Oh, thank god!  I hate to say it, but I am welcoming this trimester with open arms.  The last few days I found myself boarding the the huff - puff train and now require Rob's assistance each time I want to flip over in bed.  I even broke out my old pregnancy body pillow for a little comfort - but that just makes me hot....  Oh, and let's not forget the 4-5 trips to the bathroom every night......... I can't seem to cut back on the amount of fluids I take in because I am SO THIRSTY all the time!  
(poor me : ) 

Love the tight bear hugs from my favorite gal!
We recently enjoyed a play date with our favorite little girl - Madeline!  She is the daughter of our pals Jen and Jerry - that  we adore very much!  Check out a few images from our visit.  

They are also welcoming their second baby, at the end of July.  While we may not be seeing much of each other over the Summer, it is great having the experience of an addition around the same time.   Our friends Amy and Kurt are also due with their first just a few days after us, so we will have lots of sweetness around!  

Weekend recap:
  • We were able to see the movie Fighter and it was really really good.
  • I starting reading Water for Elephants  (LIKE!)
  • Girls Play date
  • Toured the Humane Society (refusing to come home with ANYTHING)
  • Visited with Grandma and Grandpa
  • Bought tickets to the Circus
  • Spent $528 in car repairs! It was a chunk of change, but I've had the car since 2003 and never done any type of maintenace.  In fact, I just hit 77,777 miles last night!   Rob isn't a huge fan of it being a manual, but it has certainly been good to me for a LONG long time and I kind love her, now....  With another baby on the way, it would be nice to trade her in for another "family vehicle" - but I am not ready to part ways, just yet.  
  • Gave my bangs a trim.  Had to rid myself of the awful Justin Bieber look.
  • We talked about going downhill skiing with some of my family, but decided it would have just been a little too risky
  • Did lots and lots of shopping; Target, National Camera and Ultimate Electronics and Babies R Us
  • Finally, spend a night meeting Miss Hillary's NEW beau.  Olivia took to him right away and was eager to sit on his lap as much as possible!  I guess he's a keeper in our book  : )  

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