Over the last 6 months, I've been hoping that we are doing "all the right things" with Olivia's development, interaction and discipline.  I thought what I was feeling was pretty normal and wanted to explore some groups, just to make sure.  So, with that being said, I signed our little fam up for some ECFE (early childhood family education) in the Robbinsdale school district AND a small group at our church called, Teensy Tots.  So over the next 15 weeks, we've got ourselves into one serious schedule of parenting-101.   
Our experience with ECFE: 
Tuesday 6:15 -7:45 p.m. for the next 15 weeks, we head on over to Cavanaugh, to our little room in the back and surround ourselves with drool monsters, breast-feeding tots and their wealthy parents.  Our teacher a.k.a. Mrs. HAPPY, is way too animated for our daily life style and had a chipper song for everything we did.  I was so out of my element and watching Rob pretend to ignore the situation was incredibly hilarious!  Neither of us are experience singers,  so we were taken back by the cutsie songs and clapping.  Even Miss. Olivia looked around the room at all the weirdos singing and was shocked.  Rob told me on the way home from our first class that he'll be pounding alcohol before our next classes.  I guess I'll be the DD!
All joking aside, we were happy to have her in an organized environment and hope, for our sake, we adapt to the parents and teachers throughout our next several weeks.  (Funny, I have time to be blogging about this, because we skipped our second week, OOPS!)  
Our experience with Teensy Tots: 
Sunday, 10 a.m; for the next 10 weeks we'll head to Calvary to participate in our next new group.  After our last experience, we were praying for this to be a decent class.... and score!  With great fortune, this class, the families and setting were much more relaxing, entertaining and realistic.  We found great company and felt surrounded by others that share our interests, beliefs and challenges.  This class only meets one Sunday per month and I can not wait to head back on the 17th.  Miss Olivia will have lots of boys to play with, which is great because she's around gals each and every day.  In my opinion, a new posse will be valuable.

After the class, Olivia was holding one of my hands & one of dada's (like always) and as we walked by the choir, she dropped our digits to wiggle her cute little body and dance!  I've been teaching her to shake her booty and she sure did!  

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