for a certain style of editing and feel very passionate about my new niche.   
I've posted a few of the shots here and, as always, feel free to visit my professional site for the latest and greatest!  
marie flanary
9/28/2010 10:16:34 am

wow-I am very impressed! good for you!


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